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Title: Briefing From NLTS2: The National Longitudinal Transition Study-2 (NLTS2)
Description: On Wednesday, June 14th, SRI International project staff gave a briefing on the National Longitudinal Transition Study-2. The focus was on data collected in 2003 from youth, ages 15-19, during Wave 2 of the study. The presentation addressed the question, "What is life like for youth with disabilities, as seen through their own eyes?" These data reveal youths' perceptions of themselves; their school experience; the services and supports they receive; personal relationships; and their expectations for the future. Data from Wave 3, collected 2 years later in 2005, provides a backdrop for interpreting the results.
Online Availability:
Cover Date: June 2006
Web Release: June 24, 2006
Publication #: NCSER 2006NLTS2B
Center/Program: NCSER
Type of Product: Research Report
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