Sample Assessment Questions

The items below are examples of questions 15-year-olds were asked to answer for PISA. When you click an item in one of the four subject categories, you will see the item image and links to the item questions. Click on these links and a new window will open with a question, its answer, and the percent of students in the United States and other OECD countries who answered correctly.

Reading Literacy Sample Items
Mathematics Literacy Sample Items
Internet Relay Chat
Science Literacy Sample Items
Problem Solving Sample Items


Question 1 and Answer (Level 2)   |   Question 2 and Answer (Level 3)   |   Question 3 and Answer (Level 3)

 ACOL Voluntary Flu Immunization Program

As you are no doubt aware the flu can strike rapidly and extensively during winter. It can leave its victims ill for weeks.

The best way to fight the virus is to have a fit and healthy body. Daily exercise and a diet including plenty of fruit and vegetables are highly recommended to assist the immune system to fight this invading virus.

ACOL has decided to offer staff the opportunity to be immunized against the flu as an additional way to prevent this insidious virus from spreading amongst us. ACOL has arranged for a nurse to administer the immunizations at ACOL, during a half-day session in work hours in the week of October 17. This program is free and available to all members of staff.

Participation is voluntary. Staff exercising the option will be asked to sign a consent form indicating that they do not have any allergies, and that they understand they may experience minor side effects.

Medical advice indicates that the immunization does not produce influenza. However, it may cause some side effects such as fatigue, mild fever and tenderness of the arm.

Who Should Be Imunized?

Anyone interested in being protected against the virus.

This immunization is especially recommended for people over the age of 65. But regardless of age, ANYONE who has a chronic debilitating disease, especially cardiac, pulmonary, bronchial or diabetic conditions.

In an office environment ALL staff are at risk of catching the flu.

Who Should Not Be Imunized?

Individuals hypersensitive to eggs, people suffering from an acute feverish illness and pregnant women.

Check with your doctor if you are taking any medication or have had a previous reaction to a flu injection.

If you would like to be immunized in the week of October 17 please advise the personnel officer, Anne Washington, by Friday October 7. The date and time will be set according to the availability of the nurse, the number of participants and the time convenient for most staff. If you would like to be immunized for this winter but cannot attend at the arranged time please let Anne know. An alternative session may be arranged if there are sufficient numbers.

For further information please contact Anne on ext. 5577.

Anne Washington, the personnel officer at a company called ACOL, prepared the information sheet on the previous two pages for ACOL staff. Refer to the information sheet to answer the questions which follow.

PISA's definition of literacy

For more sample questions from the PISA assessments view this OECD publication:
Take the Test: Sample Questions from OECD's PISA Assessments