Title: | The Effectiveness of Secondary Math Teachers from Teach For America and the Teaching Fellows Programs |
Description: | Teach For America (TFA) and the Teaching Fellows programs are important and growing sources of teachers of hard-to-staff subjects in high-poverty schools, but comprehensive evidence of their effectiveness has been limited. A large-scale random assignment study examines the effectiveness of secondary math teachers from two highly selective alternative certification route programs: Teach for America (TFA) and Teaching Fellows. The study separately compares the effectiveness of teachers from each program with the effectiveness of other teachers teaching the same subjects in the same schools. On average, students assigned to TFA teachers had higher math scores at the end of the school year than students assigned to comparison teachers. Students of Teaching Fellows and comparison teachers had similar math scores, on average. However, students with Teaching Fellows teachers did outperform students whose teachers entered the classroom through less selective alternative routes. |
Online Availability: | |
Cover Date: | September 2013 |
Web Release: | September 10, 2013 |
Publication #: | NCEE 20134015 |
Center/Program: | NCEE |
Authors: | Melissa A. Clark, Hanley S. Chiang, Tim Silva, Sheena McConnell, Kathy Sonnenfeld, and Anastasia Erbe: Mathematica Policy Research Michael Puma: Chesapeake Research Associates |
Type of Product: | Evaluation Report |
Keywords: | |
Questions: | For questions about the content of this Evaluation Report, please contact the Webmaster. |