User's Manual/Data File Documentation
2019 NAEP High School Transcript Study (HSTS) User's Guide and Technical Report
Publication date:
November 2023
Survey areas:
Publication number:
NCES 2023077
The 2019 National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) High School Transcript Study (HSTS) analyzes transcripts from a national sample of U.S. public and private school graduates who also took 2019 NAEP 12th grade mathematics and science assessments and provides information about coursetaking patterns and the relationship between NAEP scale scores and various graduate characteristics. The 2019 NAEP HSTS User's Guide and Technical Report documents the procedures used to collect and summarize the data from the 2019 High School Transcript Study. Chapters describe the sampling of schools and graduates, data collection, data processing, weighting, variance estimation procedures, the 2019 HSTS data files and codebooks, and non-response bias analysis. The appendices contain the data collection and documentation forms; associated NAEP 2019 questionnaires; a description of the School Courses for the Exchange of Data (SCED), which was used to code the courses on the collected transcripts, plus a complete listing of SCED codes; codebooks for the 2019 data files; a discussion of the linking methodology used to estimate error variance; and a glossary.