7–A Barriers to Attendance: Investigating Relationships between Distance, Discipline and Student Absenteeism
Gus Warren, Office of the State Superintendent of Education
Cailyn Torpie, Office of the State Superintendent of Education
Prior research has demonstrated a strong relationship between absenteeism and student outcomes. To explore factors that could present barriers to student attendance, the Office of the State Superintendent of Education in Washington, D.C. merged daily attendance data with other data sources, including discipline and student address data. This session will explore initial findings of how distance to school and school disciplinary practices are associated with student absenteeism for DC students. Session participants will discuss how to use geospatial tools and various student-level data sources to examine these relationships and to inform policies that improve student attendance.Complexity: Intermediate Level
7–B Empowering Educators to Explore Equity: Designing and Leveraging Dashboards
Sela Unga, Hawaii P-20 Partnerships for Education
Hawaii is one of the most diverse states in the nation with 75% of the population being a racial minority. However, race/ethnicity is just one measure of diversity. This presentation will tell the story of how Hawaii enhanced its high school feedback report to disaggregate metrics by various academic and demographic characteristics. By attending this session, participants will learn about how Hawaii chose which metrics and populations to display and how Hawaii engages educators in using this dashboard to examine their schools' trends.Complexity: Entry Level
7–C Bringing Early Childhood and K-12 Together
Avisia Whiteman, Minnesota Department of Education
Shirlene Tapuai, American Samoa Department of Education
Jennifer Verbrugge, Minnesota Department of Education
Marty Mamea, American Samoa Department of Education
Early learning and K-12 often exist in two completely separate educational worlds. Because children learn and grow exponentially in their first five years, bringing Pre-K and K-12 together to provide more sustained high-quality learning experiences could have a positive impact on student success in school and life. Yet, because accountability systems focus exclusively on third grade and beyond, Pre-K is often overlooked. Learn more about tools and programs American Samoa and Minnesota are using to work toward improved connections between Pre-K and K-12.Complexity: Intermediate Level
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7–D State of the States: Using 618 Data to Explore Trends in Special Education and Early Intervention
Becca Smith, U.S. Department of Education
Hadley Moore, IDEA Data Center
Every year states are required to submit data on the children served under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). States spend an enormous amount of effort and resources to collect and report this data that can be used to inform discussions and decisions. Come to this session to obtain a high-level overview of the changes in special education and early intervention over the last 10 years and how to utilize the IDEA Data Center's Interactive Public Reporting Engine to explore your own areas of interest at the state and national levels.Complexity: Entry Level
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7–E Using IDEA Data Quality Reports to Drive Program Improvement
Tiffany Boyd, IDEA Data Center
Danielle Crain, IDEA Data Center
Richelle Davis, U.S. Department of Education
Each year, the Office of Special Education (OSEP) reviews IDEA 618 data that states submit to ensure that states accurately counted all students with disabilities. Come learn OSEP's rationale, the process it follows, and various factors involved in its preparation of the IDEA Data Quality Reports. Explore common themes from past reviews and learn how states can use the reports to identify systemic issues that affect data quality. Learn about tools and strategies for analyzing the reports and ways Part B data managers and EDFacts coordinators can collaborate to make the most out of the data quality review processComplexity: Intermediate Level
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7–F Common Core of Data 101
Patrick Keaton, National Center for Education Statistics
Beth Sinclair, Applied Engineering Management
The Common Core of Data (CCD) is the U.S. Department of Education's primary database on public elementary and secondary education. It is an annual, comprehensive collection that gathers data on the universe of public K-12 schools and school districts. This session is for both new and seasoned users of public K-12 data. It will include an overview of the CCD data collection, changes to public file formats in recent years, and pro tips for using the CCD Elementary/Secondary Information System (ElSi).Complexity: Intermediate Level
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7–G The Nation's Report Card: A Deeper Look at the Long-Term Trend Assessment
Daniel McGrath, National Center for Education Statistics
Andrew Kolstad, P20 Strategies LLC/Hager Sharp
NAEP's long-term trend (LTT) assessment will be administered in 2019/2020 for the first time since 2012. Compared to the grade-based assessments in main NAEP, LTT is an age-based assessment that has consistently measured students' educational progress in mathematics and reading since the early 1970s. In this presentation, panelists will discuss the history of LTT, the design of LTT versus main NAEP, and what can be analyzed in both the LTT and main NAEP datasets.Complexity: Entry Level
7–H Interoperability: Empowering the Future
Maureen Wentworth, Ed-FI Alliance
Peter Tamayo, Oregon Department of Education
Jim Campbell, AEM Corporation
Christine Fox, State Education Technology Directors Association
Scott Gutowski, Pittsburg Public Schools
Interoperability is not a zero-sum game. This is a multi-faceted problem which requires a multi-pronged approach from the entire interoperability movement. The digital ecosystem of the future must be more nimble, easier to expand, and driven by students, teachers, and education disruptors. Today, our sector is too often rigid, inflexible, and still solving yesterday’s problems. This session will explore the steps being taken to ensure open, standards-based, and interoperable solutions become the norm across education. Join leaders that have involvement across the interoperability ecosystem for an interactive discussion on the real-world use cases exploring where technical solutions can and do work together. Presenters will provide valuable context, tools and resources to inform attendees on available options and approaches.Complexity: Intermediate Level
7–J Collaborating to Build Montana's Capacity for High Quality Data
Jamey Ereth, Montana Office of Public Instruction
Meghann Spring, Montana Office of Public Instruction
DJ QuirinMai, Montana Office of Public Instruction
Fred Edora, AEM Corporation
Kathy Gosa, AEM Corporation
Montana has a vision for more efficient and higher quality data collection, reporting, and use. To achieve this vision state staff are collaborating with three data-focused TA centers, and over the past several years Montana has received technical assistance from CEDS, SLDS, and CIID to build their capacity and streamline data management and governance processes for reporting and using high quality education data. This session provides a glimpse into aspects of the collaboration, as presenters from Montana and each of the TA centers highlight milestones and spotlight Montana's roadmap to increase the state's capacity to report high quality data.Complexity: Entry Level
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7–K When Zeroes Are Really Zeroes: Ensuring High Quality Data in the 2017-18 CRDC
Julia Bloom-Weltman, AEM Corporation
Marshal Fettro, AEM Corporation
Laura Long, AEM Corporation
Stephanie McDonald, U.S. Department of Education
Data quality efforts are critical for the usefulness and robustness of Federal surveys like the Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC). The CRDC is a universe collection of school districts and schools on key education and civil rights issues in our nation's public schools. In this session, we will discuss the importance of districts and states in ensuring high quality data considering recent discussions surrounding restraint and seclusion, offenses, discipline, and harassment or bullying. We will cover tips and tricks we have learned to help ensure quality data.Complexity: Intermediate Level
Room | Location | |
A | Columbia C | Ballroom Level |
B | Columbia Foyer | Ballroom Level |
C | Concord | Ballroom Level |
D | Lexington | Ballroom Level |
E | Regency B | Ballroom Level |
F | Regency C | Ballroom Level |
G | Regency D | Ballroom Level |
H | Congressional A | Lobby Level |
J | Congressional B | Lobby Level |
K | Congressional C/D | Lobby Level |