Percentage of public school teachers who spent their own unreimbursed money on classroom supplies and average amount spent during the 2006-07 school year, by selected school characteristics: 2007-08

Selected school characteristic Percent of teachers who
spent their own money
Average amount of money spent among
teachers who spent their own money
All public schools  92.4 $450
School classification     
Traditional public  92.5 450
Charter school  87.3 459
Community type     
City  92.6 514
Suburb  92.8 454
Town  92.1 397
Rural  92.0 407
School level     
Elementary  93.8 479
Secondary  90.2 399
Combined  89.0 406
Student enrollment     
Less than 100  86.9 429
100-199  92.2 405
200-499  92.5 457
500-749  94.1 486
750-999  92.8 445
1,000 or more  90.8 416
Percent of K-12 students who
were approved for free or
reduced-price lunches 
0-34  92.7 418
35-49  93.1 440
50-74  91.9 450
75 or more  92.3 556
School did not participate
in free or reduced-price
lunch program 
86.8 364
All BIE schools  87.4 431
NOTE: BIE school refers to schools funded by the Bureau of Indian Education (BIE) that are operated by the BIE, a tribe, or a private contractor and not by a regular school district.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Schools and Staffing Survey (SASS), "Public School Teacher and BIE School Teacher Data Files," 2007-08.