NCES collects transcript data from postsecondary institutions for various longitudinal studies, including the Beginning Postsecondary Students (BPS) and Baccalaureate and Beyond (B&B) longitudinal studies.


Tables created by NCES staff in response to our most recent user requests are listed below, and include data from the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) and NCES sample surveys, including the National Postsecondary Student Aid Study (NPSAS), Baccalaureate and Beyond (B&B), and the Beginning Postsecondary Students Longitudinal Study (BPS).

Older user requested tables are archived in the College and Career Tables Library.

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  • 2011275: Persistence and Attainment Among Pell Grant Recipients: Results From the Beginning Postsecondary Students Longitudinal Study of 2004/09
    • Individual Tables
      • Table 1 Percentage distribution of cumulative persistence and attainment at any institution of first-time beginning students in 2003–04, by initial degree program, receipt of Pell Grants, and dependency status: Spring 2009 PDF
        Table S1 Standard errors for table 1: Percentage distribution of cumulative persistence and attainment at any institution of first-time beginning students in 2003–04, by initial degree program, receipt of Pell Grants, and dependency status: Spring 2009 PDF
        Table 2 Percentage distribution of cumulative persistence and attainment at any institution of low income quartile, first-time beginning students in 2003–04, by initial degree program, receipt of Pell Grants, and dependency status: Spring 2009 PDF
        Table S2 Standard errors for table 2: Percentage distribution of cumulative persistence and attainment at any institution of low income quartile, first-time beginning students in 2003–04, by initial degree program, receipt of Pell Grants, and dependency status: Spring 2009 PDF
        Table 3 Percentage distribution of cumulative persistence and attainment at any institution of middle-low income quartile, first-time beginning students in 2003–04, by initial degree program, receipt of Pell Grants, and dependency status: Spring 2009 PDF
        Table S3 Standard errors for table 3: Percentage distribution of cumulative persistence and attainment at any institution of middle-low income quartile, first-time beginning students in 2003–04, by initial degree program, receipt of Pell Grants, and dependency status: Spring 2009 PDF
        Table 4 Percentage distribution of cumulative persistence and attainment at any institution of middle-high income quartile, first-time beginning students in 2003–04, by initial degree program, receipt of Pell Grants, and dependency status: Spring 2009 PDF
        Table S4 Standard errors for table 4: Percentage distribution of cumulative persistence and attainment at any institution of middle-high income quartile, first-time beginning students in 2003–04, by initial degree program, receipt of Pell Grants, and dependency status: Spring 2009 PDF
        Table 5 Percentage distribution of cumulative persistence and attainment at any institution of high income quartile, first-time beginning students in 2003–04, by initial degree program, receipt of Pell Grants, and dependency status: Spring 2009 PDF
        Table S5 Standard errors for table 5: Percentage distribution of cumulative persistence and attainment Table at any institution of high income quartile, first-time beginning students in 2003–04, by initial degree program, receipt of Pell Grants, and dependency status: Spring 2009 PDF
  • 2009186: Choosing a Postsecondary Institution: Considerations Reported by Students
    • Individual Tables
      • Table 1 Percentage distribution of 2003–04 beginning postsecondary students who were recent high school graduates (graduated in 2003 or 2004) and not recent high school graduates (graduated prior to 2003), by type of institution: 2004–06 PDF
        Table 2 Percentage distribution of 2003–04 beginning postsecondary students who were recent high school graduates, by type of institution and student characteristics: 2004–06 PDF
        Table 3 Percentage of 2003–04 beginning postsecondary students who were recent high school graduates, by type of institution and enrollment choice factors: 2004–06 PDF
        Table 4 Percentage distribution of 2003–04 beginning postsecondary students who were not recent high school graduates, by type of institution and student characteristics: 2004–06 PDF
        Table 5 Percentage of 2003–04 beginning postsecondary students who were not recent high school graduates, by type of institution and enrollment choice factors: 2004–06 PDF
  • 2009182: A Profile of Military Servicemembers and Veterans Enrolled in Postsecondary Education in 2007–08
    • Individual Tables
      • Table 1 Percentage distribution of undergraduates, by military status and receipt of veterans' educational benefits PDF
        Table 2 Percentage distribution of undergraduates, by military status, receipt of veterans' education benefits, dependency status, and selected demographic characteristics PDF
        Table 3 Percentage distribution of undergraduates, by military status, receipt of veterans' education benefits, dependency status, and selected enrollment characteristics PDF
        Table 4 Percentage of first-time beginning undergraduates, by military status, dependency status, and selected considerations in and reasons for attending their institutions PDF
        Table 5 Percentage receiving financial aid and average amount received among undergraduates attending public 2-year institutions, by military status, dependency status, institution type, and type of aid PDF