Search Results: (1-10 of 10 records)
Pub Number | Title | Date |
NFES 2023087 | Forum Guide to Understanding the School Courses for the Exchange of Data (SCED) Classification System
The Forum Guide to Understanding the School Courses for the Exchange of Data (SCED) Classification System offers a comprehensive overview of the voluntary, common SCED classification system. SCED was developed to meet the need among local, state, and federal agencies for widely understood, standardized prior-to-secondary and secondary school course codes. The guide provides information on the development process, code structure, and element descriptions. Additionally, it offers best practices for SCED implementation and use. A companion publication, SCED Uses and Benefits, highlights user benefits and features case studies to illustrate SCED use. |
8/2/2023 |
NFES 2021023 | School Courses for the Exchange of Data (SCED) Uses and Benefits
The School Courses for the Exchange of Data (SCED) Uses and Benefits publication was developed to provide a brief overview of SCED, highlight the research application and benefits of SCED to users, and illustrate SCED uses with case studies. SCED is a voluntary, common classification system for prior-to-secondary and secondary school courses. It can be used to compare course information, maintain longitudinal data about student coursework, and efficiently exchange coursetaking records. SCED is a free resource intended for federal, state, and local education agencies. |
1/28/2021 |
NCES 2019417 | Considerations for Using the School Courses for the Exchange of Data (SCED) Classification System in High School Transcript Studies: Applications for Converting Course Codes from the Classification of Secondary School Courses (CSSC)
The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) began collecting high school transcripts with the High School and Beyond (HS&B) longitudinal study of students who were in the 10th grade in 1980. NCES has continued to collect transcripts for a secondary-level cohort in each subsequent decade. This report describes the two high school course coding systems used by NCES and the development of a crosswalk that allows data coded with the first system to be translated into the second system. It then provides tables with estimates generated using the two different systems. |
9/20/2019 |
NCES 2019046 | Development of the 2018 Secondary School Course Taxonomy
This report describes the development of the Secondary School Course Taxonomy (SSCT), to be used with high school transcript coursetaking data that have been coded using the School Courses for the Exchange of Data (SCED). The SSCT aggregates the SCED-coded courses into 20 subject fields that align with how NCES has traditionally reported on career and technical education. |
7/23/2019 |
REL 2018277 | Graduation exam participation and performance, graduation rates, and advanced course-taking following changes in New Mexico graduation requirements, 2011–15
New Mexico students who were in grade 9 in 2009/10 and were expected to graduate in 2013 were the first cohort to be required to meet increased math and science course requirements and to take a new graduation exam. The purpose of this study was to describe graduation exam performance of the 2011–2015 cohorts, enrollment in Algebra II and lab science for the 2014–2015 cohorts, and the relationship of exam performance and enrollment with graduation outcomes. Grade 11 and 12 exam results for five cohorts of students–2011 cohort through 2015 are compared. Among students who took an exam in grade 11, the percentages who scored proficient or above on the reading, math, and science components of the exams by grade 12 are compared across cohorts and by gender, race/ethnicity, free or reduced-price lunch eligibility status, and English learner status. Percentages of student subgroups in cohort 2014 and cohort 2015 who took Algebra II and two lab sciences are also compared. The report describes the percentage of students in different subgroups who go on to graduate for those with various levels of performance on the exams and for those who are and are not taking Algebra II and two lab science courses. The results indicate that among students who stayed in school to grade 11, more scored proficient or higher on the math and science components of the graduation exam than before the change in requirements. The increase in proficiency rates for reading, math, and science between 2011 and 2015 was particularly large for Hispanic students and low for Native American students. Among those who stayed in school for four years, the percentage of students enrolling in Algebra II and two lab science courses increased between the 2014 cohort and the 2015 cohort, and Native American students in these cohorts had the highest rates of enrollment in these courses. Students who were proficient in more sections of the exam and students who took Algebra II and two lab science courses had higher rates of graduation than other students. The overall direction of change is positive on these measures, but differences were found in exam performance, course enrollment, and related graduation outcomes by subgroups. These differences may have implications for targeting resources and services for students most in need of support for staying in school and fulfilling requirements necessary to graduate. |
10/3/2017 |
NCES 2015038 | High School Longitudinal Study of 2009 (HSLS:09) 2013 Update and High School Transcripts Restricted-use Data File
These restricted-use files for the High School Longitudinal Study of 2009 (HSLS:09) include data collected in the Base Year (2009), First Follow-up (2012), 2013 Update and High School Transcripts (2014). This release includes both composite variables as well as variables from questionnaires and high school transcripts that were suppressed on the public-use version of the data files. |
7/1/2015 |
NFES 2014802 | FORUM GUIDE TO School Courses for the Exchange of Data (SCED) Classification System
This guide was developed by the National Forum on Education Statistics (Forum) to accompany the release of SCED Version 2.0 Course Codes at It includes an overview of the SCED structure and descriptions of the SCED Framework elements, recommended attributes, and information for new and existing users on best practices for implementing and expanding their use of SCED. |
6/27/2014 |
NCES 2012243 | 2004/2009 Beginning Postsecondary Students Longitudinal Study Restricted-Use Transcript Data Files and Documentation
The Postsecondary Education Transcript Study restricted-use data file contains transcript data from study members in the 2004/09 Beginning Postsecondary Students Longitudinal Study (BPS:04/09). BPS:04/09 includes a nationally representative sample of students who began postsecondary education for the first time in the 2003-04 academic year. Transcripts were collected on sample members from every institution attended between the 2003-04 academic year and the 2008-09 academic year. Data from student interviews and administrative sources are available in a separate restricted use file. |
3/7/2012 |
NCES 2012162REV | 2010 College Course Map
The College Course Map (CCM) is a taxonomy system for coding postsecondary education courses in NCES research studies. This publication describes how the newest version of the College Course Map was updated and provides a listing of all the course codes used for the postsecondary education transcript studies conducted in 2009 (PETS:09) . |
1/19/2012 |
NCES 1982218 | A Classification of Secondary School Courses
Intended for use in collecting data on secondary school course offerings, this inventory of courses taught nationwide at the secondary level is organized in a classified arrangement. Each course is identified by a six-digit numerical code. The inventory of course titles was developed from three major sources--a sample of 52 public and private secondary school catalogs dated 1979 through 1981; statewide course lists from California, Washington, and Illinois; and recommendations from a panel of experts in secondary school curricula. The inventory includes instructions on its use and information about special features, a list of instructional program categories, cross references for closely related programs, and a title index. Courses are classified under 30 headings. |
7/23/1982 |
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