This file contains data from a fast-response survey titled "School Safety and Discipline: 2013–14." This survey was designed to provide national estimates on public school safety and discipline for the 2013–14 school year. NCES released the results of this survey in the First Look report “Public School Safety and Discipline: 2013–14” (NCES 2015-051).
Questionnaires and cover letters were mailed to the principal of each sampled school in February 2014. The letter stated the purpose of the study and requested that the questionnaire be completed by the person most knowledgeable about safety and discipline at the school. Respondents were offered options of completing the survey on paper or online. Telephone follow-up for survey nonresponse and data clarification was initiated in March 2014 and completed in July 2014. The weighted response rate was 85 percent.
Respondents reported on specific safety and discipline plans and practices, training for classroom teachers and aides related to school safety and discipline issues, security personnel, frequency of specific discipline problems, and number of incidents of various offenses.
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