Figure 1: Percent of public elementary schools (K-8) that reported always or frequently communicating with parents by various means: 1996
Figure 2: Percent of public elementary schools (K-8) that reported providing parents with information on community services, by selected school characteristics: 1996
Figure 3: Percent of public elementary schools (K-8) that reported using selected methods to provide information to parents on various topics: 1996
Figure 4: Percent of public elementary schools (K-8) that reported sponsoring workshops or classes to inform parents about various topics, by selected school characteristics: 1996
Figure 5: Percent of public elementary schools (K-8) that reported that various staff members made visits to students' homes: 1996
Figure 6: Percent of public elementary schools (K-8) that reported that home visits were made by a home/school coordinator, by poverty concentration and minority enrollment: 1996
Figure 7: Percent of public elementary schools (K-8) that reported providing various services for parents with limited English skills: 1996
Figure 8: Percent of public elementary schools (K-8) that reported considering parent input in school decisionmaking to a great or moderate extent, by inclusion of parents in an advisory group or policy council: 1996
Figure 9: Percent of public elementary schools (K-8) that indicated satisfaction with the average parent involvement in selected opportunities: 1996
Figure 10: Percent of public elementary schools (K-8) that indicated having a parent resource center, and the reported frequency of use: 1996
Figure 11: Percent of public elementary schools (K-8) that indicated they received various kinds of assistance for parent involvement activities from their school district or the state: 1996
Figure 12: Percent of public elementary schools (K-8) that perceived various concerns as barriers to parent involvement at their school to a great or moderate extent: 1996