Survey Design

HS&B:22 is a longitudinal study designed to track the educational experiences and outcomes of a nationally representative cohort of 9th-graders in the Fall of 2022. HS&B:22 uses a two-stage stratified probability sampling design, with schools as the first-stage units, and students within schools as the second-stage units. Students were initially surveyed in the 2022–23 school year (the survey base year), along with their parents/guardians, teachers, school administrators, and school counselors, all who provided contextual information about the home and school environments. A first follow-up is currently scheduled for Spring 2026 when most students will be in the 12th grade, to collect information on their experiences throughout high school, and their postsecondary plans (whether they intend to pursue postsecondary education, enter the workforce, etc.).

Base Year (2022)

Baseline survey of 9th-graders, 2022.

  • Survey instruments included a series of academic tests, student questionnaires, and questionnaires completed by their: parents, teachers, school counselors, and school administrators.

First Follow-up (2026)

  • The first follow-up with the cohort is planned for Spring 2026, when most students will be in the 12th grade.