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Number of 2015–16 public school principals and percentage distribution of public school principals who reported that they agree strongly or somewhat with statements about job satisfaction, by 2016–17 status: 2016–17

Job satisfaction in 2015–16   Total1   Stayers   Movers   Leavers   Other  
All public schools   86,180   82.2   6.0   9.8   2.0  
Job satisfaction                      
The stress and disappointments involved in being a principal at this school aren't really worth it   13,740   75.9   7.5   13.3   3.3  
I am generally satisfied with being principal at this school   81,150   82.8   5.9   9.3   1.9  
If I could get a higher paying job I'd leave this job as soon as possible   21,340   76.5   8.1   12.4   3.0  
I think about transferring to another school   15,960   73.6   11.6   11.7   3.1  
I don't seem to have as much enthusiasm now as I did when I began job   25,190   76.2   7.4   14.4   2.0  
I think about staying home from school because I'm just too tired to go   10,920   75.7   8.2   14.1   2.0  
1 These estimates do not include 4.7 percent of the 2015–16 principals about whom no information was available in 2016–17.
NOTE: "Stayers" are principals who were principals in the same school in the current school year as in the base year. "Movers" are principals who were still principals in the current school year but had moved to a different school after the base year. "Leavers" are principals who were no longer principals after the base year. "Other" includes principals who had left their base-year school, but for whom it was not possible to determine a mover or leaver status in the current school year. Detail may not sum to totals because of rounding.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, National Teacher and Principal Survey (NTPS), "Public School Principal Data File," 2015–16; and Principal Follow-up Survey (PFS), "Public School Principal Status Data File," 2016–17.