Name of Institution / Organization:
PPO Name: ___________________________
PPO Address:
PPO Phone Number: ___________________________
Type of Security Plan:
License Number: ___________________________
Physical Location of Data
Physical Security of Data
Computer Security Requirements
Computer Operating System: ___________________________
Anti-Virus Software Installed on Computer: ___________________________
The following physical location and computer security procedures must be implemented when in possession of restricted-use data. By checking the box next to each security procedure, you signify that these procedures will be implemented for the duration of the project and License period:
U.S. Government Restricted-use Data
Unauthorized Access to Data (Individually identifiable Information) on this Computer is a Violation of Federal Law and Will Result in Prosecution.
Do you wish to continue? (Y)es or (N)o
Proposed Publications Using Restricted-use Data
Sample Surveys and Evaluations Licensees are required to round all unweighted sample size numbers to the nearest ten (nearest 50 for the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study Birth Cohort) in all information products (i.e., proposals, presentations, papers or other documents that are based on or use restricted-use data). Licensees are required to provide a draft copy of each information product that is based on or uses restricted-use data to the IES Data Security Office for a disclosure review. In the case of information products that are based on or use FERPA-protected restricted use data, the IES Data Security Office will also review the product to determine if, consistent with the approved project proposal, the Licensee used the data to conduct a study to improve instruction or as an “authorized representative of the Secretary” to evaluate a Federally supported education program. The Licensee must not release the information product to any person not authorized to access the data you are using until formally notified by IES that no potential disclosures were found and, if applicable, that no FERPA issues were identified. This review process usually takes 3 to 5 business days.
The PPO shall also forward a final copy of any public presentations or reports published or released that are based on or use restricted-use to the IES Data Security Office to provide feedback on uses of ESRA data.
Administrative Record/Universe Data Licensees are required to follow the disclosure avoidance procedures transmitted with the restricted-use data in all information products (i.e., proposals, presentations, papers or other documents that are based on or use restricted-use data). Licensees are required to provide a draft copy of each information product that is based on or uses restricted-use data to the IES Data Security Office for a disclosure review. In the case of information products that are based on or use FERPA-protected restricted-use data, the IES Data Security Office will also review the product to determine if, consistent with the approved project proposal, the Licensee used the data to conduct a study to improve instruction or as an “authorized representative of the Secretary” to evaluate a Federally supported education program. The Licensee must not release the information product to any person not authorized to access the data you are using until formally notified by IES that no potential disclosures were found and, if applicable, that no FERPA issues were identified. This review process usually takes 3 to 5 business days.
The PPO shall also forward a final copy of any public presentations or reports published or released that are based on, or use FERPA-protected restricted-use data to the IES Data Security Office.
Signature Page – Management Review and Approval
I have reviewed the requirements of the License agreement and the security procedures in this plan that describe the required protection procedures for securing, accessing and using the restricted-use data.
I hereby certify that the computer system, physical location security procedures, and access procedures meet all of the License requirements and will be implemented for the duration of the project and License period.
Note: The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) processes licenses and disseminates restricted-use data for all centers in the Institute of Education Sciences (IES) including the National Center for Education Research (NCER), the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), the National Center for Education Evaluation (NCEE), and the National Center for Special Education Research (NCSER).