Available Data
A spreadsheet for comparing the variables included in all of the NELS Restricted- and Public-use data files can be found here: NELS Variable List (562 KB)
Public-use Data Files
- Online Codebook: NELS:88/2000 Public-use Data Files
Base year through Fourth follow-up (NELS:88/00), Base year through Third follow-up (NELS:88/94), Base year through Second follow-up (NELS:88/92) are each available.
- DataLab: PowerStats and QuickStats
- DVD: NELS:88/2000 Restricted Use Data Files
Base year through Fourth follow-up - Request this file if you plan to study students for the period 1988 to 2000.
(NCES 2003-348; Release Date: February 2003)
Additional NELS:88 restricted-use Supplemental files (packaged with NELS:88/00 PETS DVD)
- DVD: Postsecondary Education Transcript Study (PETS)
Contains information from postsecondary transcripts for NELS:88 respondents who went on to earn credits in higher education. This CD is most often used with the NELS:88/2000 restricted file.
(NCES 2004-401; Release Date: October 2004)
- DVD: PETS Supplemental Variables
Contains composite and derived variables that were created from the PETS file. This CD is most often used with the PETS or NELS:88/2000 restricted file.
(Release Date, June 2004)
- DVD: Student Level Residential Census Data (Residential Zip Code linkage)
Contains Census information at the Zip Code level for NELS:88 respondents. This file does not contain actual zip codes. This file can be merged to the NELS:88/92 restricted-use file.
(Release Date: August 1997)
- DVD: High school GPA and coursework analysis file
Contains high school GPA and coursework (e.g., highest math course taken variables).
(Release Date, January 2010)
- DVD: High School Effectiveness Study
Contains information on a subset (sample of NELS:88 students and additional sampled students) that can be used to study school effectiveness between 10th and 12th grades.
(Release Date: January 2003)