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Title: Wilson Reading
Description: Wilson Reading System® is a supplemental reading and writing curriculum designed to promote reading accuracy (decoding) and spelling (encoding) skills for students with word-level deficits. The program is designed to teach phonemic awareness, alphabetic principles (sound-symbol relationship), word study, spelling, sight word instruction, fluency, vocabulary, oral expressive language development, and comprehension. Students engage in a variety of activities in the classroom, including hearing sounds, practicing with syllable and word cards, listening to others read, and reading aloud and repeating what they have read in their own words. The program is designed to help children master new skills, with reviews reinforcing previous lessons. This program was designed for students in grade 2 and above. Fundations®, a related program not reviewed in this report, was recently developed with the same principle for students in kindergarten through third grade. In the single study reviewed by the WWC for this report, only the word-level components of Wilson Reading System® were implemented.
Online Availability:
Cover Date: July 2007
Web Release: July 2, 2007
Publication #: WWC IRBRWR07
Center/Program: WWC
Type of Product: Intervention Report
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