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 Pub Number  Title  Date
NCES 2024027 School Crime Supplement 2022: Web Tables for the Crime & Safety Surveys Program Table Library
These tables come from the 2022 School Crime Supplement (SCS) to the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) and present national estimates of key indicators of school crime and safety, including: bullying during school, criminal victimization during school, the presence of drugs at school, hate-related graffiti at school, school safety and security practices, and student perceptions of safety at school and in the surrounding neighborhood. The estimates cover students in public and private schools, in grades 6 through 12, in the United States. The tables are a part of the larger Crime and Safety Surveys Program Table Library at NCES.
NCES 2024109 Student Reports of Bullying: Results From the 2022 School Crime Supplement to the National Crime Victimization Survey
The tables in this report present data on bullying in grades 6–12 from the 2022 School Crime Supplement (SCS) to the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS). The tables show how bullying victimization varies by student and school characteristics such as sex, race/ethnicity, grade, household income, region, urbanicity, enrollment size, and school poverty. The tables also show how rates of bullying victimization vary by crime-related variables such as the presence of gangs, guns, drugs, alcohol, and hate-related graffiti at school; selected school security measures; student criminal victimization; personal fear of attack or harm; avoidance behaviors; fighting; and the carrying of weapons.
NCES 2023055 Overview of the Middle Grades Longitudinal Study of 2017–18 (MGLS:2017): Technical Report
This technical report provides general information about the study and the data files and technical documentation that are available. Information was collected from students, their parents or guardians, their teachers, and their school administrators. The data collection included direct and indirect assessments of middle grades students’ mathematics, reading, and executive function, as well as indirect assessments of socioemotional development in 2018 and again in 2020. MGLS:2017 field staff provided additional information about the school environment through an observational checklist.
REL 2020027 Using Data from Schools and Child Welfare Agencies to Predict Near-Term Academic Risks
This study provides information to administrators, research offices, and student support offices in local education agencies (LEAs) interested in identifying students who are likely to have near-term academic problems such as absenteeism, suspensions, poor grades, and low performance on state tests. It describes an approach for developing a predictive model and assesses how well the model identifies at-risk students using data from two LEAs in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania. It also examines which types of predictors—including those from school, social services, and justice system data systems—are individually related to each type of near-term academic problem to better understand the causes of why students might be flagged as at risk by the model and how best to support them. The study finds that predictive models which apply machine-learning algorithms to the data are able to identify at-risk students with a moderate to high level of accuracy. Data from schools are the strongest predictors across all outcomes, and predictive performance is not reduced much when excluding social services and justice system predictors and relying exclusively on school data. However, some out-of-school events are individually related to near-term academic problems, including child welfare involvement, emergency homeless services, and juvenile justice system involvement. The models are more accurate in a larger LEA than in a smaller charter network, and they are better at predicting low GPA, course failure, and below basic performance on state assessments in grades 3-8 than they are for chronic absenteeism, suspensions, and below basic performance on end-of-course high-school standardized assessments. Results suggest that many LEAs could apply machine-learning algorithms to existing school data to identify students who are at-risk of near-term academic problems that are known to be precursors to dropout.
NCES 2019019 User's Manual for the ECLS-K:2011 Fifth-Grade Hearing Evaluations Component Restricted-Use Data File
This User’s Manual provides information on the hearing evaluations conducted on a subsample of study children in the spring fifth-grade round of data collection for the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Kindergarten Class of 2010-11 (ECLS-K:2011). It describes the evaluation components and data collection procedures used to evaluate children's hearing. It also describes the fifth-grade hearing evaluations component restricted-use data file structure and variables created from data collected during the evaluations. This manual is only available to users of the ECLS-K:2011 Fifth-Grade Hearing Evaluations Component Restricted-Use Data File (NCES 2019-018).
NCES 2019018 ECLS-K:2011 Fifth-Grade Hearing Evaluations Component Restricted-Use Data File
Hearing evaluations were conducted on a subsample of study children in the spring fifth-grade round of data collection. The ECLS-K:2011 fifth-grade hearing evaluations component restricted-use data file includes all of the hearing evaluation data collected during the spring 2016 round, including: responses from children to a set of pre-test questions intended to identify conditions that might affect either how the evaluation should be conducted or how the results should be interpreted; results from otoscopy, a brief visual examination of the ear; results from tympanometry, an automated test of middle ear function; results from pure tone air conduction audiometry; and results of a screener for specific language impairment. The hearing evaluations data are provided in an ASCII text file (Y5_hearingevaluation.DAT). A program that must be run in a statistical software package to input the ASCII text file and produce an analytic data file is provided in three formats: SAS, SPSS, and Stata. This file is intended to be used in conjunction with a main longitudinal restricted-use ECLS-K:2011 data file, for example the ECLS-K:2011 kindergarten-fifth grade restricted-use data file (NCES 2019-100).
NCES 2019050 ECLS-K:2011 Public-Use Kindergarten-Fifth Grade Data File and Electronic Codebook
The Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Kindergarten Class of 2010-11 (ECLS-K:2011) is a longitudinal study that followed a nationally representative sample of students from their kindergarten year to the spring of 2016, when most of the students were in fifth grade. This public-use data file includes data from every round of data collection: the fall and spring of the 2010-11 school year, when all of the students were in kindergarten; the fall and spring of the 2011-12 school year, when most of the students were in first grade; the fall and spring of the 2012-13 school year, when most of the students were in second grade; the spring of 2014, when most of the students were in third grade; the spring of 2015, when most of the students were in fourth grade, and the spring of 2016, when most of the students were in fifth grade. The file includes information collected from the students, their parents/guardians, their teachers, and their school administrators in each year of the study. It also includes information collected in the spring of 2011 from their kindergarten-year before- and after-school care providers.
NCES 2019100 ECLS-K:2011 Restricted-Use Kindergarten-Fifth Grade Data File and Electronic Codebook
The Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Kindergarten Class of 2010-11 (ECLS-K:2011) is a longitudinal study that followed a nationally representative sample of students from their kindergarten year to the spring of 2016, when most of the students were in fifth grade. This restricted-use data file includes data from every round of data collection: the fall and spring of the 2010-11 school year, when all of the students were in kindergarten; the fall and spring of the 2011-12 school year, when most of the students were in first grade; the fall and spring of the 2012-13 school year, when most of the students were in second grade; the spring of 2014, when most of the students were in third grade; the spring of 2015, when most of the students were in fourth grade, and the spring of 2016, when most of the students were in fifth grade. The file includes information collected from the students, their parents/guardians, their teachers, and their school administrators in each year of the study. It also includes information collected in the spring of 2011 from their kindergarten-year before- and after-school care providers.
NCES 2018083 ECLS-K:2011 Restricted-Use Kindergarten-Fourth Grade Data File and Electronic Codebook
The Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Kindergarten Class of 2010-11 (ECLS-K:2011) is a longitudinal study that followed a nationally representative sample of students from their kindergarten year to the spring of 2016, when most of the students were in fifth grade. This restricted-use data file includes information collected during the fall and spring of the 2010-11 school year, when all of the students were in kindergarten; the fall and spring of the 2011-12 school year, when most of the students were in first grade; the fall and spring of the 2012-13 school year, when most of the students were in second grade; the spring of 2014, when most of the students were in third grade; and the spring of 2015, when most of the students were in fourth grade. The file includes information collected from the students, their parents/guardians, their teachers, and their school administrators in each year of the study. It also includes information collected in the spring of 2011 from their kindergarten-year before- and after-school care providers.
NCES 2018033 ECLS-K:2011 Public-Use Kindergarten-Fourth Grade Data File and Electronic Codebook
The Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Kindergarten Class of 2010-11 (ECLS-K:2011) is a longitudinal study following a nationally representative sample of students from their kindergarten year to the spring of 2016, when most of the students are expected to be in fifth grade. This public-use data file includes information collected during the fall and spring of the 2010-11 school year, when all of the students were in kindergarten; the fall and spring of the 2011-12 school year, when most of the students were in first grade; the fall and spring of the 2012-13 school year, when most of the students were in second grade; the spring of 2014, when most of the students were in third grade; and the spring of 2015, when most of the students were in fourth grade. The file includes information collected from the students, their parents/guardians, their teachers, and their school administrators in each year of the study. It also includes information collected in the spring of 2011 from their kindergarten-year before- and after-school care providers.
NCES 2018091 ECLS-K:2011 Third-Grade Hearing Evaluations Component Restricted-Use Data File
Hearing evaluations were conducted on a subsample of study children in the spring third-grade round of data collection. The ECLS-K:2011 third-grade hearing evaluations component restricted-use data file includes all of the hearing evaluation data collected during the spring 2014 round, including: responses from children to a set of pre-test questions intended to identify conditions that might affect either how the evaluation should be conducted or how the results should be interpreted; results from otoscopy, a brief visual examination of the ear; results from tympanometry, an automated test of middle ear function; and results from pure tone air conduction audiometry. The hearing evaluations data are provided in an ASCII text file (K2011hearing3rd.DAT). A program that must be run in a statistical software package to input the ASCII text file and produce an analytic data file is provided in three formats: SAS, SPSS, and Stata. This file is intended to be used in conjunction with a main longitudinal restricted-use ECLS-K:2011 data file, for example the ECLS-K:2011 kindergarten-third grade restricted-use data file (NCES 2016-080).
NCES 2018090 User's Manual for the ECLS-K:2011 Third-Grade Hearing Evaluations Component Restricted-Use Data File
This User’s Manual provides information on the hearing evaluations conducted on a subsample of study children in the spring third-grade round of data collection for the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Kindergarten Class of 2010-11 (ECLS-K:2011). It describes the evaluation components and data collection procedures used to evaluate children's hearing. It also describes the third-grade hearing evaluations component restricted-use data file structure and variables created from data collected during the evaluations. This manual is only available to users of the ECLS-K:2011 Third-Grade Hearing Evaluations Component Restricted-Use Data File (NCES 2018-091).
NCES 2017286 ECLS-K:2011 Public-Use Kindergarten-Second Grade Data File and Electronic Codebook
The Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Kindergarten Class of 2010-11 (ECLS-K:2011) is a longitudinal study following a nationally representative sample of students from their kindergarten year to the spring of 2016, when most of the students are expected to be in fifth grade. This public-use data file includes information collected during the fall and spring of the 2010-11 school year, when all of the students were in kindergarten, the fall and spring of the 2011-12 school year, when most of the students were in first grade, and the fall and spring of the 2012-13 school year, when most of the students were in second grade. The file includes information collected from the students, their parents/guardians, their teachers, and their school administrators in the first two years of the study. It also includes information collected in the spring of 2011 from their kindergarten-year before- and after-school care providers.
NCES 2016080 ECLS-K:2011 Restricted-Use Kindergarten-Third Grade Data File and Electronic Codebook
This CD contains an electronic codebook (ECB), a restricted-use data file, and survey and ECB documentation for the fall and spring kindergarten, fall and spring first-grade, and fall spring second-grade, and spring third-grade rounds of data collection for the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Kindergarten Class of 2010-11 (ECLS-K:2011). The CD includes the user’s manual developed for use with this data file, which focuses on the third-grade round of data collection, as well as the manual released with the Kindergarten Restricted-Use Data File and Electronic Codebook, the manual released with the Kindergarten-First Grade Restricted-Use Data File and Electronic Codebook, and the manual released with the Kindergarten-Second Grade Restricted-Use Data File and Electronic Codebook.
NCES 2016184 User's Manual for the ECLS-K:2011 Second-Grade Hearing Evaluations Component Restricted-Use Data File
This User’s Manual provides information on the hearing evaluations conducted on a subsample of study children in the fall second-grade round of data collection for the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Kindergarten Class of 2010-11 (ECLS-K:2011). It describes the evaluation components and data collection procedures used to evaluate children's hearing. It also describes the second-grade hearing evaluations component restricted-use data file structure and variables created from data collected during the evaluations. This manual is only available to users of the ECLS-K:2011 Second-Grade Hearing Evaluations Component Restricted-Use Data File (NCES 2016-183).
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