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Concurrent Session 8 Presentations
Thursday, July 25, 2019
3:00 pm – 4:00 pm
8–A Location, Location, Location: New Tools to Visualize the Geographic and Demographic Conditions of Schools, School Districts, and Colleges
Douglas Geverdt, National Center for Education Statistics
Kendra Taylor, Sanametrix
Andrea Conver, Sanametrix
Population data on economic, social, and housing conditions can provide important insights into the social context of school districts. And data on the geography of education, like school district boundaries, public and private school locations, and locales allows for a greater understanding of how education and place are linked. The Education Demographic and Geographic Estimates (EDGE) program at NCES provides several applications on their website that allow data users to explore the social and spatial context of education. In this session, we provide an overview of the web applications that are publicly available and demonstrate how to utilize them. We highlight applications that, among other things, allow users to see if schools are far enough away from unsafe activities (SAFE Map), to create their own maps using American Community Survey data (ACS-ED Maps), and to search for colleges by location, tuition, programs, and other characteristics (College Map).Complexity: Intermediate Level
8–B Cross-Departmental Data Identification and Sharing: A Discussion of Processes, Benefits, and Challenges
Marc Brodersen, Regional Educational Laboratory, Central
Nancy Copa, Common Education Data Standards (CEDS)
Laura Scheibe, South Dakota Department of Education
Scott DesLauriers, South Dakota Board of Technical Education
Tasha Dannenbring, South Dakota Board of Regents
Douglas Gagnon, Regional Educational Laboratory, Central
Steven Tedeschi, Regional Educational Laboratory, Central
Obtaining data and linking data across state departments are universal struggles. Determining the right data to request and people to work with can be overwhelming. In this session, learn how REL Central and South Dakota collaborated to overcome data challenges related to a study examining Career and Technical Education postsecondary outcomes. Presenters will discuss how REL Central used Common Education Data Standards (CEDS) tools to help identify study data and facilitate cross-departmental data discussions. South Dakota partners will share challenges and benefits they have experienced in discussing and using cross-departmental data.Complexity: Intermediate Level
8–C Big Lessons from Little Falls: The 3 Data Practices that Turned Untapped Potential into Unprecedented Performance
Tracey Marinelli, Little Falls School District, New Jersey
Tracey Severns, Teach4Results
How does a school district go from underperforming to qualifying for a Blue Ribbon in just 3 years? During this interactive session, participants will learn how school leaders used a data-fueled, inquiry-based approach to transform separate "siloed" schools into a district-wide, high-functioning data team that achieved unprecedented results. Participants will experience the three high-yield data analysis activities that were used to engage teachers in the process of improving professional practice and optimizing student achievement. Participants will leave with ready-to-use resources that will make implementation easy and immediate.Complexity: Entry Level
8–D Examining Trends in Students' Early Literacy Skills
Sean Campbell, Goochland County Public Schools, Virginia
Stephanie Nunn, SRI Education
Todd Grindal, SRI Education
Finding ways to leverage a wealth of student background, experience, and outcomes data longitudinally, and in a way that informs the resources and supports provided to educators, can be challenging for building and division-level staff. This project identifies multiple sources of longitudinal data and identifies early predictors of student success on a grade 3 state assessment. We plan to use these results in a subsequent phase of this project to identify evidence-based intervention strategies to include in professional development activities and enhance academic success in early reading.Complexity: Entry Level
8–E What EDFacts Public Data Can Do for You
Melissa Wilks, Quality Information Partners, Inc.
Danett Song, Quality Information Partners, Inc.
Mark Dinardo, U.S. Department of Education
EDFacts public data can be a powerful resource to understand the demographics of students and the characteristics of the public education system in the United States. When combined with other sources of federal and state data, EDFacts data can provide an even greater insight into children’s outcomes and the state of education. EDFacts data analysts will provide information on how to use EDFacts data in conjunction with other publicly available data and show practical tips and tricks in creating visualizations for a variety of audiences. They will offer examples of Tableau and Microsoft Excel visualizations that use EDFacts data in conjunction with data from the Census, the Department of Health and Human Services, and the Department of Labor.Complexity: Entry Level
Download Zipped PowerPoint Presentation:
- What EDFacts Public Data Can Do for You (1.08 MB)
8–F State Coordinators Training --Nonfiscal Common Core of Data (CCD)
Patrick Keaton, National Center for Education Statistics
Beth Sinclair, Applied Engineering Management
This session will support both new and seasoned state CCD nonfiscal coordinators. The first part of the session will describe the relationship between EDFacts and CCD, the roles and responsibilities of the individuals and organizations involved in the data collection, and how CCD data are used. The second half of the session will highlight common reporting issues and provide time for questions and feedback from coordinators.Complexity: Intermediate Level
Download Zipped PowerPoint Presentation:
8–G Implementing Data Governance: Leveraging What You Have to Create What You Need
Laura Hansen, Metropolitan Nashville Public Schools
Becky Hampton, Metropolitan Nashville Public Schools
Metro Nashville Public Schools used existing resources to implement data governance. Using resources and structures already available to the district, MNPS was able to gain inter-departmental buy-in to create a model for governance practices. Slowly the discipline has gained recognition in other departments of the school district and has been adopted to resolve data issues, support new data system implementations and facilitate cross departmental collaboration.Complexity: Entry Level
8–H Chief Privacy Officers: Who They Are and Why Education Leaders Need Them
Elizabeth Laird, Center for Democracy & Technology
Levette Williams, Georgia Department of Education
Joseph Baranello, New York City Department of Education
To respond to new demands to protect student data, the education system would benefit from deploying a strategy that has been successful in other sectors and industries: hiring a chief privacy officer (CPO) who is responsible for the organization's privacy policies and practices. This session will focus on recommendations that support the success of a senior privacy leader in education as well as lessons learned from two sitting CPOs representing a state education agency and the largest school district in the country.Complexity: Entry Level
Download Zipped Adobe Presentation:
8–J Ensuring Quality Data through Internal Controls
Barbara Timm, U.S. Department of Education
This session is to review how SEAs, LEAs and schools can use internal controls to ensure the quality of administrative data. The session will review the internal control standards used by the federal government and most public and private entities. The session will focus on how those standards can be applied to administrative data of SEAs, LEAs and Schools.
This session is to support EDFacts.Complexity: Entry Level
Download Zipped Word Handout:
8–K Changes Planned for the 2019–20 Civil Rights Data Collection
Rosa Olmeda, U.S. Department of Education
Stephanie Miller, U.S. Department of Education
The Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC) is a biennial survey required by the U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights (OCR) since 1968. The CRDC collects data on leading civil rights indicators related to access and barriers to educational opportunity at the early childhood through grade 12 levels. For the upcoming 2019–20 CRDC, OCR expects to collect data from a universe of all public local educational agencies and their schools. Attend this session to learn about the proposed changes to the CRDC for the 2019–20 collection.Complexity: Intermediate Level
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Room | Location | |
A | Columbia C | Ballroom Level |
B | Columbia Foyer | Ballroom Level |
C | Concord | Ballroom Level |
D | Lexington | Ballroom Level |
E | Regency B | Ballroom Level |
F | Regency C | Ballroom Level |
G | Regency D | Ballroom Level |
H | Congressional A | Lobby Level |
J | Congressional B | Lobby Level |
K | Congressional C/D | Lobby Level |