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 Pub Number  Title  Date
NCES 2023131 MGLS:2017 Restricted Access Use Data Files (RUF)
MGLS data offers information on the characteristics and cognitive outcomes of students who were enrolled in the 6th grade in public schools in the 2017-2018 school year and two years later in spring of 2020 when most students were in the 8th grade. The MGLS data are organized into student and school folders, each containing .txt data, data input files for SAS, SPSS, Stata and R survey software packages. A .csv version of the data is also provided.
NCES 2018118 Paths Through Mathematics and Science: Patterns and Relationships in High School Coursetaking
This report examines mathematics and science coursetaking in high school by providing a description of coursetaking within each of the mathematics and science subject areas in ninth, tenth, eleventh and twelfth grades, as well as by showing the association between early mathematics coursetaking and subsequent science coursetaking.

The report also describes coursetaking in engineering and technology, and the associations between coursetaking in these subject areas and in mathematics and science. The results are based on 2009 high school transcripts that are linked to 2009 NAEP mathematics and science 12th grade assessments.
REL 2018277 Graduation exam participation and performance, graduation rates, and advanced course-taking following changes in New Mexico graduation requirements, 2011–15
New Mexico students who were in grade 9 in 2009/10 and were expected to graduate in 2013 were the first cohort to be required to meet increased math and science course requirements and to take a new graduation exam. The purpose of this study was to describe graduation exam performance of the 2011–2015 cohorts, enrollment in Algebra II and lab science for the 2014–2015 cohorts, and the relationship of exam performance and enrollment with graduation outcomes. Grade 11 and 12 exam results for five cohorts of students–2011 cohort through 2015 are compared. Among students who took an exam in grade 11, the percentages who scored proficient or above on the reading, math, and science components of the exams by grade 12 are compared across cohorts and by gender, race/ethnicity, free or reduced-price lunch eligibility status, and English learner status. Percentages of student subgroups in cohort 2014 and cohort 2015 who took Algebra II and two lab sciences are also compared. The report describes the percentage of students in different subgroups who go on to graduate for those with various levels of performance on the exams and for those who are and are not taking Algebra II and two lab science courses. The results indicate that among students who stayed in school to grade 11, more scored proficient or higher on the math and science components of the graduation exam than before the change in requirements. The increase in proficiency rates for reading, math, and science between 2011 and 2015 was particularly large for Hispanic students and low for Native American students. Among those who stayed in school for four years, the percentage of students enrolling in Algebra II and two lab science courses increased between the 2014 cohort and the 2015 cohort, and Native American students in these cohorts had the highest rates of enrollment in these courses. Students who were proficient in more sections of the exam and students who took Algebra II and two lab science courses had higher rates of graduation than other students. The overall direction of change is positive on these measures, but differences were found in exam performance, course enrollment, and related graduation outcomes by subgroups. These differences may have implications for targeting resources and services for students most in need of support for staying in school and fulfilling requirements necessary to graduate.
NCES 2015038 High School Longitudinal Study of 2009 (HSLS:09) 2013 Update and High School Transcripts Restricted-use Data File
These restricted-use files for the High School Longitudinal Study of 2009 (HSLS:09) include data collected in the Base Year (2009), First Follow-up (2012), 2013 Update and High School Transcripts (2014). This release includes both composite variables as well as variables from questionnaires and high school transcripts that were suppressed on the public-use version of the data files.
NCES 2015990 Ninth-Graders' Mathematics Coursetaking, Motivations, and Educational Plans
This Statistics in Brief uses data from NCES’ High School Longitudinal Study (HSLS:2009) to examine what motivates high school students to take mathematics, and how those motivations vary depending on students’ plans for the year after high school. For students who have the same after-high-school plans, the report also examines how students from different socio-economic backgrounds compare in terms of their mathematics coursetaking and their motivations for coursetaking.
NCES 2014901 DATA POINT: Trends in CTE Coursetaking
This NCES Data Point shows changes in high school students’ participation in career and technical education (CTE) between 1990 and 2009. The Data Point documents an overall decline in CTE participation during this period, although participation increased in some CTE occupational areas, such as communications and health care.
NCES 2004401 CD-Rom: Postsecondary Education Transcript Study
This data file contains information from the postsecondary education transcripts for the NELS:88 respondents who earned higher education credits. This CD-Rom is often used with the NELS:88/2000 restricted use CD-Rom.
NCES 1986223 High School and Beyond Postsecondary Education Transcript Study. Data File User's Manual, Contractor Report.
This document is intended as a data file user's manual for the dataset resulting from the High School and Beyond Postsecondary Education Transcript Study. The purpose of this study, conducted during 1984-85, was to provide reliable and objective information about the types and patterns of postsecondary courses taken by all members of the High School and Beyond (HS&B) 1980 senior cohort. Transcripts were requested from each school reported by sample members in their responses to the first and second follow-up surveys. Information from the transcripts, including terms of attendance, fields of study, specific courses taken, and grades and credits earned, were coded and processed into a system of data files designed to be merged with HS&B questionnaire data files. The Computer Assisted Data Entry System was used for processing the collected data into a four-level hierarchy consisting of data at the student, transcript, term, and course levels. The file includes specific data items in the student-level records including: physical tape position on the data record, a short description of the field contents, and the nature of the value stored in the field. Frequently distributions for all categorical variables on the student record are displayed in the enclosed codebook. The appendices, which make up over three-fourths of the document, contain: (1) a list of endorsing institutions; (2) postsecondary school codes in numerical and alphabetical order; (3) course subject codes in numerical order; (4) the data file record layout; (5) information on other HS&B data files available from the Center of Statistics; (6) sampling error and design effects; and (7) frequency distributions.
NCES 1986221 National Longitudinal Study of the High School Class of 1972. Postsecondary Education Transcript Study Data File User's Manual. Contractor Report.
The codebook for the Postsecondary Education Transcript File of the National Longitudinal Study of the High School Class of 1972 (NLS-72), which is a machine-readable data file containing information on transcripts from NLS-72 senior cohort members who reported attending a postsecondary institution after high school, is presented. Records were obtained from all types of educational institutions and programs. A total of 19,033 transcripts reflecting the educational activities of 14,759 sample members are included. Information includes: (1) major and minor fields of study; (2) periods of enrollment; (3) courses taken; (4) credits earned; and (5) grades received and credentials earned at 2-year and 4-year institutions. Data are organized at the student, transcript, term, and course levels. This user's manual documents the procedures used to collect this information and provides researchers with the technical information necessary to use the public release data files. Data editing procedures are discussed, and the organization and content of the files are described. Procedures used to construct sampling weights for use in computing population estimates are reviewed. Lists of the endorsing institutions, postsecondary school codes in numerical order, postsecondary school codes in alphabetical order, and course subject codes in numerical order are provided. The data file record layout and frequency distributions are tabulated.
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