This report presents grade 8 results for the 2014 National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) in U.S. history, geography, and civics. National results for representative samples of students are reported as average scale scores and as percentages of students performing at three achievement levels: Basic, Proficient, and Advanced. Additional results are reported based on students' demographic characteristics and educational experiences. The results are presented along with sample tasks and student responses. Information is also provided on NAEP samples and school and student participation rates. Trend results are reported for previous assessment years in these three subjects.
Since 1994, the first year of the NAEP U.S. history assessment, the average score for eighth-graders has increased by 8 points. There was no significant change in the average score compared to 2010. In 2014, seventeen percent of eighth-graders performed at the Proficient level in U.S. history, 53 percent performed at the Basic level, and 1 percent performed at the Advanced level.
There have been no significant changes in geography scores for eighth-graders since either the first assessment year (1994) or the previous assessment in 2010. In 2014, twenty-four percent of eighth-graders performed at the Proficient level in geography, 48 percent performed at the Basic level, and 3 percent performed at the Advanced level.
Compared to 1998, the first year of the NAEP civics assessment, the average score for eighth-graders in 2014 has increased by 4 points. There was no significant change in the average score compared to 2010. Twenty-two percent of eighth-graders performed at the Proficient level in civics, 51 percent performed at the Basic level, and 2 percent performed at the Advanced level.