This report describes the contents of the first-ever NCES release of a response process dataset from the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP). Response process data are the data generated from students' interactions with a digitally based assessment. The data include the time students spend on assessment items; their keypresses as they progress through the assessment; how they use onscreen tools made available to all learners (such as the calculator); and the use of accommodations (for example, text-to-speech). The response process dataset files will be released as a restricted-use data (RUD) package including the response process data, as well as linked datasets on students' responses to assessment items and their demographics and accommodation information. Data will be available only for students who were assessed using assessment items that were released to the public from the 2017 grade 8 mathematics assessment. People interested in accessing the data must obtain a restricted-use data license from NCES.
Online Availability