2. If the year of birth is out of range (lower than 1947 or higher than 2007), please check the eligibility of the respondent. If the respondent is not eligible, you should break off the interview and set disposition code to <25> in the DISP_BQ screen.
2. The place of usual residence defines who belongs to the household. A person shall be considered 'usually resident' if he/she spends most of his/her daily rest at this household evaluated over the last one year.
2. Students sharing a dwelling can only be considered as members of one household IF they share in the household expenses.
3. People absent for a long period due to work, but continuing to have a clear financial relation with the household, are considered member of the household (e.g. head of household working abroad).
4. Children who are educated away from home should be considered member of the household if they have no private address and continue to maintain close relations (e.g. come home every weekend).