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Number and percentage of public and private school teacher movers who rated various factors as very important or extremely important in their decision to move from their 2007–08 base year school, by selected teacher and school characteristics in the base year: 2008–09 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Teacher or school characteristic in base year1 |
Total number of movers |
Because I had a change in residence or wanted to work in a school more convenient to my home |
Because I was dissatisfied with the lack of support I received from the administration at last year's school |
Because I was dissatisfied with the administrator(s) at last year's school |
Because student discipline problems were an issue at last year's school |
Because I was dissatisfied with the lack of influence I had over school policies and practices at last year's school |
Total | 279,600 | 32.7 | 17.4 | 17.3 | 11.5 | 9.8 | ||||||||||||||||||
Teaching experience2 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
1-3 years | 81,700 | 28.4 | 20.8 | 18.0 | 15.1 | 8.7 | ! | |||||||||||||||||
4-9 years | 91,900 | 48.8 | 14.0 | 15.5 | 8.2 | 8.5 | ||||||||||||||||||
10-19 years | 54,200 | 28.1 | 20.4 | 22.3 | 16.6 | 14.8 | ||||||||||||||||||
20 years or more | 51,900 | 15.9 | ! | 15.2 | ! | 14.4 | ! | 6.7 | ! | 8.6 | ! | |||||||||||||
Age | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Less than 30 years | 92,300 | 44.0 | 20.3 | 18.8 | 14.2 | 8.1 | ! | |||||||||||||||||
30-39 years | 69,000 | 38.3 | 12.7 | 14.6 | 9.6 | ! | 8.6 | |||||||||||||||||
40-49 years | 58,800 | 26.0 | 14.7 | 15.8 | 10.5 | ! | 10.1 | |||||||||||||||||
50 or more years | 59,600 | 15.5 | 21.2 | 19.9 | 10.6 | ! | 13.3 | ! | ||||||||||||||||
Base salary | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Less than $30,000 | 22,600 | 32.5 | 20.3 | 20.8 | 9.4 | ! | 9.3 | ! | ||||||||||||||||
$30,000-$39,999 | 84,100 | 33.3 | 19.3 | 16.1 | 12.0 | 6.8 | ||||||||||||||||||
$40,000 or more | 172,900 | 32.5 | 16.2 | 17.5 | 11.6 | 11.3 | ||||||||||||||||||
Sex | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Male | 66,300 | 31.2 | 18.0 | 18.7 | 15.0 | 11.0 | ||||||||||||||||||
Female | 213,300 | 33.2 | 17.2 | 16.9 | 10.5 | 9.4 | ||||||||||||||||||
Race/ethnicity | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
White, non-Hispanic | 215,500 | 34.8 | 17.1 | 18.2 | 11.6 | 9.3 | ||||||||||||||||||
All other races/ethnicities | 64,100 | 25.9 | 18.5 | 14.5 | ! | 11.2 | ! | 11.4 | ! | |||||||||||||||
Teaching status | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Full time | 252,700 | 31.9 | 18.1 | 18.1 | 12.3 | 10.0 | ||||||||||||||||||
Part time | 27,000 | 40.9 | 11.1 | ! | 10.1 | ! | 4.5 | ! | ‡ | |||||||||||||||
Community type | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
City | 86,900 | 22.7 | 19.8 | 19.6 | 14.4 | 13.1 | ||||||||||||||||||
Suburban | 91,700 | 33.5 | 16.6 | 16.9 | 12.5 | 10.5 | ||||||||||||||||||
Town | 37,000 | 35.9 | ! | 13.1 | ! | 13.6 | ! | 9.0 | ! | ‡ | ||||||||||||||
Rural | 64,000 | 43.4 | 17.9 | 17.0 | 7.9 | ! | 7.1 | ! | ||||||||||||||||
School level | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Elementary | 183,500 | 28.5 | 15.6 | 15.1 | 9.8 | 7.6 | ||||||||||||||||||
Secondary | 77,300 | 43.9 | 19.4 | 19.6 | 15.3 | 12.5 | ||||||||||||||||||
Combined | 18,800 | 27.8 | 27.3 | ! | 30.2 | 13.6 | ! | 20.0 | ! | |||||||||||||||
School enrollment | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Less than 200 | 33,100 | 26.2 | 22.7 | 26.7 | 13.9 | ! | 13.7 | |||||||||||||||||
200-499 | 95,200 | 28.5 | 17.6 | 16.6 | 9.6 | 7.0 | ! | |||||||||||||||||
500-749 | 58,900 | 31.8 | 18.4 | 15.9 | 11.5 | ! | 11.1 | ! | ||||||||||||||||
750 or more | 92,500 | 40.1 | 14.7 | 15.7 | 12.7 | 10.4 | ! | |||||||||||||||||
Percent of K-12 students who were approved for free or reduced- price lunches | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
0-34 | 89,200 | 33.0 | 14.2 | 14.1 | 5.8 | ! | 4.6 | ! | ||||||||||||||||
35-49 | 45,700 | 41.7 | 15.9 | 17.3 | 14.8 | ! | 8.8 | ! | ||||||||||||||||
50-74 | 58,200 | 41.3 | 13.7 | ! | 13.6 | 10.2 | 9.6 | ! | ||||||||||||||||
75 or more | 65,500 | 23.4 | 23.9 | 21.5 | 18.4 | 14.8 | ||||||||||||||||||
School did not participate in free or reduced-price lunch program |
21,100 | 17.1 | 24.5 | 28.7 | 11.3 | ! | 18.3 | |||||||||||||||||
! Interpret data with caution. The standard error for this estimate is equal to 30 percent or more of the estimate's value. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
‡ Reporting standards not met. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
1 Base year refers to 2007–08. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
2 Teaching experience includes total years of full-time and part-time teaching experience. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
NOTE: "Movers" are teachers who were still teaching in the current school year, but had moved to a different school after the base year (2007–08). Respondents were asked to rate the importance of various reasons in their decision to move from their base year school, although some reasons may be involuntary. Response choices were based on a 5-point scale, and included the following: "Not at all important," "Slightly important," "Somewhat important," "Very important," and "Extremely important." | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Schools and Staffing Survey (SASS), "Public School Teacher and Private School Teacher Data Files," 2007–08; Teacher Follow-up Survey (TFS), "Current Teacher Data File," 2008–09. |
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