The School Library Media Center Survey collects data on: |
Federal surveys of school library media centers in elementary and secondary schools in the United States were conducted in 1958, 1962, 1974, 1978, and 1985. The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) asks questions about libraries in public and Bureau of Indian Education (BIE) schools as part of the Schools and Staffing Survey (SASS) (see SASS chapter for details on SASS). The School Library Media Center Survey was introduced as a component of SASS in the 199394 school year. The survey was administered to both public and private schools in the 199394 and 19992000 SASS, but only to public schools (including BIE-funded schools) in the 200304 and 200708 SASS. It is sponsored by NCES and administered by the U.S. Bureau of the Census.
The purpose of the School Library Media Center Survey is to provide a national picture of school library collections, expenditures, technology, and services. The survey furnishes national estimates for public school libraries (by school grade level and urbanicity) and for libraries operated by BIE schools; state estimates are also provided for public school libraries.
The School Library Media Center Survey was introduced in the 199394 SASS. The 199394 School Library Media Center Survey consisted of two components, one on the schools library media center and the other on the library media specialist. The 19992000, 200304, and 200708 SASS administrations included only the library media center component. The survey is sent to public schools, including BIE schools, in the 50 states and the District of Columbia. Until the 200304 SASS, the survey was also sent to private schools.
School Library Media Center Survey. The library survey is designed to provide a national picture of school library media center facilities, collections, equipment, technology, staffing, income, expenditure, and services. A section on information literacy was added to the 200304 and 200708 surveys. The respondents are school librarians or other school staff members familiar with the library. The School Library Media Center survey was designed to profile the school library media specialist workforce, including demographic characteristics, academic background, workload, career histories and plans, compensation, and perceptions of the school library media specialist profession and workplace. The eligible respondent was the staff member whose main assignment at the school was to oversee the library.
The library survey was conducted in the 199394, 19992000, 200304, , 200708 SASS, and will be conducted again in 2011-12. The 1993 and 1999-2000 collections covered public, private, and BIE schools; collections since then covered only public and BIE schools.
Information on SLS data files is available at