Table 1: Percent of public school teachers reporting the extent to which they understood the concept of new higher standards, and the percent reporting the extent they felt equipped to set or apply new higher standards for student achievement, by percent minority enrollment: 1996
Table 2: Percent of public school teachers reporting the extent to which various reform activities were being implemented in their classes and areas for which information was most needed: 1996
Table 3: Percent of public school teachers reporting that they implemented various reform activities in any classes, by subject areas: 1996
Table 4: Percent of public school teachers with special needs students in their classes indicating the extent to which they applied the same high standards of performance used for other students to these students, and the percent of all public school teachers indicating the extent to which they needed information on helping special needs students achieve to high standards: 1996
Table 5: Percent of public school teachers reporting that they engaged in selected parental involvement activities and the percent indicating that information was needed: 1996
Table 6: Percent of public school teachers reporting that they engaged in selected parental involvement activities to a great extent, by main subject area taught: 1996
Table 7: Percent of public school teachers reporting that they engaged in professional development activities, and the mean number of hours they spent on professional development activities during the period from September 1, 1994, through August 31, 1995: 1996
Table 8: Percent of public school teachers reporting that they attended specific types of professional development activities, and the percent reporting that information on high standards was a focus of the activity attended: 1996
Table 9: Percent of public school teachers reporting that they implemented activities associated with education reform into their classes to a great extent, by whether or not they attended professional development activities with a major focus on high standards: 1996
Table 10: Percent of public school teachers describing school-sponsored or supported professional development activities they attended during the period September 1, 1994, through August 31, 1995: 1996
Table 11: Percent of public school teachers indicating that school-sponsored or supported professional development they attended during the period from September 1, 1994, through August 31, 1995, included selected criteria to a great extent, by instructional level of school: 1996
Table 12: Percent of public school teachers reporting that specific information sources were used and that they were somewhat or very effective in helping the respondent to understand or use comprehensive reform strategies: 1996
Table 13: Number and percent of responding teachers in the study sample and the estimated number and percent of teachers the sample represents, by school characteristics: 1996