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Teachers' Tools for the 21st Century: A Report on Teachers' Use of Technology
NCES: 2000102
September 2000

Appendix A—Standard Error Tables for Text Tables and Figures

  • Table A-2.1a: Standard errors of the percent of public school teachers who have computers at school or at home reporting using computers or the Internet a little or a lot at school and at home for various activities, by school and teacher characteristics: 1999 Table A-2.1a Continued

  • Table A-2.2a: Standard errors of the percent of public school teachers who have computers at school or at home reporting using computers or the Internet a little or a lot at school and at home, for various activities, by school and teacher characteristics: 1999 Table A-2.2a Continued

  • Table A-2.3a: Standard errors of the percent of public school teachers who have computers at school reporting use of computers or the Internet for instruction during class time, by school and teacher characteristics: 1999

  • Table A-2.4a: Standard errors of the percent of public school teachers who have computers at school assigning students to do various activities with computers or the Internet to any extent, by school and teacher characteristics: 1999 Table A-2.4a Continued

  • Table A-2.5: Standard errors for the figures and for data not shown in tables in chapter 2: FRSS 1999 and NAEP 1992, 1994, 1996, 1998 Table A-2.5 Continued

  • Table A-3.1a: Standard errors of the percent of public school teachers reporting computeravailability in the classroom and elsewhere in school, by school characteristics: 1999

  • Table A-3.2a: Standard errors of the percent of public school teachers reporting varyingnumbers of computers available in the classroom, by school characteristics: 1999

  • Table A-3.3a: Standard errors of the percent of public school teachers reporting Internetavailability in the classroom and elsewhere in school, by school characteristics: 1999

  • Table A-3.4a: Standard errors of the percent of public school teachers reporting varying numbers of computers in the classroom with Internet connections, by school characteristics: 1999

  • Table A-3.5a: Standard errors of the percent of public school teachers having e-mail available to them at school, by school characteristics: 1999

  • Table A-3.6a: Standard errors of the percent of public school teachers having computers and theInternet available to them at home, and the percent of teachers having a school network that they can access from home, by school characteristics: 1999

  • Table A-3.7a: Standard errors of the percent of public school teachers reporting that more than50 percent of their students have computers at home, by school characteristics:1999

  • Table A-3.8a: Standard errors of the percent of public school teachers by number of computersavailable in classroom who report assignment of various activities to a small, moderate, or large extent, or not at all: 1999

  • Table A-3.9: Standard errors for the figures and for data not shown in tables in chapter 3: FRSS 1999; NAEP 1990, 1994, 1998; CPS 1994, 1997, 1998 Table A-3.9 Continued

  • Table A-4.1a: Standard errors of the percent of public school teachers reporting using e-mail at school to a large extent when available, by school characteristics: 1999

  • Table A-4.2a: Standard errors of the percent of public school teachers reporting student use ofthe Internet in the classroom, computer labs, media centers, or libraries to any extent during class time, by school characteristics: 1999

  • Table A-4.3: Standard errors for the figures and for data not shown in tables in chapter 4: FRSS 1999; NAEP 1992, 1994, 1996, and 1998; CPS 1997 and 1998 Table A-4.3 Continued B Table A-4.3 Continued C Table A-4.3 Continued D Table A-4.3 Continued E

  • Table 5.1a: Standard errors of the percent of public school teachers reporting using computersor the Internet for various activities at school to any extent, by extent to which they felt prepared to use computers and the Internet for instruction: 1999

  • Table A-5.2a: Standard errors of the percent of public school teachers reporting assigningstudents various activities to any extent that use computers or the Internet, by extent to which they felt prepared to use computers and the Internet for instruction: 1999

  • Table A-5.3a: Standard errors of the percent of public school teachers reporting participation inavailable training programs, by years of teaching experience: 1999

  • Table A-5.4a: Standard errors of the percent of public school teachers reporting feeling prepared to various extents to use computers and the Internet for instruction, by hours spentin professional development: 1999

  • Table A-5.5: Standard errors for the figures and for data not shown in tables in chapter 5: FRSS 1999 Table A-5.5 Continued B Table A-5.5 Continued C

  • Table A-6.1a: Standard errors of the percent of public school teachers reporting various barriersas great barriers to the use of computers and the Internet for instruction, by school characteristics: 1999

  • Table A-6.2a: Standard errors of the percent of public school teachers reporting usingcomputers or the Internet for various activities at school to a large extent, by extent to which they perceived various conditions to be barriers to computer and Internet use: 1999

  • Table A-6.3: Standard errors for the figures and for data not shown in tables in chapter 6: FRSS 1999 Table A-6.3 Continued B Table A-6.3 Continued C Table A-6.3 Continued D
