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Title: The relative effectiveness of two approaches to early literacy intervention in grades K-2
Description: This study examined whether using a stand-alone intervention outside the core curriculum leads to better outcomes than using the embedded curriculum for small group intervention in grades K-2. Fifty-five schools located across Florida were randomly assigned to stand-alone or embedded interventions delivered daily throughout the school year for 45 minutes in small groups of four or five students. Students below the 30th percentile in reading-related skills and/or vocabulary were eligible for intervention. One-third of participating students were English language learners. Both interventions were implemented with high fidelity. The stand-alone intervention significantly improved grade 2 spelling. However, impacts on other student outcomes were comparable. On average, students showed improvement in reading and language skills in both interventions. The two interventions had relatively similar impacts on reading and language outcomes among English learners and non-English learners, with the exception of some reading outcomes in kindergarten.
Online Availability:
Cover Date: February 2017
Web Release: February 28, 2017
Print Release:
Publication #: REL 2017251
General Ordering Information
Center/Program: REL
Associated Centers: NCEE
Type of Product: Impact Study
Questions: For questions about the content of this Impact Study, please contact:
Amy Johnson.