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Calculated Data Fields

This page contains information on the formulae used to calculate values for several fields used by the "Compare Academic Libraries" and "Compare Public Libraries" tools. Note that these fields are not included in the survey data files downloadable from the NCES website.

Academic Libraries

These fields are used by the "Compare Academic Libraries" tool and are not in the data files.

Variable Name Long Field Name Based on variables ... Calculation formula Notes
totalfte Total FTE 12-month Enrollment underfte - Total FTE 12-month Undergraduate Enrollment;
gradfte - Total FTE 12-month Post-Baccalaureate Enrollment
= underfte + gradfte From IPEDS Fall Enrollment data. See for these data
underfte Total FTE 12-month Undergraduate Enrollment Total part-time enrollment;
Total full-time enrollment
= Total full-time + 1/3 * Total part-time From IPEDS Fall Enrollment data. See for these data
gradfte Total FTE 12-month Post-Baccalaureate Enrollment Total part-time post-baccalaureate and graduate enrollment;
Total full-time post-baccalaureate and graduate enrollment
= Total full-time + 1/3 * Total part-time From IPEDS Fall Enrollment data. See for these data
perexpd Total Library Expenditures Per Person Enrolled (FTE) LC24 - Total Library Expenditures;
totalfte - Total FTE 12-month Enrollment
= LC24 / totalfte If totalfte is null or 0, or LC24 is null, then perexpd is null
percoll Print Material - Paper Volumes Per Person Enrolled LD26-2 - Print Material - Paper Volumes (held at end of year);
totalfte - Total FTE 12-month Enrollment
= LD26-2 / totalfte If totalfte is null or 0, or LD26-2 is null, then percoll is null
perallsta Total Staff Per 1,000 Enrolled (FTE) LB8 - Total Staff;
totalfte - Total FTE 12-month Enrollment
= (LB8 / totalfte) * 1000 If totalfte is null or 0, or LB8 is null, then perallsta is null
perstaff Librarians and Other Professional Staff Per 1,000 Enrolled (FTE) LB4 - Librarians and Other Professional Staff;
totalfte - Total FTE 12-month Enrollment
= (LB4 / totalfte) * 1000 If totalfte is null or 0, or LB4 is null, then perstaff is null
percirt Circulation Transactions (Including Reserves) Per Person Enrolled (FTE) LE38 - Circulation Transactions (Including Reserves);
totalfte - Total FTE 12-month Enrollment
= LE38 / totalfte If totalfte is null or 0, or LE38 is null, then percirt is null
LG44 (and similar for LG45 through LG56) Electronic Services data LG44-1;
= "Yes" if
LG44-1 = "Yes" or
LG44-2 = "Yes" or
LG44-3 = "Yes" or
LG44-4 = "Yes"
If LG44-1 is null
or LG44-2 is null
or LG44-3 is null
or LG44-4 is null,
then LG44 is null

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Public Libraries

These fields are used by the "Compare Public Libraries" tool and are not in the data files.

Variable Name Long Field Name Based on variables ... Calculation formula Notes
master_10_000 ALA-MLS Librarians per 10,000 population master - ALA-MLS Librarians;
POPU_UND - unduplicated population
= (master / POPU_UND) * 10000 If master = null or POPU_UND = null or 0, then master_10_000 = null
master_1000 ALA-MLS Librarians per 1,000 population master- ALA-MLS Librarians;
POPU_UND - unduplicated population
= (master / POPU_UND) * 1000 If master = null or POPU_UND = null or 0, then master_1000 = null
audio_1000 Audio Materials per 1,000 population audio - Audio Materials;
POPU_UND - unduplicated population
(audio / POPU_UND) * 1000 = If audio = null or POPU_UND = null or 0, then audio_1000 = null
bkvolPC Books and Serial Volumes per Capita bkvol - Books and Serial Volumes;
POPU_UND - unduplicated population
= bkvol / POPU_UND If bkvol = null or POPU_UND = null or 0, then bkvolPC = null
clttotexp Collection Expenditures as Percent of Total Operating Expenditures totexpco - Collection Expenditures;
totopexp - Total Expenditures
= (totexpco / totopexp) * 100 If totexpco = null or totopexp = null or 0, then clttotexp = null
ColOperExpPC Collection Expenditures per Capita totexpco - Collection Expenditures;
POPU_UND - unduplicated population
= totexpco / POPU_UND If totexpco = null or POPU_UND = null or 0, then ColOperExpPC = null
fedgvtPC Federal Income per Capita fedgvt - Federal Income;
POPU_UND - unduplicated population
= fedgvt / POPU_UND If fedgvt = null or POPU_UND = null or 0, then fedgvtPC = null
ILLRcvd_1000 Interlibrary Loans Received per 1,000 population loanfm - Interlibrary Loans Received;
POPU_UND - unduplicated population
= (loanfm / POPU_UND) * 1000 If loanfm = null or POPU_UND = null or 0, then ILLRcvd_1000 = null
nomlslib Librarians without ALA-MLS libraria - Total Librarians;
master - ALA-MLS Librarians
= libraria - master If libraria = null or master = null, then nomlslib = null
noMLSLib_10_000 Librarians without ALA-MLS per 10,000 population nomlslib - Librarians without ALA-MLS;
POPU_UND - unduplicated population
= (nomlslib / POPU_UND) * 10000 If nomlslib = null or POPU_UND = null or 0, then noMLSLib_10_000 = null
noMLSLib_1000 Librarians without ALA-MLS per 1,000 population nomlslib - Librarians without ALA-MLS;
POPU_UND - unduplicated population
= (nomlslib / POPU_UND) * 1000 If nomlslib = null or POPU_UND = null or 0, then noMLSLib_1000 = null
VisitPC Library Visits per Capita visits - Library Visits;
POPU_UND - unduplicated population
= visits / POPU_UND If visits = null or POPU_UND = null or 0, then VisitPC = null
locgvtPC Local Income per Capita locgvt Local Income;
POPU_UND - unduplicated population
= locgvt / POPU_UND If locgvt = null or POPU_UND = null or 0, then locgvtPC = null
netloan Net Loan Rate loanto - Interlibrary Loans Provided;
loanfm - Interlibrary Loans Received
= loanto / loanfm If loanto = null or loanfm = null or 0, then netloan = null
totoutlet Total Number of Outlets bkmob - Number of Bookmobiles
branlib - Number of Branch Libraries
centlib - Number of Central Libraries
= bkmob + branlib + centlib If bkmob= null or branlib = null or centlib = null, then totoutlet = null
elaccess Operating Expenditures for Electronic Access as Percent of Total Operating Expenditures elaccexp - Operating Expenditures for Electronic Access;
totopexp - Total Expenditures
= (elaccexp / totopexp) * 100 If elaccexp = null or totopexp = null or 0, then elaccess = null
elformat Operating Expenditures for Library Materials in Electronic Format as Percent of Collection Expenditures elmatexp - Operating Expenditures for Library Materials In Electronic Format;
totexpco - Collection Expenditures
= (elmatexp / totexpco) * 100 If elmatexp = null or totexpco = null or 0, then elformat = null
othincmPC Other Income per Capita othincm Other Income;
POPU_UND - unduplicated population
= othincm / POPU_UND If othincm = null or POPU_UND = null or 0, then othincmPC = null
othpaid_10_000 Other Staff per 10,000 population othpaid - Other Staff;
POPU_UND - unduplicated population
= (othpaid / POPU_UND) * 10000 If othpaid = null or POPU_UND = null or 0, then othpaid_10_000 = null
othpaid_1000 Other Staff per 1,000 population othpaid - Other Staff;
POPU_UND - unduplicated population
= (othpaid / POPU_UND) * 1000 If othpaid = null or POPU_UND = null or 0, then othpaid_1000 = null
gpTerms_1000 Public Internet Terminals per 1,000 population gpTerms - Public Internet Terminals;
POPU_UND - unduplicated population
= (gpTerms / POPU_UND) * 1000 If gpTerms = null or POPU_UND = null or 0, then gpTerms_1000 = null
RefTransPC Reference Transactions per Capita referenc - Reference Transactions;
POPU_UND - unduplicated population
= referenc / POPU_UND If referenc = null or POPU_UND = null or 0, then RefTransPC = null
stftotexp Staff Expenditures as Percent of Total Operating Expenditures staffexp - Total Staff Expenditures;
totopexp - Total Expenditures
= (staffexp / totopexp) * 100 If staffexp = null or totopexp = null or 0, then stftotexp = null
stgvtPC State Income per Capita stgvt - State Income;
POPU_UND - unduplicated population
= stgvt / POPU_UND If stgvt = null or POPU_UND = null or 0, then stgvtPC = null
subscrip_1000 Subscriptions per 1,000 population subscrip - Subscriptions;
POPU_UND - unduplicated population
= (subscrip / POPU_UND) * 1000 If subscrip = null or POPU_UND = null or 0, then subscrip_1000 = null
CircPC Total Circulation per Capita totcir - Total Circulation;
POPU_UND - unduplicated population
= totcir / POPU_UND If totcir = null or POPU_UND= null or 0, then CircPC = null
opexpPC Total Expenditures per Capita totopexp - Total Expenditures;
POPU_UND - unduplicated population
= totopexp / POPU_UND If totopexp = null or POPU_UND = null or 0, then opexpPC = null
totincmPC Total Income per Capita totincm - Total Income;
POPU_UND - unduplicated population
= totincm / POPU_UND If totincm = null or POPU_UND = null or 0, then totincmPC = null
libraria_10_000 Total Librarians per 10,000 population libraria - Total Librarians;
POPU_UND - unduplicated population
= (libraria / POPU_UND) * 10000 If libraria = null or POPU_UND = null or 0, then libraria_10_000 = null
libraria_1000 Total Librarians per 1,000 population libraria - Total Librarians;
POPU_UND - unduplicated population
= (libraria / POPU_UND) * 1000 If libraria = null or POPU_UND = null or 0, then libraria_1000 = null
staffexp Total Staff Expenditures salaries - Salaries and Wages Expenditures;
benefit - Employee Benefits
= salaries + benefit If salaries = null or benefit = null, then staffexp = null
StfOperExpPC Total Staff Expenditures per Capita staffexp - Total Staff Expenditures; POPU_UND - unduplicated population = staffexp / POPU_UND If staffexp = null or POPU_UND = null or 0, then StfOperExpPC = null
totStaff_10_000 Total Staff per 10,000 population totStaff - Total Staff;
POPU_UND - unduplicated population
= (totStaff / POPU_UND) * 10000 If totStaff = null or POPU_UND = null or 0, then totStaff_10_000 = null
totStaff_1000 Total Staff per 1,000 population totStaff - Total Staff;
POPU_UND - unduplicated population
= (totStaff / POPU_UND) * 1000 If totStaff = null or POPU_UND = null or 0, then totStaff_1000 = null
turnover Turnover Rate totcir - Total Circulation;
bkvol - Books and Serial Volumes;
audio - Audio Materials;
video - Video Materials
= totcir / (bkvol + audio + video) If totcir = null
or bkvol = null or 0
or audio = null or 0
or video = null or 0
then turnover = null
video_1000 Video Materials per 1,000 population video - Video Materials;
POPU_UND - unduplicated population
= (video / POPU_UND) * 1000 If video = null or POPU_UND = null or 0, then video_1000 = null

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