Title: |
U.S. Public School Students Enrolled in Schools With Violent Incidents and Hate Crimes |
Description: |
This report estimates the number and percentage of public school students who were enrolled in a school where any violent incidents and hate crimes occurred at school in 2007–08 and 2017–18, as reported by school principals. It also investigates whether these incidents occurred in schools in which a sworn law enforcement officer was present at least once a week. |
Online Availability: |
Cover Date: |
March 2020 |
Web Release: |
March 17, 2020 |
Publication #: |
NCES 2020007
Center/Program: |
Authors: |
Melissa Diliberti and Zoe Padgett, American Institutes for Research |
Type of Product: |
Data Point |
Survey/Program Areas: |
Crime and Safety Surveys (CSS)
Keywords: |
Questions: |
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