Search Results: (16-30 of 93 records)
Pub Number | Title | Date |
NCES 2020009 | Digest of Education Statistics, 2018
The 54th in a series of publications initiated in 1962, the Digest's purpose is to provide a compilation of statistical information covering the broad field of education from prekindergarten through graduate school. The Digest contains data on a variety of topics, including the number of schools and colleges, teachers, enrollments, and graduates, in addition to educational attainment, finances, and federal funds for education, libraries, and international comparisons. |
12/24/2019 |
NCES 2019062 | 2017-18 School Survey on Crime and Safety (SSOCS) Restricted-Use Data Files and User's Manual (NCES 2019-062)
The School Survey on Crime and Safety (SSOCS) collects detailed information on crime-related topics from the perspective of schools, including the frequency of school crime and violence, disciplinary actions, the presence and activities of school security staff, and school practices related to the prevention and reduction of crime. The restricted-use data for the 2017-18 School Survey on Crime and Safety (SSOCS) are available in SAS and ASCII formats. The 2017-18 SSOCS Restricted-Use Data File User's Manual is also available. |
11/26/2019 |
NCES 2020040 | Students' Perceptions of Bullying
This report investigates the relationship between these components and the various personal characteristics that students believed to be related to the bullying they experienced. It further examines the relationship between bullying components and the negative effects of bullying on students’ feelings about themselves, their schoolwork, and their relationships with family and friends. |
11/19/2019 |
NCES 2020041 | Student Perceptions of School Discipline and the Presence of Gangs or Guns at School
This report investigates the relationship between students’ perceptions of school discipline and their own behavior as well as the relationship between students’ perception of school discipline and unfavorable school conditions. As the findings presented below show reportable differences and not causal interactions, readers should be aware that additional factors may be involved in explaining discrepancies between students’ views of school discipline. |
11/19/2019 |
NCES 2020042 | Electronic Bullying: Online and by Text
This report investigates the relationship between those students who were bullied online or by text and their demographic characteristics. It also examines students’ reports of the overall negative effects of being bullied online or by text, as well as avoidance behaviors, impacts on attendance, and whether victims notified an adult of the bullying. |
11/19/2019 |
NCES 2019064 | Student Victimization in U.S. Schools: Results From the 2017 School Crime Supplement to the National Crime Victimization Survey
This report uses data from the 2017 School Crime Supplement (SCS) to the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) to examine student criminal victimization and the characteristics of crime victims and nonvictims. It also provides findings on student reports of the presence of gangs and weapons and the availability of drugs and alcohol at school, student reports of bullying, and fear and avoidance behaviors of crime victims and nonvictims at school. |
9/24/2019 |
NCES 2019054 | Student Reports of Bullying: Results From the 2017 School Crime Supplement to the National Crime Victimization Survey
These Web Tables use data from the 2017 School Crime Supplement (SCS) to the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) to show the relationship between bullying victimization and other variables of interest such as the reported presence of gangs, guns, drugs, alcohol, and hate-related graffiti at school; select security measures; student criminal victimization; and personal fear, avoidance behaviors, fighting, and weapon-carrying at school. |
7/16/2019 |
NCES 2019047 | Indicators of School Crime and Safety: 2018
A joint effort by the National Center for Education Statistics and the Bureau of Justice Statistics, this annual report examines crime occurring in schools and colleges. This report presents data on crime at school from the perspectives of students, teachers, principals, and the general population from an array of sources—the National Crime Victimization Survey, the School Crime Supplement to the National Crime Victimization Survey, the Youth Risk Behavior Survey, the School Survey on Crime and Safety, the Schools and Staffing Survey, EDFacts, and the Campus Safety and Security Survey. The report covers topics such as victimization, bullying, school conditions, fights, weapons, the presence of security staff at school, availability and student use of drugs and alcohol, student perceptions of personal safety at school, and criminal incidents at postsecondary institutions. |
4/17/2019 |
NCES 2018070 | Digest of Education Statistics, 2017
The 53rd in a series of publications initiated in 1962, the Digest's purpose is to provide a compilation of statistical information covering the broad field of education from prekindergarten through graduate school. The Digest contains data on a variety of topics, including the number of schools and colleges, teachers, enrollments, and graduates, in addition to educational attainment, finances, and federal funds for education, libraries, and international comparisons. |
1/30/2019 |
NCES 2018098 | Measuring School Climate Using the 2015 School Crime Supplement: Technical Report
This report uses data from the 2015 School Crime Supplement (SCS) to the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) to develop school climate measures and identify differences in scores for various student demographics including students experiencing or not experiencing criminal victimization and bullying. |
10/30/2018 |
NCES 2018093 | Repetition and Power Imbalance in Bullying Victimization at School
This data point shows students who reported repetition and power imbalance were components of the bullying they experienced and impact of the bullying they experienced on various aspects of their lives, such as their school work, relationships with family and friends, feelings about themselves, and their physical health. |
3/15/2018 |
NCES 2018095 | Changes in Bullying Victimization and Hate-Related Words at School Since 2007
This data point shows changes in reports of bullying and being called hate-related words at school from 2007 to 2015. |
3/15/2018 |
NCES 2018096 | Students' Relationships in School and Feelings About Personal Safety at School
This data point investigates the relationship between students' feelings of safety in school and their perceptions about the level of crime in their home neighborhoods and school neighborhoods. |
3/15/2018 |
NCES 2017094 | Digest of Education Statistics, 2016
The 52nd in a series of publications initiated in 1962, the Digest's purpose is to provide a compilation of statistical information covering the broad field of education from prekindergarten through graduate school. The Digest contains data on a variety of topics, including the number of schools and colleges, teachers, enrollments, and graduates, in addition to educational attainment, finances, and federal funds for education, libraries, and international comparisons. |
2/20/2018 |
NCES 2018106REV | Student Victimization in U.S. Schools: Results From the 2015 School Crime Supplement to the National Crime Victimization Survey
This report uses data from the 2015 School Crime Supplement (SCS) to the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) to examine student criminal victimization and the characteristics of crime victims and nonvictims. It also provides findings on student reports of the presence of gangs and weapons and the availability of drugs and alcohol at school, student reports of bullying, and fear and avoidance behaviors of crime victims and nonvictims at school. |
1/2/2018 |
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