15-year-old students
Student Questionnaire:
School Questionnaire:
Watch these tutorial videos from the IEA-ETS Research Institute for a full walkthrough of the IDE tool, using TIMSS, PIRLS, and PIAAC as an example.
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View the help guide for further details on using the IDEs, or use the Help Button available on the top of every page of the tool.
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ePIRLS Student Questionnaire:
Teacher Questionnaire:
TIMSS: 4th- and 8th-graders
TIMSS Advanced: students at the end of high school
Adults in households ages 16-65 (international) U.S. Adults in households ages 16-74 U.S. Adults in prison ages 16-74
Household Background Questionnaire:
Prison Background Questionnaire:
Teachers and principals
TALIS is an international study of teachers, teaching, and learning environments. It does not include student assessment data.
Principal Questionnaire:
ICT Coordinator Questionnaire: