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Science for Grades 4 and 8: International Benchmarks

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Exhibit 2. Description of TIMSS international science benchmarks, by grade: 2015
Benchmarks Grade 4 Grade 8
SOURCE: Martin, M.O., Mullis, I.V.S., Foy, P., and Hooper, M. (2016). TIMSS 2015 International Results in Science. Retrieved from
Advanced (625) Students communicate understanding of life, physical, and Earth sciences and demonstrate some knowledge of the process of scientific inquiry. Students demonstrate knowledge of characteristics and life processes of a variety of organisms, communicate understanding of relationships in ecosystems and interactions between organisms and their environment, and communicate and apply knowledge of factors related to human health. They communicate understanding of properties and states of matter and physical and chemical changes, apply some knowledge of forms of energy and energy transfer, and show some knowledge of forces and an understanding of their effect on motion. Students communicate understanding of Earth’s structure, physical characteristics, processes, and history and show knowledge of Earth’s revolution and rotation. Students demonstrate basic knowledge and skills related to scientific inquiry, recognizing how a simple experiment should be set up, interpreting the results of an investigation, reasoning and drawing conclusions from descriptions and diagrams, and evaluating and supporting an argument. Students communicate understanding of complex concepts related to biology, chemistry, physics, and Earth science in practical, abstract, and experimental contexts. Students apply knowledge of cells and their functions as well as characteristics and life processes of organisms. They demonstrate understanding of diversity, adaptation, and natural selection among organisms, and of ecosystems and the interactions of organisms within the environment. Students apply knowledge of life cycles, and heredity in plants and animals. Students demonstrate knowledge of the composition and physical properties of matter and apply knowledge of physical states and changes in matter and practical and experimental contexts, apply knowledge of energy transfer, and demonstrate knowledge of electricity and magnetism. Students communicate understanding of forces and pressure and demonstrate knowledge of light and sound in practical and abstract situations. Students communicate understanding of Earth’s structure, physical features, and resources as well as of Earth in the solar system. Students show understanding of basic aspects of scientific investigation. They identify which variables to control in an experimental situation, compare information from several sources, combine information to predict and draw conclusions, and interpret information in diagrams, maps, graphs, and tables to solve problems. They provide written explanations to communicate scientific knowledge.
High (550) Students communicate and apply knowledge of the life, physical, and Earth sciences in everyday and abstract contexts. Students communicate knowledge of characteristics of plants, animals, and their life cycles, and apply knowledge of ecosystems and of humans’ and organisms’ interactions with their environment. Students communicate and apply knowledge of states and properties of matter, and of energy transfer in practical contexts, as well as showing some understanding of forces and motion. Students apply knowledge of Earth’s structure, physical characteristics, processes, and history and show basic understanding of the Earth-Moon-Sun system. Students compare, contrast, and make simple inferences using models, diagrams, and descriptions of investigations, and provide brief descriptive responses using science concepts, both in everyday and abstract contexts. Students apply and communicate understanding of concepts from biology, chemistry, physics, and Earth sciences in everyday and abstract situations. Students apply knowledge of cells and their function and of the characteristics and life processes of organisms. They communicate understanding of ecosystems and the interaction of organisms with their environment and apply some knowledge of human health related to nutrition and infectious disease. Students show some knowledge and understanding of the composition and properties of matter and chemical change. They apply basic knowledge of energy transformation and transfer of light and sound in practical situations, and demonstrate understanding of simple electrical circuits and properties of magnets. Students apply their knowledge of forces and motion to everyday and abstract situations. They apply knowledge of Earth’s physical features, processes, cycles, and history, and show some understanding of Earth’s resources, their use, and conservation as well as some knowledge of the interaction between the Earth and the Moon. Students demonstrate some scientific inquiry skills, including selecting and justifying an appropriate experimental method. They combine and interpret information from various types of diagrams, graphs, and tables; select relevant information from various types of diagrams, graphs, and tables; and provide explanations conveying scientific knowledge.
Intermediate (475) Students show basic knowledge and understanding of life, physical, and Earth sciences. Students demonstrate some knowledge of life processes of plants and humans, communicate and apply knowledge of the interaction of living things with their environments as well as impacts humans can have on their environment, and communicate knowledge of basic facts related to human health. They apply knowledge about some properties of matter and about some facts related to electricity and to energy transfer, and apply elementary knowledge of forces and motion. They show some understanding of Earth’s physical characteristics and demonstrate some basic knowledge of Earth in the solar system. Students interpret information in diagrams, apply factual knowledge to everyday situations, and provide simple explanations for biological and physical phenomena. Students demonstrate and apply their knowledge of biology, chemistry, physics, and Earth science in various contexts. Students demonstrate some knowledge of characteristics and life processes of animals and human health. They apply knowledge of ecosystems, the interaction of living things, and the adaptation of animals to their environments. Students apply some knowledge of the composition of matter and properties of matter. They also show knowledge of some aspects of force, motion, and energy. Students apply knowledge of Earth’s processes, resources and physical features. They interpret information from tables, graphs, and pictorial diagrams to draw conclusions, apply knowledge to practical situations, and communicate their understanding through brief descriptive responses.
Low (400) Students show basic knowledge of life science and physical sciences. Students demonstrate some basic knowledge of behavioral and physical characteristics of plans and animals as well as of the interaction of living things with their environments, and apply knowledge of some facts related to human health. Students show basic knowledge of states of matter and physical properties of matter. They interpret simple diagrams, complete simple tables, and provide short, fact-based written responses. Students show some basic knowledge of biology, chemistry, physics, and Earth science. Students apply basic knowledge of ecosystems and adaptation of animals to their environment, show knowledge of basic facts related to thermal electrical conductivity and electromagnetism, and show knowledge of some basic Earth science facts. Students interpret simple pictorial diagrams and apply basic knowledge to practical situations.