State, District, and School Implementation of Reforms Promoted Under the Recovery Act: 2009-10 through 2011-12
Patricia Troppe, Anthony Milanowski, Roberta Garrison-Mogren, Ann Webber, Babette Gutmann: Westat. Elizabeth Reisner: Policy Studies Associates. Margaret Goertz: Independent Consultant. Meredith Bachman: Project Officer, Institute of Education Sciences.
Publication date:
September 2015
Publication number:
NCEE 20154016
This report, based on surveys completed by all 50 SEAs and the District of Columbia (DC) and nationally representative samples of districts and schools during spring 2011 and 2012, examines implementation of the key education reform strategies promoted by the Recovery Act in 2011–12, the extent to which implementation reflected progress since Recovery Act funds were first distributed, and challenges with implementation. Findings showed variation in the prevalence and progress of reform activities across the areas of reform assessed and by state, district, or school level. Implementation progress was most consistent across the areas of reform at the state level. At all levels, implementation challenges related to educator evaluation and compensation were common.
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Evaluation Report
State, District, and School Implementation of Reforms Promoted Under the Recovery Act: 2009-10 through 2011-12
By:Patricia Troppe, Anthony Milanowski, Roberta Garrison-Mogren, Ann Webber, Babette Gutmann: Westat. Elizabeth Reisner: Policy Studies Associates. Margaret Goertz: Independent Consultant. Meredith Bachman: Project Officer, Institute of Education Sciences.