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Title: Schools' Use of Assessments for Kindergarten Entrance and Placement: 1998-99
Description: This report uses data from the base-year (kindergarten) of the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Kindergarten Class of 1998-99 to describe the use of entrance or placement tests prior to kindergarten by schools in the U.S. It examines the different ways that schools use the information from these tests. It describes schools use of entrance and placement tests by public and private schools, and by schools with different concentrations of low-income children, different grade levels taught, and different numbers of children enrolled.
Online Availability:
Cover Date: April 2003
Web Release: March 24, 2003
Print Release:
Publication #: NCES 2003004
General Ordering Information
Center/Program: NCES
Type of Product: Statistics in Brief
Survey/Program Areas: Early Childhood Longitudinal Study (ECLS)
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