Table 2.1: Percent of public school teachers who have computers at school or at home reporting using computers or the Internet a little or a lot at school and at home for various activities, by school and teacher characteristics: 1999 Continued
Table 2.2: Percent of public school teachers who have computers at school or at home reporting using computers or the Internet a little or a lot at school and at home, for various activities, by school and teacher characteristics: 1999Continued
Table 2.3: Percent of public school teachers who have computers at school reporting useof computers or the Internet for instruction during class time, by school andteacher characteristics: 1999
Table 2.4: Percent of public school teachers who have computers at school assigning students to do various activities with computers or the Internet to any extent, by school and teacher characteristics: 1999 Continued
Table 3.1: Percent of public school teachers reporting computer availability in the classroom and elsewhere in school, by school characteristics: 1999
Table 3.2: Percent of public school teachers reporting varying numbers of computers available in the classroom, by school characteristics: 1999
Table 3.3: Percent of public school teachers reporting Internet availability in the classroomand elsewhere in school, by school characteristics: 1999
Table 3.4: Percent of public school teachers reporting varying numbers of computers inthe classroom with Internet connections, by school characteristics: 1999
Table 3.5: Percent of public school teachers having e-mail available to them at school, by school characteristics: 1999
Table 3.6: Percent of public school teachers having computers and the Internet available to them at home, and the percent of teachers having a school network that they can access from home, by school characteristics: 1999
Table 3.7: Percent of public school teachers reporting that more than 50 percent of theirstudents have computers at home, by school characteristics: 1999
Table 3.8: Percent of public school teachers by number of computers available inclassroom who report assignment of various activities to a small, moderate,or large extent, or not at all: 1999
Table 4.1: Percent of public school teachers reporting using e-mail at school to a large extent when available, by school characteristics: 1999
Table 4.2: Percent of public school teachers reporting student use of the Internet in the classroom, computer labs, media centers, or libraries to any extent during classtime, by school characteristics: 1999
Table 5.1: Percent of public school teachers reporting using computers or the Internet for various activities at school to any extent, by extent to which they felt prepared to use computers and the Internet for instruction: 1999
Table 5.2 Percent of public school teachers reporting assigning students various activities to any extent that use computers or the Internet, by extent to which they felt prepared to use computers and the Internet for instruction: 1999
Table 5.3: Percent of public school teachers reporting participation in available trainingprograms, by years of teaching experience: 1999
Table 5.4: Percent of public school teachers reporting feeling prepared to various extentsto use computers and the Internet for instruction, by hours spent inprofessional development: 1999
Table 6.1: Percent of public school teachers reporting various barriers as great barriers to the use of computers and the Internet for instruction, by school characteristics: 1999
Table 6.2: Percent of public school teachers reporting using computers or the Internet for various activities at school to a large extent, by extent to which they perceived various conditions to be barriers to computer and Internet use: 1999