Tables: Adult

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Table A67. Among adults ages 25 to 64 with a work credential (certification or license), percentage distribution across work credential fields, by highest level of education: 2016

Work credential field Total, all adults with a
work credential
    High school or less     Some college, no
bachelor’s degree
(including certificate
    Bachelor’s or higher degree
Total, all work credential fields 100.0     100.0     100.0     100.0
Science, engineering, and mathematics 5.4     2.8 !   5.1     6.3
Business 8.4     3.5     5.2     11.8
Finance, insurance, and real estate 10.2     6.7     10.9     10.7
Healthcare 30.8     22.8     36.5     29.5
Personal care and services 7.5     15.1     11.1     3.2
Public and social services 16.3     14.2     15.2     17.6
Teaching and instruction 16.8     4.2     3.8     28.3
Trades 15.1     39.0     22.6     3.8
Other fields 1.8     1.2 !   1.7     2.0
NOTE: Adults are ages 25 to 64 and not enrolled in high school. The total number of adults with a work credential is approximately 38,325,000. Work credentials include certifications and licenses. Certifications and licenses were defined in the survey as follows: "A professional certification or license shows you are qualified to perform a specific job and includes things like licensed realtor, certified medical assistant, certified teacher, or an IT certification." If a respondent indicated that a license or certification was required by a government agency, it was counted as a license; otherwise it was counted as a certification. Information was collected on respondents' three most important licenses and certifications. Detail may not sum to totals because adults can have more than one work credential
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Adult Training and Education Survey (ATES) of the National Household Education Surveys Program, 2016.
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