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 Pub Number  Title  Date
NCES 2024257 2022–23 Common Core of Data (CCD) Graduates/Completers Public-Use Data Files, version 1a
These data files are the product of the CCD data collection for the 2022–23 school year. The unduplicated number of graduates/completers are reported at state, district, and school levels for the 12-month period from October 1, 2022, through September 30, 2023. The state- and district-level data are released as restricted-use (RUD) and public-use (PUB) files, while the school-level data are only released as a RUD file.

Data users requiring the RUD files can apply to use the RUD data files through the Standard Application Process (SAP) portal.
NCES 2022080REV A Retrospective Look at U.S. Education Statistics
This commemorative guide provides an overview of the history and use of federal education statistics that have been collected and reported by the federal education statistics agency (now the National Center for Education Statistics) since 1868. The “statistical profiles” in this report use updated historical trend data from 120 Years of American Education: A Statistical Portrait to offer an in-depth look at what each statistic measures, how it has been collected over the years, and what the data reveal about the statistic. First published with nine statistical profiles in November 2022, the report was updated in April 2024 to include additional content. Examples of statistics covered in the report include elementary and secondary student enrollment and achievement; high school graduates and graduation rates, and postsecondary student costs, degrees conferred, and finances. Readers can browse these profiles online and download PDFs of individual profiles.
NCES 2024157 2018–19 Common Core of Data (CCD) Graduates/Completers Public-Use Data Files, version 1a
This release represents the first release of the Common Core of Data (CCD) graduates/completers data since SY 2009–10. These data files are the product of the CCD data collection for the 2018–19 school year. The unduplicated number of graduates/completers are reported at state, district, and school levels for the 12-month period from October 1, 2018, through September 30, 2019. The state- and district-level data are released as restricted-use (RUD) and public-use (PUB) files, while the school-level data are only released as a RUD file.

Users need to apply for a RUD data license in order to obtain access to the RUD data files. Please go to Single Application Process (SAP) Portal at for more information.
NCES 2024034 Projections of Education Statistics to 2030
Projections of Education Statistics to 2030 is the 49th in a series of publications initiated in 1964. This publication provides national-level data on enrollment, teachers, high school graduates, and expenditures at the elementary and secondary level, and enrollment and degrees at the postsecondary level for roughly the past decade and projections to the year 2030. For the 50 states and the District of Columbia, the tables, figures, and text contain data on projections of public elementary and secondary enrollment and public high school graduates to the year 2030. The methodology section describes models and assumptions used to develop national- and state-level projections.
NCES 2023042 Private School Survey: Restricted-Use Data File for 2021-22 School Year
Restricted-Use data for the 2021-22 Private School Universe Survey in three formats: SAS, SPSS, and text. Includes file documentation and a copy of the questionnaire.
NCES 2023043 Private School Survey: Restricted-Use Data User's Manual for the 2021-22 School Year
User's Manual for 2021-22 restricted-use data file including codebook.
NCES 2024010 Private School Survey: Public-Use Data for 2021-22 School Year
Public-Use data for the 2021-22 Private School Universe Survey in three formats: SAS, SPSS, and text. Includes file documentation and a copy of the questionnaire.
NCES 2024011 Private School Survey: Public-Use Data User's Manual for 2021-22 School Year
User's Manual for 2021-22 public-use data file including codebook.
NCES 2023009 Digest of Education Statistics, 2021
The 57th in a series of publications initiated in 1962, the Digest's purpose is to provide a compilation of statistical information covering the broad field of education from prekindergarten through graduate school. The Digest contains data on a variety of topics, including the number of schools and colleges, teachers, enrollments, and graduates, in addition to educational attainment, finances, and federal funds for education, libraries, and international comparisons.
NCES 2022053 Early postsecondary education and work outcome differences by high school credential type
This Statistics in Brief uses data from the High School Longitudinal Study of 2009 (HSLS:09), a national study of more than 23,000 ninth-graders in 2009. Follow-up surveys were filled out by the cohort in 2012, 2013, and 2016. This report uses data of high school graduates’ transcripts, collected in 2013, and their postsecondary transcripts, collected in 2017-18. The analysis is based on about 17,300 HSLS:09 ninth-graders who participated in the second follow-up or for whom student records or transcripts were collected. This report shows differences in postsecondary enrollment and employment outcomes from those who earned traditional high school diplomas, and those who had not completed high school as of 3 years later.
NCES 2022018 Private School Universe Survey (PSS): Restricted-Use Data for School Year 2019-20
Restricted-Use data for the 2019-20 Private School Universe Survey in three formats: SAS, SPSS, and text. Includes file documentation and a copy of the questionnaire.
NCES 2022009 Digest of Education Statistics, 2020
The 56th in a series of publications initiated in 1962, the Digest's purpose is to provide a compilation of statistical information covering the broad field of education from prekindergarten through graduate school. The Digest contains data on a variety of topics, including the number of schools and colleges, teachers, enrollments, and graduates, in addition to educational attainment, finances, and federal funds for education, libraries, and international comparisons.
NCES 2021029 2012–2016 Program for International Student Assessment Young Adult Follow-up Study (PISA YAFS): How reading and mathematics performance at age 15 relate to literacy and numeracy skills and education, workforce, and life outcomes at age 19
This Research and Development report provides data on the literacy and numeracy performance of U.S. young adults at age 19, as well as examines the relationship between that performance and their earlier reading and mathematics proficiency in PISA 2012 at age 15. It also explores how other aspects of their lives at age 19—such as their engagement in postsecondary education, participation in the workforce, attitudes, and vocational interests—are related to their proficiency at age 15.
NCES 2021009 Digest of Education Statistics, 2019
The 55th in a series of publications initiated in 1962, the Digest's purpose is to provide a compilation of statistical information covering the broad field of education from prekindergarten through graduate school. The Digest contains data on a variety of topics, including the number of schools and colleges, teachers, enrollments, and graduates, in addition to educational attainment, finances, and federal funds for education, libraries, and international comparisons.
REL 2021059 Using High School Data to Predict College Success in Palau
The purpose of this study was to examine the college success of students who graduated from Palau High School between spring 2013 and spring 2015 and who enrolled at Palau Community College the fall semester immediately following their high school graduation. It also examined the relationships between student characteristics and three college success outcomes. The study’s sample included 234 students. The college success outcomes used in the study were first-year college cumulative grade point average, persistence to a second year of college, and earning an associate degree or certificate. Using existing data, researchers calculated descriptive statistics to describe the percentage of students who met each college success outcome. Multiple logistic regression models determined which student demographic and academic preparation characteristics predicted meeting the college success outcomes. The study results show that 60 percent of all students had a first-year college cumulative grade point average of 2.0 or higher, 56 percent persisted to a second year, and 20 percent earned an associate degree or certificate within three years. Having higher high school grade point averages predicted having higher first-year college grade point averages and being more likely to complete a degree or certificate within three years. Additionally, having higher grade 12 Palau Achievement Test scores, a standardized test administered in the Republic of Palau, predicted being more likely to have a higher first-year college grade point average. High school English course grades also predicted some college success outcomes. Specifically, earning a grade C or higher in grade 9 English predicted completing a certificate or degree within three years, and earning a grade of C or higher in grade 12 English predicted persisting to a second year. Finally, students who enrolled in the Palau High School Construction Technology Career Academy were less likely than students in other career academies to persist to a second year or complete a degree or certificate within three years. These findings suggest that most students achieved the early college success outcomes of earning a first-year college grade point average of 2.0 or higher and persisting to a second year, but that this did not always translate to graduating with a college degree or certificate within three years. Providing additional supports for students in college based on their high school performance, examining supports available for English learners at Palau High school, and reviewing the alignment of the Palau High School Construction Technology Career Academy and the needs of students who plan to attend college could help inform efforts to support the college success of students in Palau. Palau Community College may also want to conduct future studies to examine additional factors at the college, such as the effects of course sequencing or academic counseling services, to improve college success.
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