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Average base teaching salary and supplements: Among regular full-time school teachers, average base salary and earnings from all sources, percentage of teachers with earnings from various salary supplements, and among those teachers, the average amount earned from the supplement during the current school year, by school type and selected school characteristics: 2020–21

      Salary supplements
  Average base teaching salary of regular full-time teachers   Average school year earnings from all sources1   Extracurricular or additional activities in same school system   Additional compensation based on students' performance   Other school system sources (state supplement, etc.)   Job outside the school system during the school year
School type and selected school characteristic     Percent of teachers   Average amount   Percent of teachers   Average amount   Percent of teachers   Average amount   Percent of teachers   Average amount  
All teachers $60,100 $62,500 38.7 $2,900 4.7 $1,400 7.5 $2,800 16.8 $6,100 
All public school teachers 61,600 64,100 40.1 2,900 5.2 1,400 8.1 2,700 16.8 6,100 
School classification                     
Traditional public 62,100 64,600 40.6 3,000 4.8 1,400 8.1 2,800 16.8 6,100 
Charter school 54,400 56,600 32.9 2,500 10.0 1,500 8.6 2,300 16.6 6,400 
Community type                     
City 63,500 65,800 37.6 2,600 6.3 1,500 7.6 2,900 15.7 6,300 
Suburban 66,900 69,400 38.9 3,100 4.6 1,400 7.1 2,900 16.9 6,100 
Town 54,300 56,800 43.4 3,100 4.6 1,300 8.2 2,500 17.0 5,700 
Rural 53,700 56,400 43.6 2,900 5.3 1,200 10.6 2,500 17.7 6,100 
School level2                     
Elementary 60,100 61,800 29.9 1,700 5.4 1,300 8.1 2,400 14.2 5,900 
Middle 61,900 64,500 46.0 3,000 4.5 1,300 7.8 2,700 17.8 5,600 
Secondary/high 62,900 66,700 51.8 4,000 5.4 1,500 8.9 3,200 20.5 6,600 
Combined/other 64,300 66,800 41.4 3,100 4.9 1,300 6.6 2,900 15.2 6,000 
Student enrollment                     
Less than 100 53,500 57,200 30.2 3,300 4.1 1,300 12.5 2,700 23.1 9,900!
100–199 52,800 55,400 40.2 3,000 4.7 1,700 8.0 3,600 18.2 5,600 
200–499 59,700 61,700 36.9 2,400 4.5 1,300 7.1 2,500 15.7 5,900 
500–749 61,500 63,600 37.8 2,500 5.3 1,200 8.2 2,400 15.8 5,600 
750–999 62,900 65,400 40.2 2,900 5.6 1,600 8.9 3,000 16.6 5,800 
1,000 or more 65,600 68,900 47.5 3,800 5.8 1,500 8.7 3,100 18.4 6,500 
Percent of K–12 students who were approved
for free or reduced-price lunches
0–34 65,200 67,800 42.2 3,100 4.9 1,500 7.1 2,600 18.0 5,800 
35–49 60,700 63,400 43.1 3,100 4.7 1,200 7.8 3,000 17.1 6,300 
50–74 59,300 61,800 39.7 3,000 5.5 1,200 8.4 2,700 16.8 5,900 
75 or more 60,200 62,500 37.1 2,600 5.5 1,500 9.1 2,700 15.4 6,400 
Reported effect of COVID–19 on instruction3                     
Only teaching with distance-learning instruction 67,700 69,900 36.8 2,800 4.3 1,800 6.4 2,900 14.7 6,100 
Teaching with a hybrid of in-person and
distance-learning instruction
61,700 64,300 42.4 3,000 4.9 1,300 8.6 2,700 17.5 6,000 
Teaching only in-person instruction or no
effect on delivery of instruction
56,400 58,800 37.3 2,700 6.5 1,200 8.5 2,600 16.7 6,300 
All private school teachers $46,400 $48,300 25.5 $3,100 0.4 $2,000!1.6 $4,600 17.2 $6,100
School classification                    
Catholic 45,200 47,100 30.8 2,800 0.3!1,400 2.2 4,800 17.0 5,800
Other religious 40,100 42,100 22.1 3,200   1.3 5,700!18.2 6,700
Nonsectarian 56,000 57,700 24.2 3,400 0.5!1,800 1.3 2,600 15.9 5,400
Community type                    
City 50,300 52,400 29.2 3,300 0.6!1,800!2.4 4,000 16.9 5,900
Suburban 47,400 49,400 23.8 3,100 0.4! 1 5,100!17.0 6,800
Town 34,600 36,100 26.8 1,600    9,400!21.8 4,400
Rural 37,200 38,700 18.4 2,900    2,300!16.2 5,700
School level2                    
Elementary/middle 40,300 41,500 17.0 2,600   2.1! 15.0 4,600
Secondary/high 53,700 56,700 42.4 3,700 0.6!1,300!2.7  19.7 6,600
Combined/other 45,900 47,700 23.5 2,900 0.5!2,200!1.3 4,500 17.0 6,100
Student enrollment                    
Less than 100 36,400 37,700 11.5 2,300   1.2! 17.6 5,500
100–199 39,900 41,200 15.8 2,000   1.5!7,000!17.7 5,100
200–499 46,700 48,700 29.1 2,700  1,200!2.1 3,100 16.7 6,600
500–749 53,100 55,600 33.7 3,400   2.1  19.4 6,700
750 or more 64,200 67,200 44.2 4,400   0.9! 14.8 6,500
Reported effect of COVID–19 on instruction3                    
Only teaching with distance-learning instruction 56,200 57,900 19.3 4,300    5,000!12.1 5,500
Teaching with a hybrid of in-person and
distance-learning instruction
50,100 52,300 28.9 3,200 0.6!1,400!1.8 3,600 18.3 6,400
Teaching only in-person instruction or no
effect on delivery of instruction
40,100 41,700 22.0 2,800   1.3 6,200!16.5 5,700
! Interpret data with caution. The coefficient of variation (CV) for this estimate is between 30 percent and 50 percent (i.e., the standard error is at least 30 percent and less than 50 percent of the estimate).
‡ Reporting standards not met. Either there are too few cases for a reliable analysis, or the coefficient of variation (CV) for this estimate is 50 percent or greater (i.e., the standard error is 50 percent or more of the estimate).
1Average earnings from all sources is defined as the weighted mean of the amount that regular full-time teachers earned from all sources during the school year. It does not include summer income or income from a retirement pension.
2Elementary schools offer at least one grade of K to 4, and the number of elementary grades is higher than the number of middle grades. Middle schools offer at least one of grades 5 to 8, and the number of middle grades is greater than the number of elementary or secondary grades. Secondary/high schools are defined as schools that enroll students in more of grades 9 through 12 than in lower grades. Combined/other schools include all other combinations of grades, including K–12 schools. School level categories in the 2020–21 NTPS differ from those in previous survey administrations; caution should be exercised when comparing estimates by level over time.
3Teachers were asked to report the current effect of the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) on their teaching at the school at the time they completed the survey. Thus, this was the reported effect on instruction at the time the survey was completed, not a summary of the school year.
NOTE: Data are weighted estimates of the population. For average base salary, teachers who reported zero are excluded from the table. Summer earnings are not included. A regular full-time teacher is any teacher whose primary position in a school is not an itinerant teacher, a long-term substitute, a short-term substitute, a student teacher, a teacher aide, an administrator, a library media or librarian, another type of professional staff (e.g., counselor, curriculum coordinator, social worker) or support staff (e.g., secretary), or a part-time teacher.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, National Teacher and Principal Survey (NTPS), “Public School Teacher and Private School Teacher Data Files,” 2020–21.