Table 7. Number of public schools with students enrolled in any of grades 9–12, and among those schools, percentage that offered various college/career preparation opportunities, by state: 2011–12

      Among schools with students in any of grades 9–12, percent that offered  
State Number of schools with students enrolled in any of grades 9–12   Dual or concurrent enrollment that offers high school and college credit   Advanced Placement (AP) courses for college credit   International Baccalaureate (IB)1   Work-based learning or internships outside of school2   Career and technical education courses   Specialized career academy3  
United States 25,690 75.2 55.7 2.7 55.8 75.5 24.6
Alabama 460 69.2 46.9 63.0 82.4 27.2
Alaska 79.6 38.1 ! 49.7 ! 58.8
Arizona 680 66.7 35.3 58.1 72.6 17.3 !
Arkansas 320 77.8 74.8 39.6 82.7 23.1
California 2,600 60.2 49.3 1.8 ! 53.3 68.4 27.0
Colorado 460 96.8 66.8 54.0 76.7 19.5 !
Connecticut 220 70.6 80.2 67.8 78.5 22.4
Delaware 50 40.6 52.6 44.0 80.3 31.7
District of Columbia
Florida 940 63.0 61.2 6.8 50.6 60.7 44.7
Georgia 580 68.2 53.6 73.0 94.0 33.3
Hawaii 92.7 83.7 ! # 80.2 !
Idaho 60.3 ! 32.7 ! # 45.0 ! 77.5 17.1 !
Illinois 960 76.4 50.7 # 52.4 60.9 14.0 !
Indiana 460 86.8 67.5 72.5 86.4 33.9
Iowa 360 88.6 53.5 # 75.6 79.4 32.3
Kansas 340 97.4 37.2 55.5 79.1 20.9
Kentucky 490 72.7 48.1 # 52.5 70.4 26.0
Louisiana 400 80.9 45.1 44.4 79.1 20.3
Maine 150 72.4 64.1 66.3 83.8 23.6
Massachusetts 420 73.7 63.3 # 65.0 60.5 20.8 !
Michigan 980 87.8 52.1 62.3 78.3 22.1
Minnesota 900 73.4 36.3 3.3 ! 54.6 62.6 11.9
Mississippi 380 57.8 37.9 35.3 83.3 28.9
Missouri 620 90.8 53.5 61.9 88.5 20.8
Montana 170 66.8 61.7 # 33.9 88.7
Nebraska 290 81.7 38.8 46.7 91.0 45.2
Nevada 160 60.6 54.6 53.5 60.6 23.5
New Hampshire 110 79.8 81.2 # 88.7 66.1 19.9 !
New Jersey 510 72.3 67.8 64.8 71.3 27.9
New Mexico 92.8 63.8 55.8 82.3 26.6 !
New York 1,310 71.4 77.6 38.9 63.0 18.9
North Carolina 640 75.2 68.6 52.9 86.2 18.7 !
North Dakota 190 91.5 39.3 # 54.1 98.4 10.5
Ohio 1,000 85.5 63.8 6.2 ! 70.4 74.7 30.0
Oklahoma 510 98.8 53.4 32.3 88.4 9.6 !
Oregon 300 95.4 56.1 9.7 ! 66.3 82.9 21.9
Pennsylvania 800 75.1 70.4 # 56.3 62.5 22.7 !
Rhode Island 50 88.5 64.0 # 51.4 78.6 29.6 !
South Carolina 250 92.5 82.0 11.7 ! 82.4 92.4 58.3
South Dakota 190 80.6 73.4 # 54.8 86.7 9.2 !
Tennessee 450 81.2 65.3 67.9 96.0 37.4
Texas 2,370 69.0 43.6 49.2 80.0 23.4
Utah 360 55.2 42.8 46.1 69.9 12.6
Vermont 80 86.4 77.2 # 82.4 84.9 39.2
Virginia 510 72.0 60.5 7.0 ! 52.3 77.6 33.5
Washington 620 83.4 54.5 4.2 ! 62.5 86.7 21.2
West Virginia 180 87.5 77.9 # 58.7 90.3 35.7
Wisconsin 550 81.2 67.7 74.1 76.1 15.9 !
Wyoming 90 86.4 42.3 5.2 ! 55.3 88.7 13.3 !
# Rounds to zero.
! Interpret data with caution. The coefficient of variation (CV) for this estimate is between 30 percent and 50 percent (i.e., the standard error is at least 30 percent and less than 50 percent of the estimate).
‡ Reporting standards not met. The coefficient of variation (CV) for this estimate is 50 percent or greater (i.e., the standard error is 50 percent or more of the estimate) or the response rate is below 50 percent.
1 Public schools were asked about students with IEPs because of special needs, and private schools were asked about students with formally identified disabilities who may or may not have IEPs. "Special needs" was not defined for respondents. In some public schools, gifted students have IEPs and may be reported here.
2 Programs in which students earn course credits for supervised learning activities in paid or unpaid workplace assignments.
3 Curriculum organized around a specific career area, such as health, hospitality, or information technology.
NOTE: Detail may not sum to totals because of rounding and because some data are not shown.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Schools and Staffing Survey (SASS), "Public School Data File," 2011–12.