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Title: Characteristics of the 100 Largest Public Elementary and Secondary School Districts in the United States: 2002-03
Description: This report presents information drawn from the Common Core of Data (CCD) Local Education Agency Universe survey about the 1 percent of the Nation’s school districts that serve 23 percent of all public school students. It includes information about the numbers of dropouts and high school completers, student participation in selected programs, the numbers of teachers, and revenues and expenditures in these districts. Although the 100 largest school districts are large by definition, they differ in many characteristics. The size ranges from more than 1 million students in New York Public Schools to about 46 thousand in Cherry Creek, Colorado. Current expenditures ranged from $3,563 per pupil in Puerto Rico to $14,012 in Boston.
Online Availability:
Cover Date: August 2005
Web Release: August 12, 2005
Print Release:
Publication #: NCES 2005312
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General Ordering Information
Center/Program: NCES
Type of Product: First Look / ED TAB
Survey/Program Areas: Common Core of Data (CCD)
Questions: For questions about the content of this First Look / ED TAB, please contact:
Patrick Keaton.