Data file
NAEP High School Transcript Study 2019 Restricted-Use (RU) Datasets
Data Owner(s):
Data access:
Release date:
November 2023
Data weighted:
Data part of a series:
Survey areas:
Publication number:
NCES 2023076
The restricted-use datasets for the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) High School Transcript Study (HSTS) 2019 include ASCII-formatted data files, record layouts, SAS- and SPSS-formatted databases, codebooks, and SAS and SPSS programs. The NAEP High School Transcript Study analyzes transcripts from a national sample of U.S. public and private school graduates who also took the 2019 NAEP 12th grade assessments in mathematics and science. The study provides valuable information about coursetaking patterns disaggregated by demographic characteristics and the relationship between NAEP scale scores and various graduate characteristics.
Explore the NAEP HSTS 2019 User's Guide and Technical Report (NCES 2023077).