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SASS School Library Media Center Survey (SLS)


School libraries and library media centers are an important component of the educational process. Data from the library survey provide a national picture of school library collections, expenditures, technology, and services. The information can be used by federal, state, and local policymakers and practitioners to assess the status of school library media centers in the United States. It also contributes to the assessment of the federal role in supporting school libraries. The librarian survey provided, for the first time, a national profile of the school library media specialist/librarian workforce.

These data can also be used to address current issues related to school libraries. Recent interest has focused on the contribution that libraries could make to the current education reform movement. Education reform has prompted increased attention to the role that school libraries/media centers might play in applying new technology and developing new teaching methods. Some analysts argue that libraries have a crucial role in developing computer literacy and educating students in the use of modern information technologies. A number of observers also have argued that expanding the function of libraries is a key prerequisite to meeting the National Education Goals.