Average start time for public primary schools and percentage distribution of start times in public primary schools, by state: 2011–12

State         Percentage distribution of public primary school start times
Total number of public primary schools   Average start time for public primary schools (AM)1   Before 7:30 AM   7:30 AM to 7:59 AM   8:00 AM to 8:29 AM   8:30 AM to 8:59 AM   9:00 AM or later  
United States 50,310 8:19 0.9 19.4 41.0 26.6 12.1
Alabama 730 7:49 9.0 ! 62.2 26.2 #
Alaska 140 ! 8:31 # 35.8 ! 31.4
Arizona 1,140 8:13 12.5 52.8 24.4 7.6
Arkansas 490 7:57 # 45.7 51.0 #
California 5,880 8:16 # 16.6 50.7 30.6
Colorado 860 8:14 # 13.0 ! 53.9 27.9
Connecticut 650 8:41 # 17.8 ! 67.2 14.6 !
Delaware 130 8:23 # 51.2 39.1
District of Columbia
Florida 1,950 8:20 # 16.1 ! 29.9 50.0
Georgia 1,340 7:56 52.6 32.3 9.1 !
Hawaii 130 ! 7:53 # # #
Idaho 350 8:31 # 53.8 15.3 ! 25.6
Illinois 2,330 8:30 # 35.7 36.0 22.1 !
Indiana 1,030 8:19 9.9 ! 53.5 20.4 15.7 !
Iowa 620 8:26 # 54.4 29.9 14.0 !
Kansas 730 8:17 # 13.8 ! 53.5 27.9
Kentucky 730 8:08 37.2 34.0 11.7 ! 13.9
Louisiana 720 8:04 36.4 35.0 16.3 !
Maine 380 8:20 # 10.9 ! 44.9 34.5 9.7 !
Massachusetts 1,020 8:35 # 32.5 44.3 16.5 !
Michigan 1,810 8:29 # 9.1 ! 30.2 51.8 9.0 !
Minnesota 830 8:41 # 38.4 18.0 ! 35.4
Mississippi 440 7:40 84.8 #
Missouri 1,030 8:26 # 12.9 35.8 32.6 18.7
Montana 340 8:19 # # 80.9 #
Nebraska 500 8:14 # 74.7 19.5 !
Nevada 330 8:48 # 12.0 ! 24.4 56.6
New Hampshire 260 8:37 # # 25.6 ! 49.4 25.0 !
New Jersey 1,600 8:32 # 34.8 50.0 10.6 !
New Mexico 420 8:06 # 34.8 50.8
New York 2,550 8:32 # 43.2 32.2 21.4
North Carolina 1,430 7:56 37.7 57.8
North Dakota 130 8:31 # # 25.0 72.4
Ohio 1,740 8:37 # 6.7 ! 26.4 27.2 39.6
Oklahoma 780 8:14 # 26.5 ! 48.4 16.8 !
Oregon 730 8:22 # 20.5 ! 42.6 17.8 19.1 !
Pennsylvania 1,880 8:32 # 27.1 40.6 24.6 !
Rhode Island 180 8:44 # # 13.0 ! 57.8 29.2
South Carolina 680 7:44 16.4 ! 60.2 21.6 #
South Dakota 190 8:15 # 75.9
Tennessee 960 8:01 # 40.6 40.1 16.1 !
Texas 4,360 7:56 # 44.9 55.1 # #
Utah 530 8:32 # # 44.4 36.6 19.0 !
Vermont 210 8:06 8.6 ! 77.4 10.5 ! #
Virginia 1,190 8:22 20.2 32.9 26.7 16.4 !
Washington 1,090 8:47 # # 19.4 31.2 49.4
West Virginia 460 8:10 # 24.5 43.7 25.0 !
Wisconsin 1,070 8:19 # 15.2 ! 52.7 24.0 !
Wyoming 190 8:27 # 35.7 53.2
# Round to zero.
! Interpret data with caution. The coefficient of variation (CV) for this estimate is between 30 percent and 50 percent (i.e., the standard error is at least 30 percent and less than 50 percent of the estimate).
‡ Reporting standards not met. The coefficient of variation (CV) for this estimate is 50 percent or greater (i.e., the standard error is 50 percent or more of the estimate) or the response rate is below 50 percent.
1 In 2011–12, all public primary schools reported AM start times.
NOTE: Primary schools include any schools with at least one grade lower than 5 and no grade higher than 8. Detail may not sum to totals because of rounding and because some data not shown.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Schools and Staffing Survey (SASS), "Public School Data File," 2011–12.