Responses |
[CI_Lead] | I need to verify a few pieces of information: |
[CI_Name] | Your First Name |
Responses |
[CI_Gender] | Your gender |
Responses |
[CI_Month] | The month of your birth |
Responses |
[CI_Year] | The year of your birth |
Responses |
[CI_Age] | Your age |
Responses |
[CI_Telephone] | Your telephone number |
Responses |
[CI_Address] | Your address |
Responses |
[BQINTRO] | Now I would like to ask you some questions about your background, including questions about your country of birth, language experience, education, work, and other activities. Please try to answer each question as accurately and as completely as possible. I will be recording your answers in the computer. |
[testIfskipBQlang] |
[BQLANG] | In which language would you like me to ask these questions? |
Responses |
[A_D01a1] |
[A_D01a2] |
[A_D01a3] |
[A_D01a4] |
[A_Q01a] | I would like to start with some general questions. Can you please tell me in which year you were born? |
Responses |
[A_Q01b] | And in which month were you born? |
Responses |
[A_D01b] |
[A_N01] | Is the respondent male or female? |
Responses |
[B_R01a] | I would now like to ask you some questions about your education. |
[B_Q01aUS] | Looking at this card, what is the highest level of education you have completed? |
Responses |
[B_D01aUS] |
[B_C01aUS] |
[B_S01a1] | What is the name of this degree or certificate? |
Responses |
[B_Q01a2US] | In which country did you earn this degree or certificate? |
Responses |
[B_S01a2] | What country was that? |
Responses |
[B_Q01a3US] | Can you indicate which level in our national education system corresponds most closely with the level of this degree or certification? |
Responses |
[B_D01a3US] |
[B_C01a3US] |
[B_Q01bUSX] | What was the area of study, emphasis or major for your highest level of education? If there was more than one, please choose the one you consider most important. |
Responses |
[B_Q01b] | Now, looking at this card, in which category would you place ^B_Q01bUSX ? Again, if there was more than one, please choose the one you consider most important. |
Responses |
[B_Q01c1] | When you completed this degree or certificate, how old were you, or what year was it? |
Responses |
[B_Q01c2] |
Responses |
[B_E01c] |
[B_Q01d] | And in which month was that? |
Responses |
[B_D01d] |
[B_Q02a] | Are you currently studying for any kind of formal degree or certificate? |
Responses |
[B_Q02bUS] | What type of degree or certificate are you currently studying for? |
Responses |
[B_Q02cUSX] | What was the area of study, emphasis or major for this degree or certificate? If there was more than one, please choose the one you consider most important. |
Responses |
[B_Q02c] | Now, looking at this card, in which category would you place ^B_Q02cUSX ? Again, if there was more than one, please choose the one you consider most important. |
Responses |
[B_Q03a] | Did you ever begin a program of study for a degree or certificate, but leave before completing it? |
Responses |
[B_Q03bUS] | What was the type of degree or certificate you began to study for but did not complete? If there was more than one, please report the one with the highest level. |
Responses |
[B_Q03c1] | When you stopped studying for this degree or certificate, how old were you or what year was it? |
Responses |
[B_Q03c2] |
Responses |
[B_E03c] |
[B_C03c2] |
[B_Q03d] | And in which month was that? |
Responses |
[B_D03d] |
[B_C03d] |
[B_Q04a] | During the last 12 months, that is since ^MonthYear, have you studied for any formal degree or certificate, either full-time or part-time? |
Responses |
[B_Q04b] | How many degrees or certificates have you studied for during the last 12 months? |
Responses |
[B_R05a] |
[TU-EN-Question-B_R05a-1] I am now going to ask some more questions about the highest degree or certificate you ever completed. [TU-EN-Question-B_R05a-2] I am now going to ask some more questions about this degree or certificate. [TU-EN-Question-B_R05a-3] I am now going to ask some more questions about the last degree or certificate you studied for. |
[B_C05a] |
[B_Q05aUS] | What type of degree or certificate was this? |
Responses |
[B_Q05bUSX] | What was the area of study, emphasis or major for this degree or certificate? If there was more than one, please choose the one you consider most important. |
Responses |
[B_Q05b] | Now, looking at this card, in which category would you place ^B_Q05bUSX ? Again, if there was more than one, please choose the one you consider most important. |
Responses |
[B_C05bUS] |
[B_Q05c] | Were the main reasons for choosing to study for this degree or certificate job-related? |
Responses |
[B_D05cUSX] |
[B_Q05cUSX1] | Did you take this degree or certificate for personal interest? |
Responses |
[B_Q05cUSX2] | Did you take this degree or certificate mainly for personal interest or for personal interest and work-related reasons equally? |
Responses |
[B_Q10a] | In the last 12 months, while studying for this degree or certificate, were you employed at any time, either full-time or part-time? |
Responses |
[B_Q10b] | Did this study take place ... |
Responses |
[B_Q10c] | How useful were your studies for this degree or certificate for the job or business you had at that time? Would you say they were ... |
Responses |
[B_Q11] | Did an employer or prospective employer pay for tuition or registration, exam fees, expenses for books or other costs associated with your studying for this degree? Would that be ... |
Responses |
[B_R12] |
[TU-EN-Question-B_R12-1] We would now like to turn to other organized learning activities you may have participated in during the last 12 months, including both work and non-work related activities. We will distinguish between courses mentioned on this show card. When answering the next questions, please exclude any activity you engaged in as part of the study you already reported on. [TU-EN-Question-B_R12-2] We would now like to turn to other organized learning activities you may have participated in during the last 12 months, including both work and non-work related activities. We will distinguish between courses mentioned on this show card. |
[B_Q12a] | During the last 12 months, have you participated in courses conducted through open or distance education? |
Responses |
[B_Q12b] | How many of these activities did you participate in? |
Responses |
[B_Q12c] | During the last 12 months, have you attended any organized sessions for on-the-job training or training by supervisors or co-workers? |
Responses |
[B_Q12d] | How many of these activities did you participate in? |
Responses |
[B_Q12e] | During the last 12 months, have you participated in seminars or workshops? |
Responses |
[B_Q12f] | How many of these activities did you participate in? |
Responses |
[B_Q12g] | During the last 12 months, have you participated in courses or private lessons, not already reported? |
Responses |
[B_Q12h] | How many of these activities did you participate in? |
Responses |
[B_D12h1] |
[B_D12h2] |
[B_D12h3] |
[B_D12h4] |
[B_D12h] |
[B_R13] |
[TU-EN-Question-B_R13-1] I am going to ask some questions about your participation in open or distance education. [TU-EN-Question-B_R13-2] I am going to ask some questions about your participation in organized sessions for on-the-job training or training by supervisors or co-workers. [TU-EN-Question-B_R13-3] I am going to ask some questions about your participation in seminars or workshops. [TU-EN-Question-B_R13-4] I am going to ask some questions about your participation in courses or private lessons. [TU-EN-Question-B_R13-5] I am going to ask some questions about the activities you just reported on. I will ask some questions on the last of these activities that you participated in. |
[B_C13] |
[B_Q13] | What kind of activity listed on this card was this? |
Responses |
[B_Q14a] | Was this activity mainly job-related? |
Responses |
[B_Q14b] | Could you please specify more precisely the main reason for participating in this activity? |
Responses |
[B_C14bUSX] |
[B_Q14bUSX1] | Did you also participate in this activity for personal interest? |
Responses |
[B_Q14bUSX2] | Did you participate in this activity mainly for personal interest or for personal interest and work-related reasons equally? |
Responses |
[B_C14] |
[B_Q15a] | Were you employed, either full-time or part-time, at any time while participating in this activity? |
Responses |
[B_Q15b] | Did this activity take place ... |
Responses |
[B_Q15c] | How useful was this training for the job or business you had at that time or still have? Would you say it was ... |
Responses |
[B_Q16] | Did an employer or prospective employer pay for tuition or registration, exam fees, expenses for books or other costs resulting from your participation in this activity? Would that be ... |
Responses |
[B_Q17] | Now let's look at the total amount of time you have spent in the past 12 months on all types of courses, training, private lessons, seminars or workshops. What is the easiest way to describe the total time you spent on all these activities: would that be in WHOLE weeks, in WHOLE days or in hours? Exclude time spent on homework or travel. |
Responses |
[B_Q18a] | From ^MonthYear until now, how many WHOLE weeks did you spend in these activities? |
Responses |
[B_Q19a] | From ^MonthYear until now, how many WHOLE days did you spend in these activities? |
Responses |
[B_Q20a] | From ^MonthYear until now, how many hours did you spend in these activities? Exclude hours spent traveling to and from the places at which these activities took place. |
Responses |
[B_Q20b] | About how much of this time was spent on activities that were job-related? |
Responses |
[B_Q26a] |
[TU-EN-Question-B_Q26a-1] In the last 12 months, were there more learning activities you wanted to participate in but did not? Include both learning activities that lead to formal degrees and other organized learning activities. [TU-EN-Question-B_Q26a-2] In the last 12 months, were there any learning activities you wanted to participate in but did not? Include both learning activities that lead to formal degrees and other organized learning activities. |
Responses |
[B_Q26b] | Which of the following reasons prevented you from participating in education and training? Please indicate the most important reason. |
Responses |
[B_C27aUSX] |
[B_R27aUSX] | During the past 12 months, did you take any classes or have a tutor ... |
[B_Q27aUSX] | to improve your basic reading, writing, and math skills? |
Responses |
[B_Q27bUSX] | to prepare to take the General Educational Development test, or GED? |
Responses |
[B_Q27cUSX] | in some other high school equivalency program or adult high school program? |
Responses |
[B_C27cUSX] |
[B_Q27dUSX] | Did you take the basic skills or high school completion class mainly for work-related reasons or mainly for personal interest? |
Responses |
[B_Q27eUSX] | Thinking about the length of the basic skills or high school completion class you attended, how many days, weeks, or months did you attend the classes in the past 12 months? |
[B_Q27eUSXa] |
Responses |
[B_Q27eUSXb] |
Responses |
[B_S27eUSX] | Could you please specify the length of the class? |
Responses |
[B_Q29aUSX] | During the past 12 months, were you in a formal apprenticeship program leading to journeyman status in a skilled trade or craft? |
Responses |
[B_Q29bUSX] | In what trade or craft did you apprentice? |
Responses |
[C_R01] | I would now like to ask some questions about your activities last week, that is, the 7 days ending last Sunday. |
[C_Q01a] | In the last week, did you do any PAID work for at least one hour, either as an employee or as self-employed? |
Responses |
[C_Q01b] | Last week, were you away from a job or business that you plan to return to? |
Responses |
[C_Q01c] | Last week, did you do any UNPAID work for at least one hour for a business that you own or a relative owns? |
Responses |
[C_Q02a] | In the 4 weeks ending last Sunday, were you looking for paid work at any time? |
Responses |
[C_Q02b] | In these 4 weeks, were you waiting to start a job for which you had already been hired? |
Responses |
[C_Q02c] | Will you be starting that job within three months, or in more than three months? |
Responses |
[C_Q03] | In the last 4 weeks, for which of the following reasons did you not look for work? |
Responses |
[C_S03] | How many months in total have you been looking for paid work? |
Responses |
[C_Q04_1] | In the four weeks ending last Sunday, did you do any of these things ... |
[C_Q04a] | contact a state, county, or local employment office to find work? |
Responses |
[C_Q04b] | get in contact with a private agency (temporary work agency, firm specializing in recruitment, etc.) to find work? |
Responses |
[C_Q04c] | apply directly for a job? |
Responses |
[C_Q04d] | ask among friends, relatives, or at a union office to find work? |
Responses |
[C_Q04e] | place or answer a job advertisement? |
Responses |
[C_Q04_2] | In the four weeks ending last Sunday, that is, since ^MonthDay, did you do any of these things ... |
[C_Q04f] | look through job advertisements? |
Responses |
[C_Q04g] | take a recruitment test or go for an interview? |
Responses |
[C_Q04h] | look for property or equipment for a business venture? |
Responses |
[C_Q04i] | apply for permits, licences or financial resources for work? |
Responses |
[C_Q04j] | do anything else to be employed? |
Responses |
[C_S04j] | Could you please specify what else you did to be employed? |
Responses |
[C_D04] |
[C_Q05] | If a job had been available in the week ending last Sunday, would you have been able to start within 2 weeks? |
Responses |
[C_D05] | I will infer something and then route you. |
[C_Q06] | In the last week, did you have one job or one business or was there more than one? Please only consider paid work. |
Responses |
[C_D06] |
[C_Q07] | Please look at this card and tell me which ONE of the statements best describes your current situation. If more than one statement applies to you, please indicate the statement that best describes how you see yourself. |
Responses |
[C_C08] |
[C_Q08a] | Have you ever had paid work? Please include self-employment. |
Responses |
[C_Q08b] | During the last 12 months, that is since ^MonthYear , did you have any paid work? Please include self-employment. |
Responses |
[C_Q08c1] | When you stopped working in your last paid job, how old were you or what year was it? |
Responses |
[C_Q08c2] |
Responses |
[C_E08c] |
[C_D08c] |
[C_Q09] | In total, approximately how many years have you had paid work? Only include those years where 6 months or more was spent in either full-time or part-time work. |
Responses |
[C_D09] |
[C_C09] |
[C_Q10a] | In the last 5 years, since ^Year, for how many different firms or organizations did you work? Include your own business or businesses in the case of self-employment. |
Responses |
[C_END] |
[D_R01a] |
[TU-EN-Question-D_R01a-1] The next questions are about the job or business where you worked during the last week. We will refer to this as ‘your current job’ or ‘your current business’. [TU-EN-Question-D_R01a-2] The next questions are about the job or business where you worked THE MOST HOURS in the last week. If you had two jobs or businesses where you worked the same amount of time, choose the job or business where you earned most. We will refer to this as ‘your current job’ or ‘your current business’. |
[D_Q01a] | What is your job title? |
Responses |
[D_Q01b] | What are your most important responsibilities? (Please give full description, e.g. filing documents, drying vegetables, forest examiner.) |
Responses |
[D_Q02a] | In what kind of business, industry or service do you work? (Please give a full description, e.g. fish canning plant, automobile manufacturing plant, municipal government.) |
Responses |
[D_Q02b] | What does your firm or organization mainly make or do? Please give a full description. |
Responses |
[D_Q03US] | In which sector of the economy do you work? Is it ... |
Responses |
[D_Q04] | Are you working as an employee or are you self-employed? |
Responses |
[D_Q05a1] | At what age or in which year did you start working for your current employer? |
Responses |
[D_Q05a2] |
Responses |
[D_E05a] |
[D_Q05a3] | And in which month was that? |
Responses |
[D_C05b] |
[D_Q05b1] | At what age or in which year did you start working in your current business? |
Responses |
[D_Q05b2] |
Responses |
[D_E05b] |
[D_Q05b3] | And in which month was that? |
Responses |
[D_Q06a] | How many people work for your employer at the place where you work? Would that be ... |
Responses |
[D_Q06b] | Over the last 12 months, has the number of people working at the place where you work ... |
Responses |
[D_Q06c] | Is the place where you work part of a larger firm or organization? |
Responses |
[D_Q07a] | Do you have employees working for you? Please include family members working paid or unpaid in the business. |
Responses |
[D_Q07b] | How many people do you employ? Would that be ... |
Responses |
[D_Q08a] | Do you manage or supervise other employees? |
Responses |
[D_Q08b] | How many employees do you supervise or manage directly or indirectly? Would that be ... |
Responses |
[D_Q09] | What kind of employment contract do you have? Is that ... |
Responses |
[D_S09] | Could you please specify what kind of contract you have? |
Responses |
[D_Q10] | How many hours do you usually work per week in this job? Include any usual paid or unpaid overtime, but exclude lunch breaks or other breaks. |
Responses |
[D_E10] |
[D_R11] | The next few questions are about the amount of flexibility you have in deciding how you do your job. |
[D_Q11] | To what extent can you choose or change ... |
[D_Q11a] | the sequence of your tasks? |
Responses |
[D_Q11b] | how you do your work? |
Responses |
[D_Q11c] | the speed or rate at which you work? |
Responses |
[D_Q11d] | your working hours? |
Responses |
[D_N11d] |
[D_Q12aUS] | Still talking about your current job: If applying today, what would be the usual level of education, if any, that someone would need to GET this type of job? |
Responses |
[D_Q12b] | Thinking about whether this degree is necessary for doing your job satisfactorily, which of the following statements would be most true? |
Responses |
[D_Q12c] | Supposing that someone with this level of degree were applying today, how much related work experience would they need to GET this job? Would that be ... |
Responses |
[D_C13] |
[D_Q13a] | In your own job, how often do you learn new work-related things from co-workers or supervisors? |
Responses |
[D_Q13b] | How often does your job involve learning-by-doing from the tasks you perform? |
Responses |
[D_Q13c] | How often does your job involve keeping up-to-date with new products or services? |
Responses |
[D_N13c] |
[D_Q14] | All things considered, how satisfied are you with your current job? Would you say you are ... |
Responses |
[D_C16] |
[D_Q16a] | What is the easiest way for you to tell us your usual gross wage or salary for your current job? Would it be ... |
Responses |
[D_S16a] | Could you please specify how many hours on average it takes to produce one piece? |
Responses |
[D_D16a] |
[D_Q16b] |
[TU-EN-Question-D_Q16b-1] What is your usual gross pay per hour? Please give as good an approximation as you can. By gross, we mean before deductions for tax and national insurance (social security contributions). Please include any regular overtime pay, regular bonuses, tips and commissions. Don't include annual bonuses or holiday pay. [TU-EN-Question-D_Q16b-2] What is your usual gross pay per day? Please give as good an approximation as you can. By gross, we mean before deductions for tax and national insurance (social security contributions). Please include any regular overtime pay, regular bonuses, tips and commissions. Don't include annual bonuses or holiday pay. [TU-EN-Question-D_Q16b-3] What is your usual gross pay per week? Please give as good an approximation as you can. By gross, we mean before deductions for tax and national insurance (social security contributions). Please include any regular overtime pay, regular bonuses, tips and commissions. Don't include annual bonuses or holiday pay. [TU-EN-Question-D_Q16b-4] What is your usual gross pay per two weeks? Please give as good an approximation as you can. By gross, we mean before deductions for tax and national insurance (social security contributions). Please include any regular overtime pay, regular bonuses, tips and commissions. Don't include annual bonuses or holiday pay. [TU-EN-Question-D_Q16b-5] What is your usual gross pay per month? Please give as good an approximation as you can. By gross, we mean before deductions for tax and national insurance (social security contributions). Please include any regular overtime pay, regular bonuses, tips and commissions. Don't include annual bonuses or holiday pay. [TU-EN-Question-D_Q16b-6] What is your usual gross pay per year? Please give as good an approximation as you can. By gross, we mean before deductions for tax and national insurance (social security contributions). Please include any regular overtime pay, regular bonuses, tips and commissions. Don't include annual bonuses or holiday pay. [TU-EN-Question-D_Q16b-7] What is your usual gross pay per piece? Please give as good an approximation as you can. By gross, we mean before deductions for tax and national insurance (social security contributions). Please include any regular overtime pay, regular bonuses, tips and commissions. Don't include annual bonuses or holiday pay. [TU-EN-Question-D_Q16b-8] What is your usual gross pay? Please give as good an approximation as you can. By gross, we mean before deductions for tax and national insurance (social security contributions). Please include any regular overtime pay, regular bonuses, tips and commissions. Don't include annual bonuses or holiday pay. |
Responses |
[D_D16c1US] |
[D_D16c2] |
[D_E16b] |
[D_C16c] |
[D_Q16c] | Would you be prepared to answer this question if we asked it in broad categories? |
Responses |
[D_C16d] |
[D_Q16d1] | How much would you estimate your usual gross pay per hour is? |
Responses |
[D_Q16d2] | How much would you estimate your usual gross pay per day is? |
Responses |
[D_Q16d3] | How much would you estimate your usual gross pay per week is? |
Responses |
[D_Q16d4] | How much would you estimate your usual gross pay per two weeks is? |
Responses |
[D_Q16d5] | How much would you estimate your usual gross pay per month is? |
Responses |
[D_Q16d6] | How much would you estimate your usual gross pay per year is? |
Responses |
[D_Q17a] | In addition to your usual pay, do you receive any other payments related to this job, such as annual bonuses or holiday pay? |
Responses |
[D_Q17b] | In total, how much were these additional payments last year? Please think in terms of gross payments. |
Responses |
[D_Q17c] | Would you be prepared to answer this question if we asked it in broad categories? |
Responses |
[D_Q17d] | How much would you estimate these additional payments were last year? Please think in terms of gross payments. Were they ... |
Responses |
[D_Q18a] |
[TU-EN-Question-D_Q18a-1] What were your total earnings last month from your current business after deducting all business expenses, but before deducting income taxes, social security contributions, and the like? [TU-EN-Question-D_Q18a-2] What were your total earnings last year from your current business after deducting all business expenses, but before deducting income taxes, social security contributions, and the like? |
Responses |
[D_Q18b] | Would you be prepared to answer this question if we asked it in broad categories? |
Responses |
[D_C18c] |
[D_Q18c1] | How much would you estimate your earnings last month were? |
Responses |
[D_Q18c2] | How much would you estimate your earnings last year were? |
Responses |
[E_D01a] |
[E_R01a] |
[TU-EN-Question-E_R01a-1] The next questions are about the last job or business you held. This is the job or business you had in the last 12 months. [TU-EN-Question-E_R01a-2] The next questions are about the last job or business you held. This is the job or business you had before you last stopped working. [TU-EN-Question-E_R01a-3] The next questions are about the last job or business you held. This is the job or business you had in ^C_Q08c2. |
[E_Q01a] | What was your job title? |
Responses |
[E_Q01b] | What were your most important responsibilities? Please give a full description. |
Responses |
[E_Q02a] | In what kind of business, industry or service did you work? Please give a full description. |
Responses |
[E_Q02b] | What did your firm or organization mainly make or do? Please give a full description. |
Responses |
[E_Q03US] | In which sector of the economy did you work? Was it ... |
Responses |
[E_Q04] | Were you working as an employee or were you self-employed? |
Responses |
[E_Q05a1] |
[TU-EN-Question-E_Q05a1-1] Still talking about the job you left in the last 12 months: At what age or in which year did you start working for your former employer? [TU-EN-Question-E_Q05a1-2] Still talking about the job you left before you last stopped working: At what age or in which year did you start working for your former employer? [TU-EN-Question-E_Q05a1-3] Still talking about the job you left in ^C_Q08c2: At what age or in which year did you start working for your former employer? |
Responses |
[E_Q05a2] |
Responses |
[E_E05a] |
[E_Q05b1] |
[TU-EN-Question-E_Q05b1-1] Still talking about the business you left in the last 12 months: At what age or in which year did you start working in your former business? [TU-EN-Question-E_Q05b1-2] Still talking about the business you left before you last stopped working: At what age or in which year did you start working in your former business? [TU-EN-Question-E_Q05b1-3] Still talking about the business you left in ^C_Q08c2: At what age or in which year did you start working in your former business? |
Responses |
[E_Q05b2] |
Responses |
[E_E05b] |
[E_Q06] | How many people worked for your employer at the place where you worked? Would that be ... |
Responses |
[E_Q07a] | Did you have employees working for you? Please include family members who worked paid or unpaid in the business. |
Responses |
[E_Q07b] | How many people did you employ at the place where you worked? Would that be ... |
Responses |
[E_Q08] | What kind of employment contract did you have? Was that ... |
Responses |
[E_S08] | Could you please specify what kind of contract you had? |
Responses |
[E_Q09] | How many hours did you usually work per week in this job? Include any usual paid or unpaid overtime, but exclude lunch breaks or other breaks. |
Responses |
[E_E09] |
[E_Q10] | Could you tell me the main reason you stopped working in your last job? |
Responses |
[F_C01] |
[F_R01] |
[TU-EN-Question-F_R01-1] I am now going to ask you about activities in your current job. [TU-EN-Question-F_R01-2] I am now going to ask you about activities in your last job. |
[F_Q01] |
[TU-EN-Question-F_Q01-1] In your current job what proportion of your time do you usually spend ... [TU-EN-Question-F_Q01-2] In your last job what proportion of your time did you usually spend ... |
[F_Q01b] | working cooperatively or collaboratively with co-workers? |
Responses |
[F_N01b] |
[F_Q02] |
[TU-EN-Question-F_Q02-1] How often does your current job usually involve ... [TU-EN-Question-F_Q02-2] How often did your last job usually involve ... |
[F_Q02a] | sharing work-related information with co-workers? |
Responses |
[F_Q02b] | instructing, training or teaching people, individually or in groups? |
Responses |
[F_Q02c] | making speeches or giving presentations in front of five or more people? |
Responses |
[F_Q02d] | selling a product or selling a service? |
Responses |
[F_Q02e] | providing advice? |
Responses |
[F_Q03] |
[TU-EN-Question-F_Q03-1] How often does your current job usually involve ... [TU-EN-Question-F_Q03-2] How often did your last job usually involve ... |
[F_Q03a] | planning your own activities? |
Responses |
[F_Q03b] | planning the activities of others? |
Responses |
[F_Q03c] | organizing your own time? |
Responses |
[F_Q04] |
[TU-EN-Question-F_Q04-1] How often does your current job usually involve ... [TU-EN-Question-F_Q04-2] How often did your last job usually involve ... |
[F_Q04a] | working to persuade or influence people? |
Responses |
[F_Q04b] | negotiating with people either inside or outside your firm or organization? |
Responses |
[F_Q05a] |
[TU-EN-Question-F_Q05a-1] The next question is about "problem solving" tasks you do in your current job. Think of "problem solving" as what happens when you are faced with a new or difficult situation which requires you to think for a while about what to do next. How often are you usually faced by relatively simple problems that take no more than 5 minutes to find a good solution? [TU-EN-Question-F_Q05a-2] The next question is about "problem solving" tasks you did in your last job. Think of "problem solving" as what happens when you are faced with a new or difficult situation which requires you to think for a while about what to do next. How often were you usually faced by relatively simple problems that took no more than 5 minutes to find a good solution? |
Responses |
[F_Q05b] |
[TU-EN-Question-F_Q05b-1] And how often are you usually confronted with more complex problems that take at least 30 minutes to find a good solution? The 30 minutes only refers to the time needed to THINK of a solution, not the time needed to carry it out. [TU-EN-Question-F_Q05b-2] And how often were you usually confronted with more complex problems that took at least 30 minutes to find a good solution? The 30 minutes only refers to the time needed to THINK of a solution, not the time needed to carry it out. |
Responses |
[F_Q06] |
[TU-EN-Question-F_Q06-1] How often does your current job usually involve ... [TU-EN-Question-F_Q06-2] How often did your last job usually involve ... |
[F_Q06b] | working physically for a long period? |
Responses |
[F_Q06c] | using skill or accuracy with your hands or fingers? |
Responses |
[F_N06c] |
[F_Q07a] | Do you feel that you have the skills to cope with more demanding duties than those you are required to perform in your current job? |
Responses |
[F_Q07b] | Do you feel that you need further training in order to cope well with your present duties? |
Responses |
[F_END] |
[G_D01a] |
[G_D01b] |
[G_R01] |
[TU-EN-Question-G_R01-1] The following questions are about reading activities that you undertake as part of your current job. Please only report reading that is part of your current job, not reading you do in your non-work time. Include any reading you might do on computer screens or other electronic displays. [TU-EN-Question-G_R01-2] The following questions are about reading activities that you undertook as part of your last job. Please only report reading that was part of your last job, not reading you did in your non-work time. Include any reading you might do on computer screens or other electronic displays. |
[G_Q01_1] |
[TU-EN-Question-G_Q01_1-1] In your current job, how often do you usually ... [TU-EN-Question-G_Q01_1-2] In your last job, how often did you usually ... |
[G_Q01a] | read directions or instructions? |
Responses |
[G_Q01b] | read letters, memos or e-mails? |
Responses |
[G_Q01c] | read articles in newspapers, magazines or newsletters? |
Responses |
[G_Q01d] | read articles in professional journals or scholarly publications? |
Responses |
[G_Q01_2] |
[TU-EN-Question-G_Q01_2-1] In your current job, how often do you usually ... [TU-EN-Question-G_Q01_2-2] In your last job, how often did you usually ... |
[G_Q01e] | read books? |
Responses |
[G_Q01f] | read manuals or reference materials? |
Responses |
[G_Q01g] | read bills, invoices, bank statements or other financial statements? |
Responses |
[G_Q01h] | read diagrams, maps or schematics? |
Responses |
[G_R02] |
[TU-EN-Question-G_R02-1] The following questions are about writing activities that you undertake as part of your current job. Include any writing you might do on computers or other electronic devices. [TU-EN-Question-G_R02-2] The following questions are about writing activities that you undertook as part of your last job. Include any writing you might do on computers or other electronic devices. |
[G_Q02] |
[TU-EN-Question-G_Q02-1] In your current job, how often do you usually ... [TU-EN-Question-G_Q02-2] In your last job, how often did you usually ... |
[G_Q02a] | write letters, memos or e-mails? |
Responses |
[G_Q02b] | write articles for newspapers, magazines or newsletters? |
Responses |
[G_Q02c] | write reports? |
Responses |
[G_Q02d] | fill in forms? |
Responses |
[G_R03] |
[TU-EN-Question-G_R03-1] The following questions are about activities that you do as part of your current job and that involve numbers, quantities, numerical information, statistics or mathematics. [TU-EN-Question-G_R03-2] The following questions are about activities that you did as part of your last job and that involve numbers, quantities, numerical information, statistics or mathematics. |
[G_Q03_1] |
[TU-EN-Question-G_Q03_1-1] In your current job, how often do you usually ... [TU-EN-Question-G_Q03_1-2] In your last job, how often did you usually ... |
[G_Q03b] | calculate prices, costs or budgets? |
Responses |
[G_Q03c] | use or calculate fractions, decimals or percentages? |
Responses |
[G_Q03d] | use a calculator - either hand-held or computer-based? |
Responses |
[G_Q03_2] |
[TU-EN-Question-G_Q03_2-1] In your current job, how often do you usually ... [TU-EN-Question-G_Q03_2-2] In your last job, how often did you usually ... |
[G_Q03f] | prepare charts, graphs or tables? |
Responses |
[G_Q03g] |
[TU-EN-Question-G_Q03g-1] use simple algebra or formulas? [TU-EN-Question-G_Q03g-2] use simple algebra or formulas? |
Responses |
[G_Q03h] | use more advanced math or statistics such as calculus, complex algebra, trigonometry or use of regression techniques? |
Responses |
[G_Q04] |
[TU-EN-Question-G_Q04-1] Do you use a computer in your current job? [TU-EN-Question-G_Q04-2] Did you use a computer in your last job? |
Responses |
[G_R05] |
[TU-EN-Question-G_R05-1] The following questions are about the use of computers or internet as part of your current job. They do not refer to the use of computers or internet in any jobs you may have held prior to your current job. [TU-EN-Question-G_R05-2] The following questions are about the use of computers or internet as part of your last job. They do not refer to the use of computers or internet in any jobs you may have held prior to your last job. |
[G_Q05_1] |
[TU-EN-Question-G_Q05_1-1] In your current job, how often do you usually ... [TU-EN-Question-G_Q05_1-2] In your last job, how often did you usually ... |
[G_Q05a] | use email? |
Responses |
[G_Q05c] | use the internet in order to better understand issues related to your work? |
Responses |
[G_Q05d] | conduct transactions on the internet, for example buying or selling products or services, or banking? |
Responses |
[G_Q05_2] |
[TU-EN-Question-G_Q05_2-1] In your current job, how often do you usually ... [TU-EN-Question-G_Q05_2-2] In your last job, how often did you usually ... |
[G_Q05e] | use spreadsheet software, for example Excel? |
Responses |
[G_Q05f] | use a word processor, for example Word? |
Responses |
[G_Q05g] | use a programming language to program or write computer code? |
Responses |
[G_Q05h] | participate in real-time discussions on the internet, for example online conferences, or chat groups? |
Responses |
[G_N05h] |
[G_Q06] |
[TU-EN-Question-G_Q06-1] What level of computer use is needed to perform your current job? [TU-EN-Question-G_Q06-2] What level of computer use was needed to perform your last job? |
Responses |
[G_D07a] |
[G_D07b] |
[G_Q07] |
[TU-EN-Question-G_Q07-1] Do you think you have the computer skills you need to do your current job well? [TU-EN-Question-G_Q07-2] Do you think you had the computer skills you needed to do your last job well? |
Responses |
[G_Q08] | Has a lack of computer skills affected your chances of being hired for a job or getting a promotion or pay raise? |
Responses |
[G_END] |
[H_D01a] |
[H_R01] |
[TU-EN-Question-H_R01-1] Until now we talked about your activities at work. I would now like to talk about your reading activities outside work. Include any reading you might do on computer screens or other electronic displays. [TU-EN-Question-H_R01-2] Until now we talked about your activities at work. I would now like to talk about your reading activities outside work, including any reading you do as part of your studies. Include any reading you might do on computer screens or other electronic displays. [TU-EN-Question-H_R01-3] Until now we talked about your activities in your last job. I would now like to talk about your reading activities in everyday life. Exclude any reading you did as part of your last job. Include any reading you might do on computer screens or other electronic displays. [TU-EN-Question-H_R01-4] Until now we talked about your activities in your last job. I would now like to talk about your reading activities in everyday life. Exclude any reading you did as part of your last job, but include any reading you do as part of your studies. Include any reading you might do on computer screens or other electronic displays. [TU-EN-Question-H_R01-5] I would now like to talk about your reading activities in everyday life. Include any reading you might do on computer screens or other electronic displays. |
[H_Q01_1] |
[TU-EN-Question-H_Q01_1-1] Outside your work, how often do you usually ... [TU-EN-Question-H_Q01_1-2] In everyday life, how often do you usually ... |
[H_Q01a] | read directions or instructions? |
Responses |
[H_Q01b] | read letters, memos or e-mails? |
Responses |
[H_Q01c] | read articles in newspapers, magazines or newsletters? |
Responses |
[H_Q01d] | read articles in professional journals or scholarly publications? |
Responses |
[H_Q01_2] |
[TU-EN-Question-H_Q01_2-1] Outside your work, how often do you usually ... [TU-EN-Question-H_Q01_2-2] In everyday life, how often do you usually ... |
[H_Q01e] | read books, fiction or non-fiction? |
Responses |
[H_Q01f] | read manuals or reference materials? |
Responses |
[H_Q01g] | read bills, invoices, bank statements or other financial statements? |
Responses |
[H_Q01h] | read diagrams, maps, or schematics? |
Responses |
[H_R02] |
[TU-EN-Question-H_R02-1] The following questions are about your writing activities outside work. Include any writing you might do on computers or other electronic devices. [TU-EN-Question-H_R02-2] The following questions are about your writing activities outside work, including any writing you do as part of your studies. Include any writing you might do on computers or other electronic devices. [TU-EN-Question-H_R02-3] The following questions are about your writing activities in everyday life. Exclude any writing you did as part of your last job. Include any writing you might do on computers or other electronic devices. [TU-EN-Question-H_R02-4] The following questions are about your writing activities in everyday life. Exclude any writing you did as part of your last job, but include any writing you do as part of your studies. Include any writing you might do on computers or other electronic devices. [TU-EN-Question-H_R02-5] The following questions are about the writing activities that you do in everyday life, including any writing you do as part of your studies. Include any writing you might do on computers or other electronic devices. [TU-EN-Question-H_R02-6] The following questions are about your writing activities in everyday life. Include any writing you might do on computers or other electronic devices. |
[H_Q02] |
[TU-EN-Question-H_Q02-1] Outside your work, how often do you usually ... [TU-EN-Question-H_Q02-2] In everyday life, how often do you usually ... |
[H_Q02a] | write letters, memos or e-mails? |
Responses |
[H_Q02b] | write articles for newspapers, magazines or newsletters? |
Responses |
[H_Q02c] | write reports? |
Responses |
[H_Q02d] | fill in forms? |
Responses |
[H_R03] |
[TU-EN-Question-H_R03-1] The following questions are about activities that you undertake outside work that involve numbers, quantities, numerical information, statistics or mathematics. [TU-EN-Question-H_R03-2] The following questions are about activities that you undertake outside work that involve numbers, quantities, numerical information, statistics or mathematics, including any such activities you undertake as part of your studies. [TU-EN-Question-H_R03-3] The following questions are about activities that you undertake in everyday life that involve numbers, quantities, numerical information, statistics or mathematics. Exclude any such activities you undertook as part of your last job. [TU-EN-Question-H_R03-4] The following questions are about activities that you undertake in everyday life that involve numbers, quantities, numerical information, statistics or mathematics. Exclude any such activities you undertook as part of your last job, but include any such activities you undertake as part of your studies. [TU-EN-Question-H_R03-5] The following questions are about activities that you undertake in everyday life that involve numbers, quantities, numerical information, statistics or mathematics. Include any such activities you undertake as part of your studies. [TU-EN-Question-H_R03-6] The following questions are about activities that you undertake in everyday life that involve numbers, quantities, numerical information, statistics or mathematics. |
[H_Q03_1] |
[TU-EN-Question-H_Q03_1-1] Outside your work, how often do you usually ... [TU-EN-Question-H_Q03_1-2] In everyday life, how often do you usually ... |
[H_Q03b] | calculate prices, costs or budgets? |
Responses |
[H_Q03c] | use or calculate fractions, decimals or percentages? |
Responses |
[H_Q03d] | use a calculator - either hand-held or computer-based? |
Responses |
[H_Q03_2] |
[TU-EN-Question-H_Q03_2-1] Outside your work, how often do you usually ... [TU-EN-Question-H_Q03_2-2] In everyday life, how often do you usually ... |
[H_Q03f] | prepare charts, graphs or tables? |
Responses |
[H_Q03g] | use simple algebra or formulas? |
Responses |
[H_Q03h] | use more advanced math or statistics such as calculus, complex algebra, trigonometry or use of regression techniques? |
Responses |
[H_Q04a] | Have you ever used a computer? |
Responses |
[H_Q04b] |
[TU-EN-Question-H_Q04b-1] Do you use a computer in your everyday life now outside work? [TU-EN-Question-H_Q04b-2] Do you use a computer in your everyday life now? |
Responses |
[H_R05] |
[TU-EN-Question-H_R05-1] The following questions are about the use of computers or the internet outside work. This could be at home or in other places that offer internet services, like internet cafes or libraries. [TU-EN-Question-H_R05-2] The following questions are about the use of computers or the internet outside work, including any such activities you undertake as part of your studies. This could be at home or in other places that offer internet services, like internet cafes or libraries. [TU-EN-Question-H_R05-3] The following questions are about the use of computers or the internet in everyday life. Exclude any such activities you undertook as part of your last job. This could be at home or in other places that offer internet services, like internet cafes or libraries. [TU-EN-Question-H_R05-4] The following questions are about the use of computers or the internet in everyday life. Exclude any such activities you undertook as part of your last job, but include any such activities you undertake as part of your studies. This could be at home or in other places that offer internet services, like internet cafes or libraries. [TU-EN-Question-H_R05-5] The following questions are about the use of computers or the internet in everyday life, including any such activities you undertake as part of your studies. This could be at home or in other places that offer internet services, like internet cafes or libraries. [TU-EN-Question-H_R05-6] The following questions are about the use of computers or the internet in everyday life. This could be at home or in other places that offer internet services, like internet cafes or libraries. |
[H_Q05_1] |
[TU-EN-Question-H_Q05_1-1] Outside your work, how often do you usually ... [TU-EN-Question-H_Q05_1-2] In everyday life, how often do you usually ... |
[H_Q05a] | use email? |
Responses |
[H_Q05c] | use the internet in order to better understand issues related to, for example, your health or illnesses, financial matters, or environmental issues? |
Responses |
[H_Q05d] | conduct transactions on the internet, for example buying or selling products or services, or banking? |
Responses |
[H_Q05_2] |
[TU-EN-Question-H_Q05_2-1] Outside your work, how often do you usually ... [TU-EN-Question-H_Q05_2-2] In everyday life, how often do you usually ... |
[H_Q05e] | use spreadsheet software, for example Excel? |
Responses |
[H_Q05f] | use a word processor, for example Word? |
Responses |
[H_Q05g] | use a programming language to program or write computer code? |
Responses |
[H_Q05h] | participate in real-time discussions on the internet, for example online conferences or chat groups? |
Responses |
[H_N05h] |
[I_R01] |
[I_Q04_1] | I would now like to ask you some questions about how you deal with problems and tasks you encounter. To what extent do the following statements apply to you? |
[I_Q04b] | When I hear or read about new ideas, I try to relate them to real life situations to which they might apply |
Responses |
[I_Q04d] | I like learning new things |
Responses |
[I_Q04h] | When I come across something new, I try to relate it to what I already know |
Responses |
[I_Q04_3] | To what extent do the following statements apply to you? |
[I_Q04j] | I like to get to the bottom of difficult things |
Responses |
[I_Q04l] | I like to figure out how different ideas fit together |
Responses |
[I_Q04m] | If I don't understand something, I look for additional information to make it clearer |
Responses |
[I_N04m] |
[I_Q05f] | In the last 12 months, how often, if at all, did you do voluntary work, including unpaid work for a charity, political party, trade union or other non-profit organization? |
Responses |
[I_N05h] |
[I_Q06] | To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement? |
[I_Q06a] | People like me don't have any say about what the government does |
Responses |
[I_Q07a] | There are only a few people you can trust completely |
Responses |
[I_Q07b] | If you are not careful, other people will take advantage of you |
Responses |
[I_R06dUSX1a] | I'd like to find out how you usually get information about current events, public affairs, and the government. How much information about current events, public affairs, and the government do you get from... |
[I_Q06dUSX1a] | newspapers? Would you say ... |
Responses |
[I_Q06dUSX1b] | magazines? Would you say ... |
Responses |
[I_Q06dUSX1c] | Internet? Would you say ... |
Responses |
[I_Q06dUSX1d] | radio? Would you say ... |
Responses |
[I_R06dUSX1e] | How much information about current events, public affairs, and the government do you get from ... |
[I_Q06dUSX1e] | television? Would you say ... |
Responses |
[I_Q06dUSX1f] | books or brochures? Would you say ... |
Responses |
[I_Q06dUSX1g] | family members, friends, or co-workers? Would you say ... |
Responses |
[I_N07d] |
[I_Q08] | The next few questions are about your health. In general, would you say your health is excellent, very good, good, fair, or poor? |
Responses |
[I_Q08USX1] | Do you have any difficulty seeing the words and letters in ordinary newspaper print even when wearing glasses or contact lenses if you usually wear them? |
Responses |
[I_Q08USX2] | Do you have any difficulty hearing what is said in a normal conversation with another person even when using a hearing aid if you usually wear one? |
Responses |
[I_Q08USX3] | Have you ever been diagnosed or identified as having a learning disability? |
Responses |
[I_Q10bUSX1] | Do you have any kind of medical insurance or are you enrolled in any kind of program that helps to pay for your health care? |
Responses |
[I_R10bUSX2a] | Now I'd like to find out how you usually get information about health issues, such as diet, exercise, disease prevention, or a specific disease or health condition. How much information about health issues do you get from ... |
[I_Q10bUSX2a] | newspapers? Would you say ... |
Responses |
[I_Q10bUSX2b] | magazines? Would you say ... |
Responses |
[I_Q10bUSX2c] | internet? Would you say ... |
Responses |
[I_Q10bUSX2d] | radio? Would you say ... |
Responses |
[I_R10bUSX2e] | How much information about health issues do you get from ... |
[I_Q10bUSX2e] | television? Would you say ... |
Responses |
[I_Q10bUSX2f] | books or brochures? Would you say ... |
Responses |
[I_Q10bUSX2g] | family members, friends, or co-workers? Would you say ... |
Responses |
[I_Q10bUSX2h] | talking to health care professionals, such as doctors, nurses, therapists, or psychologists? Would you say ... |
Responses |
[I_R10bUSX3a] | I would like to ask you about some topics related to maintaining health. In the past year, have you ... |
[I_Q10bUSX3a] | gotten a flu shot? |
Responses |
[I_C10bUSX3b] |
[I_R10bUSX3b] | In the past year, have you ... |
[I_Q10bUSX3b] | had a mammogram? |
Responses |
[I_C10bUSX3c] |
[I_R10bUSX3c] | In the past year, have you ... |
[I_Q10bUSX3c] | had a pap smear? |
Responses |
[I_C10bUSX3d] |
[I_R10bUSX3d] | In the past year, have you ... |
[I_Q10bUSX3d] | been screened for colon cancer? |
Responses |
[I_R10bUSX3e] | In the past year, have you ... |
[I_Q10bUSX3e] | had your vision checked? |
Responses |
[I_C10bUSX3f] |
[I_R10bUSX3f] | In the past year, have you ... |
[I_Q10bUSX3f] | been screened for prostate cancer? |
Responses |
[I_C10bUSX3g] |
[I_R10bUSX3g] | In the past year, have you ... |
[I_Q10bUSX3g] | been screened for osteoporosis? |
Responses |
[I_R10bUSX3h] | In the past year, have you ... |
[I_Q10bUSX3h] | visited a dentist? |
Responses |
[I_END] |
[J_Q01] | Now I would like to ask you some general questions. Including yourself, how many people usually live in your household? Please include people who are temporarily living elsewhere. |
Responses |
[J_Q02a] | Are you living together with a spouse or partner? |
Responses |
[J_Q02c] | Please look at this card and tell me which of the statements best describes the current situation of your spouse or partner. |
Responses |
[J_Q03a] | Do you have children? Please include stepchildren and children not living in your household. |
Responses |
[J_Q03b] | How many children do you have? |
Responses |
[J_Q03c] | How old is this child? |
Responses |
[J_Q03d1] | How old is your youngest child? |
Responses |
[J_Q03d2] | And how old is your oldest child? |
Responses |
[J_E03] |
[J_Q04a] | Now I have some questions on your background. Were you born in the United States? |
Responses |
[J_Q04bUS] | In what country were you born? |
Responses |
[J_S04b] | What country was that? |
Responses |
[J_Q04c1] | When did you first come to the United States? |
Responses |
[J_Q04c2] |
Responses |
[J_E04c2] |
[J_Q04dUSX1a] | Are you Hispanic or Latino? |
Responses |
[J_Q04dUSX1b] | Which of the groups on this card describes your Hispanic or Latino origin? Choose one or more. |
Responses |
[J_Q04dUSX2] | Which of the groups on this card best describes you? Choose one or more |
Responses |
[J_Q05a1US] | What is the language that you first learned at home in childhood AND STILL UNDERSTAND? |
Responses |
[J_S05a1] | What language was that? |
Responses |
[J_N05a2] | Did the respondent mention more than 1 language? |
Responses |
[J_Q05a2US] | What is the second language that you first learned at home in childhood AND STILL UNDERSTAND? |
Responses |
[J_S05a2] | What language was that? |
Responses |
[J_Q05a2USX2] | How old were you when you learned to speak English? |
Responses |
[J_Q05bUS] | What language do you speak most often at home? |
Responses |
[J_S05b] | What language was that? |
Responses |
[J_Q05cUSX1] | What language(s) do you speak most often with your relatives and closest friends? |
Responses |
[J_Q05cUSX2] | Do you use English outside the home? |
Responses |
[J_R05cUSX3a] | With regard to English, how well do you ... |
[J_Q05cUSX3a] | understand it when it is spoken to you? Would you say ... |
Responses |
[J_Q05cUSX3b] | speak it? Would you say ... |
Responses |
[J_Q05cUSX3d] | read it? Would you say ... |
Responses |
[J_Q05cUSX3e] | write it? Would you say ... |
Responses |
[J_C05cUSX4] |
[J_Q05cUSX4] | During the past 12 months, did you take any classes or have a tutor to learn English as a Second Language? |
Responses |
[J_Q05cUSX5] | (Do/Did) you take the ESL classes mainly for work-related reasons or mainly for personal interest? |
Responses |
[J_Q05cUSX6] | As an adult, have you ever taken classes or had a tutor to learn English? |
Responses |
[J_Q06a] | The next few questions are about your mother or female guardian. Was your mother or female guardian born in the United States? |
Responses |
[J_Q06bUS] | What was the highest level of education your mother or female guardian ever completed? |
Responses |
[J_D06c1] |
[J_D06c2] |
[J_D06c3] |
[J_D06c4] |
[J_D06c5] |
[J_Q07a] | The next few questions are about your father or male guardian. Was your father or male guardian born in the United States? |
Responses |
[J_Q07bUS] | What was the highest level of education your father or male guardian ever completed? |
Responses |
[J_Q08] |
[TU-EN-Question-J_Q08-1] About how many books are there in your home? Do not include magazines, newspapers or schoolbooks. To give an estimation, one foot of shelving is about 10 books. [TU-EN-Question-J_Q08-2] About how many books were there in your home? Do not include magazines, newspapers or schoolbooks. To give an estimation, one foot of shelving is about 10 books. |
Responses |
[J_END] |
[ComputerExperience] |
Responses |
[NativeSpeaker] |
Responses |