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Title: High School Longitudinal Study of 2009 (HSLS:09): Postsecondary Education Administrative Records Restricted-use Data File
Description: This data file includes new data from the HSLS:09 Postsecondary Education Administrative Records collection (PEAR). The PEAR collection includes data from administrative records collected in 2021, 8 years after most of the HSLS:09 cohort had graduated from high school. These data provide information on whether fall 2009 ninth-graders enrolled in postsecondary education by June 2021, and allow researchers to examine enrollment characteristics, degree completion, and financial aid awards for the subset of fall 2009 ninth-graders who enrolled in postsecondary education. HSLS:09 follows a nationally representative sample of students who were in ninth grade in fall 2009 from high school into postsecondary education and the workforce. Key research topics for HSLS:09 include secondary-to-postsecondary transition plans and the evolution of those plans; paths into and out of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) studies and careers; and the relationship between students’ educational and social experiences in high school and their plans for and experiences in postsecondary education, work, and life. The PEAR collection includes information on whether fall 2009 ninth-graders ever enrolled in postsecondary education, as well as information about enrollment characteristics, degree completion, and financial aid awards for the subset of fall 2009 ninth-graders who attended postsecondary education.
Online Availability:
Cover Date: April 2024
Web Release: April 1, 2024
Publication #: NCES 2024019
Restricted Data Licenses
Center/Program: NCES
Type of Product: Data File
Survey/Program Areas: High School Longitudinal Study of 2009 (HSLS:09)
Questions: For questions about the content of this Data File, please contact:
Elise Christopher.