The authors wish to thank the many individuals who contributed to the development of the survey and this report. The survey was requested by Adrienne Chute in the Elementary, Secondary, and Library Studies Division of NCES; Barbara Humes, formerly in the National Institute on Postsecondary Education, Libraries, and Lifelong Learning of the Office of Educational Research and Improvement; and Christina Dunn in the National Library of Education. The data requesters, as well as Edith McArthur and Shelley Burns in the Early Childhood, International, and Crosscutting Studies Division, provided valuable input into the development of the survey instrument.
At Westat, Debbie Alexander directed the data collection efforts, assisted by Ratna Basavaraju. Robert Delfierro was the programmer, and Anne Kleiner prepared t-tests to support the analyses. Carol Litman edited the report, which was formatted by Sylvie Warren. Additional word processing support was provided by Catherine Marshall. Thanks also go to the librarians in the library outlets who provided the data for the report, and to the directors of library systems for their support.
Numerous NCES staff reviewed the report and made constructive comments and suggestions, including Chris Chapman, William Hussar, Paula Knepper, Andrew Kolstad, Jeffrey Owings, Valena Plisko, John Ralph, Marilyn Seastrom, and Jeffrey Williams. Reviewers from outside of NCES were Carolyn Ashcraft, Arkansas State Library; Norman Brandt, National Institute on Postsecondary Education, Libraries, and Lifelong Learning; Stephanie Cronen, Lawrence Lanahan, David Miller, and Leslie Scott, American Institutes for Research, Education Statistics Services Institute; Mary Jo Lynch, American Library Association; F. William Summers, Florida State University; Betty Turock, Rutgers University; and J.D. Waggoner, West Virginia Library Commission