General Teacher Questionnaire – English


Dear teacher,

Thank you for participating in this study.

This questionnaire asks for information about:

  • Background information
  • Your initial education and professional development
  • Your collaboration with teachers and parents
  • Teacher beliefs and attitudes
  • Teaching practices
  • Your school

This information will help illustrate the similarities and differences between groups of teachers in order to better establish the context for students’ test results. For example, the information provided may help to establish what effect the availability of resources may have on student achievement – both within and between countries.

The questionnaire should be completed by you only. It should take about 30 minutes to complete.

If you do not know an answer precisely, your best estimate will be adequate for the purposes of the study.

Please note that the forward button used to proceed to the next question is located at the bottom right hand corner of your screen. In some instances you may need to scroll down to the bottom of your screen to access this forward button.

Your answers will be combined with answers from other teachers to calculate totals and averages. All of the information you provide may be used only for statistical purposes and may not be disclosed, or used, in identifiable form for any other purpose except as required by law [20 U.S.C. §9573 and 6 U.S.C. §151].

Background Information


Are you female or male?

(Please select one response.)

radio button unchecked Female

radio button unchecked Male


How old are you?

(Please move the slider to the appropriate number of years.)

Ages range from 20 years or younger to 70 or older.


In what country were you born?

(Please select one response.)

radio button unchecked The United States*

radio button unchecked Other country

* NOTE: The “United States” refers to the 50 states, District of Columbia, and U.S. military bases abroad.


What is your current employment status as a teacher?

(Please consider your employment status at this school and for all your teaching employments together.)

(Please select one response in each row.)

(more than 90%
of full-time hours)
(71-90% of
full-time hours)
(50-70% of
full-time hours)
(less than 50%
of full-time hours)
My employment status at this school radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked


How many years of work experience do you have?

(Please round up to whole years no matter whether you worked part-time or full-time and move the slider to the appropriate number of years. If any option does not apply to you select "0" (zero).)

Year(s) working as a teacher at this school

Experience ranges from 0 to 50 or more years

Year(s) working as a teacher in total

Experience ranges from 0 to 50 or more years

Your Initial Education and Professional Development


What is the highest level of formal education you have completed?

(Please select one response.)

radio button unchecked High school and/or some college courses

radio button unchecked Associate’s degree

radio button unchecked Bachelor’s degree

radio button unchecked Master’s degree

radio button unchecked Doctoral or professional degree (e.g., PhD, M.D., J.D.)


Did you complete a teacher education or training program?

(Please select one response.)

radio button unchecked Yes, a program of 1 year or less.

radio button unchecked Yes, a program longer than 1 year

radio button unchecked No


How did you receive your teaching qualifications?

(Please select one response.)

radio button unchecked I attended a standard teacher education or training program at a college or university.

radio button unchecked I attended an in-service teacher education or training program.

radio button unchecked I attended a work based teacher education or training program.

radio button unchecked I attended training in another pedagogical profession.

radio button unchecked Other


Were any of the following included in your teacher education or training program or other professional qualification and do you teach them to the 10th grade in the current school year?

(Because this is an international survey, we had to categorize many of the actual subjects taught in schools into broad categories. If the exact name of one of your subjects is not listed, please mark the category you think best fits the subject.)

(Please select all that apply.)

Reading, writing and literature: reading and writing (and literature) in English, language arts, public speaking, literature, composition, communications, journalism

Mathematics: mathematics, mathematics with statistics, geometry, algebra, etc.

Science: natural science, physics, physical science, chemistry, biology, human biology, earth and space sciences, environmental science, agriculture/horticulture/forestry

Technology: orientation in technology, including information technology, computer studies, construction/surveying, engineering, electronics, graphics and design, keyboard skills, word processing, workshop technology/design technology

Social studies: social studies, community studies, contemporary studies, economics, environmental studies, geography, history, humanities, legal studies, American studies, social sciences, ethical thinking, philosophy

Modern foreign languages: languages different from the language of instruction

Classical languages (e.g., Latin)

Arts: arts, music, visual arts, practical art, drama, performance music, photography, drawing, creative handicraft, creative needlework

Physical education: physical education, gymnastics, dance, health

Religion and/or ethics: religion, history of religions, religion culture, ethics

Practical and vocational skills: vocational skills (preparation for a specific occupation), technics, domestic science, accounting, business studies, career education, clothing and textiles, driving, home economics, polytechnic courses, secretarial studies, tourism and hospitality, handicraft.

  Included in my teacher education
or training program
or other professional qualification
I teach it to the 10th grade
in the current school year
Reading, writing and literature checkbox unchecked checkbox unchecked
Mathematics checkbox unchecked checkbox unchecked
Science checkbox unchecked checkbox unchecked
Technology checkbox unchecked checkbox unchecked
Social studies checkbox unchecked checkbox unchecked
Modern foreign languages checkbox unchecked checkbox unchecked
Classical languages (e.g., Latin) checkbox unchecked checkbox unchecked
Arts checkbox unchecked checkbox unchecked
Physical education checkbox unchecked checkbox unchecked
Religion and/or ethics checkbox unchecked checkbox unchecked
Practical and vocational skills checkbox unchecked checkbox unchecked


Were any of the topics listed below included in your teacher education or training program or other professional qualification and your professional development activities?

(Please select all that apply.)

  Included in my teacher education
or training program
or other professional qualification
Included in my professional
development activities during
the last 12 months
Knowledge and understanding of my subject field(s) checkbox unchecked checkbox unchecked
Pedagogical competencies in teaching my subject field(s) checkbox unchecked checkbox unchecked
Knowledge of the curriculum checkbox unchecked checkbox unchecked
Student assessment practices checkbox unchecked checkbox unchecked
ICT (information and communication technology) skills for teaching checkbox unchecked checkbox unchecked
Student behavior and classroom management checkbox unchecked checkbox unchecked
School management and administration checkbox unchecked checkbox unchecked
Approaches to individualized learning checkbox unchecked checkbox unchecked
Teaching students with special needs checkbox unchecked checkbox unchecked
Teaching in a multicultural or multilingual setting checkbox unchecked checkbox unchecked
Teaching cross-curricular skills (e.g., problem solving, learning-to-learn) checkbox unchecked checkbox unchecked
Student career guidance and counseling checkbox unchecked checkbox unchecked
Internal evaluation or self-evaluation of schools checkbox unchecked checkbox unchecked
Use of evaluation results checkbox unchecked checkbox unchecked
Teacher-parent cooperation checkbox unchecked checkbox unchecked
Second language teaching checkbox unchecked checkbox unchecked
Communicating with people from different cultures or countries checkbox unchecked checkbox unchecked
Teaching about equity and diversity checkbox unchecked checkbox unchecked


For each of the areas listed below, please indicate the degree to which you currently need professional development.

(Please select one response in each row.)

  No need at present Low level of need Moderate level of need High level of need
Knowledge and understanding of my subject field(s) checkbox unchecked checkbox unchecked checkbox unchecked checkbox unchecked
Pedagogical competencies in teaching my subject field(s) checkbox unchecked checkbox unchecked checkbox unchecked checkbox unchecked
Knowledge of the curriculum checkbox unchecked checkbox unchecked checkbox unchecked checkbox unchecked
Student assessment practices checkbox unchecked checkbox unchecked checkbox unchecked checkbox unchecked
ICT (information and communication technology) skills for teaching checkbox unchecked checkbox unchecked checkbox unchecked checkbox unchecked
Student behavior and classroom management checkbox unchecked checkbox unchecked checkbox unchecked checkbox unchecked
School management and administration checkbox unchecked checkbox unchecked checkbox unchecked checkbox unchecked
Approaches to individualized learning checkbox unchecked checkbox unchecked checkbox unchecked checkbox unchecked
Teaching students with special needs checkbox unchecked checkbox unchecked checkbox unchecked checkbox unchecked
Teaching in a multicultural or multilingual setting checkbox unchecked checkbox unchecked checkbox unchecked checkbox unchecked
Teaching cross-curricular skills (e.g., problem solving, learning-to-learn) checkbox unchecked checkbox unchecked checkbox unchecked checkbox unchecked
Student career guidance and counseling checkbox unchecked checkbox unchecked checkbox unchecked checkbox unchecked
Internal evaluation or self-evaluation of schools checkbox unchecked checkbox unchecked checkbox unchecked checkbox unchecked
Use of evaluation results checkbox unchecked checkbox unchecked checkbox unchecked checkbox unchecked
Teacher-parent cooperation checkbox unchecked checkbox unchecked checkbox unchecked checkbox unchecked
Second language teaching checkbox unchecked checkbox unchecked checkbox unchecked checkbox unchecked
Communicating with people from different cultures or countries checkbox unchecked checkbox unchecked checkbox unchecked checkbox unchecked
Teaching about equity and diversity checkbox unchecked checkbox unchecked checkbox unchecked checkbox unchecked


Are you required to take part in professional development activities?

(Please select one response.)

radio button unchecked Yes

radio button unchecked No


During the last 12 months, did you participate in any of the following professional development activities?

(Please select one response in each row.)

  Yes No
Courses/workshops (e.g., on subject matter or methods and/or other education related topics) radio button unchecked radio button unchecked
Education conferences or seminars (where teachers and/or researchers present their research results and discuss educational issues) radio button unchecked radio button unchecked
Observation visits to other schools radio button unchecked radio button unchecked
Observation visits to business premises, public organizations, non-governmental organizations radio button unchecked radio button unchecked
In-service training courses in business premises, public organizations, non-governmental organizations radio button unchecked radio button unchecked


During the last 12 months, did you participate in any of the following activities?

(Please select one response in each row.)

  Yes No
Degree program radio button unchecked radio button unchecked
Participation in a network of teachers formed specifically for the professional development of teachers radio button unchecked radio button unchecked
Individual or collaborative research on a topic of interest to you professionally radio button unchecked radio button unchecked
Mentoring and/or peer observation and coaching, as part of a formal school arrangement radio button unchecked radio button unchecked
Reading professional literature (e.g., journals, evidence-based papers, thesis papers) radio button unchecked radio button unchecked
Engaging in informal dialogue with your colleagues on how to improve your teaching radio button unchecked radio button unchecked


About how much time per week do you spend reading for your work (e.g., articles, magazines, books, manuals, and websites) out of your classes?

(Please select one response.)

radio button unchecked Less than 1 hour a week

radio button unchecked 1-3 hours a week

radio button unchecked 4-6 hours a week

radio button unchecked More than 6 hours a week


We would like to know how you generally feel about your job. How strongly do you agree or disagree with the following statements?

(Please select one response in each row.)

  Strongly disagree Disagree Agree Strongly agree
The advantages of being a teacher clearly outweigh the disadvantages. radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked
If I could decide again, I would still choose to work as a teacher. radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked
I would like to change to another school if that were possible. radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked
I regret that I decided to become a teacher. radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked
I enjoy working at this school. radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked
I wonder whether it would have been better to choose another profession. radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked
I would recommend my school as a good place to work. radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked
I think that the teaching profession is valued in society. radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked
I am satisfied with my performance in this school. radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked
All in all, I am satisfied with my job. radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked


In your teaching, to what extent can you do the following?

(Please select one response in each row.)

  Not at all To some extent Quite a bit A lot
Get students to believe they can do well in school work radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked
Help my students value learning radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked
Craft good questions for my students radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked
Control disruptive behavior in the classroom radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked
Motivate students who show low interest in school work radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked
Make my expectations about student behavior clear radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked
Help students think critically radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked
Get students to follow classroom rules radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked
Calm a student who is disruptive or noisy radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked
Use a variety of assessment strategies radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked
Provide an alternative explanation (e.g., when students are confused) radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked
Implement alternative instructional strategies in my classroom radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked


On average, how often do you do the following in this school?

(Please select one response in each row.)

  Never Once a year or less 2-4 times a year 5-10 times a year 1-3 times a month Once a week or more
Exchange teaching materials with colleagues radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked
Engage in discussions about the learning development of specific students radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked
Work with other teachers in my school to ensure common standards in evaluations for assessing student progress radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked
Attend team conferences radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked

Your School


Is your school’s capacity to provide instruction hindered by any of the following issues?

(Please select one response in each row.)

  Not at all Very little To some extent A lot
A lack of teaching staff radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked
Inadequate or poorly qualified teaching staff radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked
A lack of assisting staff radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked
Inadequate or poorly qualified assisting staff radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked
A lack of educational material
(e.g., textbooks, IT equipment, library or laboratory material)
radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked
Inadequate or poor quality educational material (e.g., textbooks,
IT equipment, library or laboratory material)
radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked
A lack of physical infrastructure (e.g., building, grounds,
heating/cooling, lighting and PA systems)
radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked
Inadequate or poor quality physical infrastructure (e.g., building,
grounds, heating/cooling, lighting and PA systems)
radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked


How much do you agree with the following statements?

(Please select one response in each row.)

  Strongly Disgree Disgree Agree Strongly Agree
Every teacher should be trained to teach reading comprehension. radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked
Every teacher has a responsibility to improve students' reading comprehension skills. radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked
I know how to diagnose the students' reading comprehension problems. radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked
I am very confident in my capability to teach reading comprehension strategies. radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked


How often do you teach the following aspects of reading comprehension in your lessons?

(Please select one response in each row.)

  Never or almost never Some lessons Many lessons Every lesson or almost every lesson
Summarizing strategies radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked
Connecting texts with prior content knowledge radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked
Monitoring comprehension radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked
Adapting the mode of reading depending on reading purposes radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked
Assessing credibility of information available on the Internet radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked
Searching and selecting relevant information on the Internet radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked


In your lessons, have you ever taught any of the following things?

(Please select one response in each row.)

  Yes No
How to use keywords when using a search engine such as Google©, Yahoo©, etc. radio button unchecked radio button unchecked
How to decide whether to trust information from the Internet radio button unchecked radio button unchecked
How to compare different web pages and decide what information is more relevant for the students' school work radio button unchecked radio button unchecked
To understand the consequences of making information publicly available online on Facebook©, Instagram©, etc. radio button unchecked radio button unchecked
How to use the short description below the links in the list of results of a search radio button unchecked radio button unchecked
How to detect whether the information is subjective or biased radio button unchecked radio button unchecked
How to detect phishing or spam emails radio button unchecked radio button unchecked


During this academic year, how many pages was the longest piece of text your 10th-grade students had to read for your lessons?

(Please select one response.)

radio button unchecked One page or less

radio button unchecked Between 2 and 10 pages

radio button unchecked Between 11 and 50 pages

radio button unchecked Between 51 and 100 pages

radio button unchecked Between 101 and 500 pages

radio button unchecked More than 500 pages


How often did you use the following tools in your teaching this school year?

(Please select one response in each row.)

  Never In some lessons In most lessons In every or almost every lesson
Tutorial software or practice programs radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked
Digital learning games radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked
Word processors or presentation software (e.g., Microsoft Word®, Microsoft PowerPoint®) radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked
Spreadsheets (e.g., Microsoft Excel®) radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked
Multimedia production tools (e.g., media capture and editing, web production) radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked
Concept mapping software (e.g., Inspiration®, Webspiration®) radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked
Data logging and monitoring tools radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked
Simulations and modeling software radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked
Social media (e.g., Facebook, Twitter) radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked
Communication software (e.g., email, blogs) radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked
Computer-based information resources (e.g., websites, wikis, encyclopedia) radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked
Interactive digital learning resources (e.g., learning objects) radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked
Graphing or drawing software radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked
E-portfolios radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked


Does your school have a policy concerning the use of digital devices for teaching?

(Please select one response.)

radio button unchecked Yes

radio button unchecked No


How often do you use the following methods of assessing student learning?

(If you need further explanation of the term "standardized tests," please use the help button.)

(Please select one response in each row.)

Here, the term standardized tests includes standardized mandatory tests (mandated e.g., by state, district, or other governing authorities) as well as standardized non-mandatory tests (e.g., publicly or commercial available standardized test material). These tests are consistent in design, content, administration and scoring. Results can be compared across students and schools.

  Never or almost never Some lessons Most lessons Every lesson or almost every lesson
I develop and administer my own assessment. radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked
I administer a standardized test. radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked
I have individual students answer questions in front of the class. radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked
I provide written feedback on student work in addition to a grade. radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked
I let students judge their own progress. radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked
I observe students when working on particular tasks and provide immediate feedback. radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked
I collect data from classroom assignments or home work. radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked


How often do these things happen in your lessons?

(Please select one response in each row.)

  Never or almost never Some lessons Many lessons Every lesson or almost every lesson
I tell students how they are performing in my course. radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked
I give students feedback on their strengths in my course. radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked
I tell students in which areas they can still improve. radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked
I tell students how they can improve their performance. radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked
I advise students on how to reach their learning goals. radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked


How often are you involved in the following reading activities?

(Please select one response in each row. If you don't know what the activity is, select "I don't know what it is.")

  I don't know what it is Never or almost never Several times a month Several times a week Several times a day
Reading emails radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked
Chat online (e.g., WhatsApp®, Messenger®) radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked
Reading online news radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked
Searching information online to learn about a particular topic radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked
Taking part in online group discussions or forums radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked
Searching for practical information online (e.g., schedules, events, tips, recipes) radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked radio button unchecked


Which of the following statements best describes how you read books (on any topic)?

(Please select one response.)

radio button unchecked I rarely or never read books.

radio button unchecked I read books more often in paper format.

radio button unchecked I read books more often on digital devices (e.g., e-reader, tablet, smartphone, computer).

radio button unchecked I read books equally often in paper format and on digital devices.


Which of the following statements best describes how you read the news (e.g., politics, culture, sports, local news)?

(Please select one response.)

radio button unchecked I do not follow the news at all.

radio button unchecked I only watch or listen to the news (e.g., radio, television, podcasts).

radio button unchecked I read the news more often on digital devices (e.g., tablet, smartphone, computer).

radio button unchecked I read the news more often on paper (e.g., newspapers, magazines).

radio button unchecked I read the news equally often in paper format and on digital devices.

Thank you very much for your cooperation in completing this questionnaire!

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