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Tables: Postsecondary/College

Table P200. Number of undergraduate credentials awarded by Title IV postsecondary institutions, by credential level, level of institution, and control of institution: United States, 2005–06 to 2016–17
Credential level, level of institution, and control of institution 2005–06 2006–07 2007–08 2008–09 2009–10 2010–11 2011–12 2012–13 2013–14 2014–15 2015–16 2016–17
Total, all institutions 2,913,349 2,980,664 3,062,379 3,193,403 3,434,614 3,690,045 3,802,998 3,815,137 3,844,641 3,870,508 3,868,311 3,907,881
Subbaccalaureate credentials 1,428,245 1,455,935 1,498,639 1,592,004 1,784,695 1,973,992 2,010,835 1,974,756 1,974,491 1,975,539 1,947,561 1,951,767
Certificate 714,790 728,315 748,354 804,620 935,719 1,030,477 989,061 967,214 969,278 961,146 939,291 946,023
Associate's degree 713,455 727,620 750,285 787,384 848,976 943,515 1,021,774 1,007,542 1,005,213 1,014,393 1,008,270 1,005,744
Bachelor's degree 1,485,104 1,524,729 1,563,740 1,601,399 1,649,919 1,716,053 1,792,163 1,840,381 1,870,150 1,894,969 1,920,750 1,956,114
Level of institution                        
4-year institutions 1,673,813 1,741,277 1,798,421 1,873,524 1,972,387 2,091,037 2,195,493 2,233,012 2,262,067 2,288,785 2,340,469 2,387,954
Subbaccalaureate credentials 188,709 216,559 234,687 272,126 322,473 374,984 403,338 392,631 391,919 393,823 419,721 431,869
Certificate 40,502 52,529 56,221 58,301 73,154 85,539 85,148 94,067 104,816 111,380 130,875 140,446
Associate's degree 148,207 164,030 178,466 213,825 249,319 289,445 318,190 298,564 287,103 282,443 288,846 291,423
Bachelor's degree 1,485,104 1,524,718 1,563,734 1,601,398 1,649,914 1,716,053 1,792,155 1,840,381 1,870,148 1,894,962 1,920,748 1,956,085
2-year institutions 1,010,702 1,014,615 1,043,389 1,091,470 1,202,218 1,320,156 1,343,412 1,339,215 1,350,922 1,368,269 1,338,338 1,335,689
Subbaccalaureate credentials 1,010,702 1,014,604 1,043,383 1,091,469 1,202,213 1,320,156 1,343,404 1,339,215 1,350,920 1,368,262 1,338,336 1,335,660
Certificate 445,506 451,017 471,683 517,932 602,633 666,086 639,855 630,239 632,866 636,364 618,933 621,396
Associate's degree 565,196 563,587 571,700 573,537 599,580 654,070 703,549 708,976 718,054 731,898 719,403 714,264
Bachelor's degree 0 11 6 1 5 0 8 0 2 7 2 29
Less-than-2-year institutions 228,834 224,772 220,569 228,409 260,009 278,852 264,093 242,910 231,652 213,454 189,504 184,238
Subbaccalaureate credentials 228,834 224,772 220,569 228,409 260,009 278,852 264,093 242,910 231,652 213,454 189,504 184,238
Certificate 228,782 224,769 220,450 228,387 259,932 278,852 264,058 242,908 231,596 213,402 189,483 184,181
Associate's degree 52 3 119 22 77 0 35 2 56 52 21 57
Bachelor's degree 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Control of institution                        
Public institutions 1,883,384 1,931,370 1,975,171 2,045,770 2,161,881 2,305,326 2,413,654 2,482,040 2,558,135 2,634,600 2,703,641 2,768,656
Subbaccalaureate credentials 928,014 955,467 978,402 1,025,249 1,112,702 1,216,604 1,281,769 1,318,424 1,371,393 1,425,136 1,463,218 1,493,046
Certificate 370,570 389,244 399,741 428,849 472,428 519,711 525,264 545,446 576,468 602,904 615,137 631,076
Associate's degree 557,444 566,223 578,661 596,400 640,274 696,893 756,505 772,978 794,925 822,232 848,081 861,970
Bachelor's degree 955,370 975,903 996,769 1,020,521 1,049,179 1,088,722 1,131,885 1,163,616 1,186,742 1,209,464 1,240,423 1,275,610
Private nonprofit institutions 550,079 556,038 569,951 575,222 585,589 601,322 613,225 622,522 628,118 658,246 657,439 658,375
Subbaccalaureate credentials 82,382 77,985 78,929 78,869 82,325 88,501 87,203 86,564 83,865 104,703 96,605 91,768
Certificate 35,909 34,195 33,915 31,939 35,652 36,534 32,856 30,913 30,738 46,090 40,010 35,281
Associate's degree 46,473 43,790 45,014 46,930 46,673 51,967 54,347 55,651 53,127 58,613 56,595 56,487
Bachelor's degree 467,697 478,053 491,022 496,353 503,264 512,821 526,022 535,958 544,253 553,543 560,834 566,607
Private for-profit institutions 479,886 493,256 517,257 572,411 687,144 783,397 776,119 710,575 658,388 577,662 507,231 480,850
Subbaccalaureate credentials 417,849 422,483 441,308 487,886 589,668 668,887 641,863 569,768 519,233 445,700 387,738 366,953
Certificate 308,311 304,876 314,698 343,832 427,639 474,232 430,941 390,855 362,072 312,152 284,144 279,666
Associate's degree 109,538 117,607 126,610 144,054 162,029 194,655 210,922 178,913 157,161 133,548 103,594 87,287
Bachelor's degree 62,037 70,773 75,949 84,525 97,476 114,510 134,256 140,807 139,155 131,962 119,493 113,897
NOTE: Title IV institutions are those with a written agreement with the U.S. Department of Education that allows the institution to participate in any of the Title IV federal student financial assistance programs. The four U.S. service academies that are not Title IV eligible are included in the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) universe and in this table because they are federally funded and open to the public. Credential counts are based on the Completions file reference year, which is the year prior to the data collection year (e.g., 2016–17 for collection year 2017–18). Because of changes to institutional characteristics between the reference year and collection year, institutions may report awards that are not consistent with their current levels of offering (e.g., two-year institutions in the collection year may report awarding bachelor’s degrees in the reference year, or less-than-2-year institutions in the collection year may report awarding associate’s degrees in the reference year).
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) Institutional Characteristics (IC) and Completions components, 2006–07 through 2017–18.