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Table 26.  Percentage of public elementary schools reporting use of specified security practices, by selected school characteristics: 1999–2000

Practice Yes No
Require visitors to sign or check in 97 3
Control access to school buildings during school hours1 77 23
Control access to school grounds during school hours2 36 64
Require students to pass through metal detectors each day 100
Require visitors to pass through metal detectors 100
Perform one or more random metal detector checks on students 4 96
Close the campus for most students during lunch 58 42
Use one or more random dog sniffs to check for drugs 4 96
Perform one or more random sweeps for contraband,3 but not including dog sniffs 3 97
Require drug testing for any students4 1 99
Require students to wear uniforms 15 85
Enforce a strict dress code 41 59
Provide a printed code of student conduct to students 90 10
Provide a printed code of student conduct to parents 92 8
Provide school lockers to students 21 79
Require clear book bags or ban book bags on school grounds 2 98
Require students to wear badges or picture IDs 2 98
Require faculty and staff to wear badges or picture IDs 27 73
Use one or more security cameras to monitor the school 14 86
Provide telephones in most classrooms 45 55
Prohibit all tobacco use on school grounds 89 11
‡ Reporting standards not met.
1 For example, locked or monitored doors.
2 For example, locked or monitored gates.
3 For example, drugs or weapons.
4 For example, athletes.
NOTE: Detail may not sum to totals because of rounding. "At school/at your school" was defined for respondents as including activities happening in school buildings, on school grounds, on school buses, and at places that are holding school-sponsored events or activities. Respondents were instructed to, unless the survey specified otherwise, only respond for those times that were during normal school hours or when school activities/events were in session.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, School Survey on Crime and Safety (SSOCS), 2000.