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 Pub Number  Title  Date
NCES 2021029 2012–2016 Program for International Student Assessment Young Adult Follow-up Study (PISA YAFS): How reading and mathematics performance at age 15 relate to literacy and numeracy skills and education, workforce, and life outcomes at age 19
This Research and Development report provides data on the literacy and numeracy performance of U.S. young adults at age 19, as well as examines the relationship between that performance and their earlier reading and mathematics proficiency in PISA 2012 at age 15. It also explores how other aspects of their lives at age 19—such as their engagement in postsecondary education, participation in the workforce, attitudes, and vocational interests—are related to their proficiency at age 15.
NCES 2014020 Public-Use Data Files and Documentation (PEQIS 19): Services and Support Programs for Military Service Members and Veterans, 2012-13
This file contains data from a quick-response survey titled "Services and Support Programs for Military Service Members and Veterans, 2012-13." The survey was designed to provide descriptive national data on the prevalence and characteristics of services and support programs offered to all military service members and veterans enrolled for credit at postsecondary institutions in the United States, as well as dependents receiving military or veteran’s financial education benefits. For this survey, military service members and veterans refers to active-duty service members, reservists, members of the National Guard, and veterans. NCES released the results of the survey in the publication “Services and Support Programs for Military Service Members and Veterans at Postsecondary Institutions, 2012-13” (NCES 2014–017).

Questionnaires were mailed to the PEQIS institutions in early June 2013. Institutions were told that the survey was designed to be completed by the person(s) most knowledgeable about services and programs for military service members and veterans at the institution. Respondents had the option of completing the survey online. Telephone follow-up of nonrespondents was initiated in July 2013; data collection and clarification were completed in September 2013. The response rates were 93 percent unweighted and 90 percent weighted.

The survey covered customized support services such as academic support/tutoring, career planning/services, and mental health counseling; availability of mentoring programs; customization of admissions and orientation activities; availability of Veterans Affairs (VA) work-study opportunities; and tutorial assistance using VA educational benefits. Other topics included institutions’ policies for charging veterans in-state tuition, course offerings specifically for military service members and veterans, and availability of training for postsecondary staff members on issues specific to veterans and service members. The survey also collected information about the number and type of students enrolled, and the number and type of dependents enrolled who received military or veteran’s financial education benefits.
WWC IRSNFS12 First Step to Success
First Step to Success is an early intervention program designed to help children who are at risk for developing aggressive or antisocial behavioral patterns. The program uses a trained behavior coach who works with each student and his or her class peers, teacher, and parents for approximately 50 to 60 hours over a three-month period. First Step to Success includes three interconnected modules: screening, classroom intervention, and parent training. The screening module is used to identify candidates who meet eligibility criteria for program participation. Classroom intervention and parent training comprise the program intervention component of First Step to Success.
WWC IRSNIY11 The Incredible Years
The Incredible Years is a program that focuses on building the social and emotional skills of children ages 0–12 who are classified as having an emotional disturbance or those at risk for classification. Lessons cover recognizing and understanding feelings, getting along with friends, anger management, problem solving, and behavior at school. Parents are given training on how to provide positive discipline, promote learning and development, and stay involved in children’s lives at school. The WWC reviewed 81 studies that investigated the effects of The Incredible Years on children. One study meets WWC evidence standards, a randomized controlled trial that included 51 students at the University of Washington Parenting Clinic. Based on this study, the WWC found The Incredible Years to have potentially positive effects on external behavior and social outcomes for children classified as having an emotional disturbance.
NCES 2012154 Learning at a Distance: Undergraduate Enrollment in Distance Education Courses and Degree Programs
This Statistics in Brief investigates undergraduates’ participation in distance education using nationally representative student-reported data collected through the three most recent administrations of the National Postsecondary Student Aid Study (NPSAS:2000, NPSAS:04, and NPSAS:08).
NCES 2011163 Military Service Members and Veterans: A Profile of Those Enrolled in Undergraduate and Graduate Education in 2007–08
This Statistics in Brief uses nationally representative data to determine the representation of military students in undergraduate and graduate education and to examine how their demographic and enrollment characteristics compare with their nonmilitary peers.
NCES 2001534 Adult Literacy and Education in America
This report analyzes the literacy proficiencies of the nation’s adults in relation to their schooling, with a special focus on adults who did not complete high school, those whose proficiencies were below average, and those who enrolled in programs to improve their basic literacy. The findings were based on data from the 1992 National Adult Literacy Survey. Field staff for this survey interviewed nearly 13,600 individuals aged 16 and older throughout the nation, as well as adults 16 to 65 years old in each of eleven states that chose to participate in a special study designed to provide state-level results. This 1992 survey measured literacy proficiencies using performance across a wide array of tasks that reflect the types of reading materials and literacy demands that adults encounter in their daily lives.
NCES 2000169 Low-Income Students: Who They Are and How They Pay for Their Education.
This report examines the characteristics of low-income undergraduates and how they pay for college. It begins with a profile of low-income students, comparing them with their not-low-income counterparts. Then, focusing on low-income students who attend full time, full year, it examines their financial need, describes the contribution of financial aid, and presents what is known about how they close the gap between what they have to pay and the amount of aid they receive. Finally, the report compares three-year persistence among low-income and not-low-income undergraduates.
NCES 1999187 Students with Disabilities in Postsecondary Education: A Profile of Preparation, Participation, and Outcomes
This report provides a comprehensive profile of students with disabilities enrolled in postsecondary education. It is based on an analysis of four different surveys conducted by the National Center for Education Statistics, which were used to address the following four issues: 1) representation of students with disabilities enrolled in postsecondary education; 2) who among high school students with disabilities gains access to postsecondary education; 3) among those who enroll in postsecondary education, how well do they persist to degree attainment; and 4) among college graduates, what are the likely early labor market outcomes and graduate school enrollment rates of students with disabilities.
NCES 96894 Focus on NAEP: Inclusion of Students from Special Populations
This is a short topical publication about how NAEP is trying to increase the number of students with disabilities or limited English proficiency who are assessed.
NCES 95024 Vocational Education in the United States: The Early 1990's
This publication uses data from several NCES surveys in order to provide a complete picture of vocational education. Emphasis of this publication is on special populations since the 1990 Perkins Amendments requires NCES to obtain data on approximately 12 special populations.
NCES 95719 Education of Students with Disabilities (Indicator of the Month)
Reprinted from the 1994 Condition of Education Indicators.
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