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Table 9.  Percentage of public middle schools reporting selected disciplinary problems, by frequency and type of disciplinary problem: School year 2003–04

Type of disciplinary problem Daily At least once a week At least once a month On occasion Never
Student racial tensions  1 4 5 59 31
Student bullying  17 25 23 34 1
Student sexual harassment of other students1  2 7 17 67 7
Student verbal abuse of teachers  4 13 17 54 11
Widespread disorder in classrooms  1 4 4 37 53
Student acts of disrespect for teachers  12 19 16 50 3
Undesirable gang activities2 1 2 3 26 69
Undesirable cult or extremist group activities3 # # # 6 94
# Rounds to zero.
1 Sexual harassment was defined for respondents as "unsolicited, offensive behavior that inappropriately asserts sexuality over another person. This behavior may be verbal or nonverbal."
2 Gang was defined for respondents as "an ongoing loosely organized association of three or more persons, whether formal or informal, that has a common name, signs, symbols or colors, whose members engage, either individually or collectively, in violent or other forms of illegal behavior."
3 Cult or extremist group was defined for respondents as "a group that espouses radical beliefs and practices, which may include a religious component, that are widely seen as threatening the basic values and cultural norms of society at large."
NOTE: "At school" was defined for respondents to include activities that happen in school buildings, on school grounds, on school buses, and at places that hold school-sponsored events or activities. Responses were provided by the principal or the person most knowledgeable about crime and safety issues at school.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, School Survey on Crime and Safety (SSOCS), 2004.